C&S in France 2012



A group of students traveled to Paris and Madrid over Spring Break 2012.  This trip had an IB C&S component and emphasis on internationalism so many IB students traveled; however, it was available for all TMS students.


Our C&S project was planned by Zy’Va, an organization that gives educational support to local children and youth in the suburb of Nanterre about 10 km north east of Paris, France.


Our first stop was to visit an English class in the local school.  The teacher separated his 13 and 14 year old students into groups.  One of our students was assigned to a group.  They then all started dialogue in English generated by the French students asking questions and our students answering—all in English I might add!.  By the end of the hour, all felt relaxed with each other and the excitement in the room was electrifying.

We then went back to the Zy’Va Center and helped decorate for Easter.  The French celebrate Easter after we do and it has no religious connection.  The children who attend the Center to receive academic help arrived and we all shook hands, interacted with the children and the staff  and then had a question and answer time.  Our Tour Guide was the translator.






Back to the ZyVa Center to decorate for Easter.