What does music do for you? Does it help you sleep at night? Does it get you throughout the day? Well music for me helps me express myself. Music saved me. When I was ten my father figure passed away the day after we argued due to a massive heart attack. I was struck in the heart when I watched the events go down. I can even replay the whole thing in my head and I did for months. I started to get anti-social only coming out my room for necessities. I tried not going to school but I was always made. I grieved then I copped. Circle of life right? I started listening to a lot of music. My first iPod had over 300 songs on it. I would listen to the lyrics and find out how this could be applied to my life. Soon I started hanging out with more friends and getting out more. The more I went out the more someone told me “You have a radio personality”. Family told me and even some strangers. My Mother moved and wanted me to go with. I felt like she was trying to take me from somewhere I was comfortable at. So I didn’t move and I moved in with my aunt in Highland Springs. Moving to a new school meant I had to find all new friends and get comfortable all over again. By 8th grade I heard of the Radio Broadcasting class at the tech center. I planned on going. I wanted whatever I did in life to be music related. I wanted to prove anyone that ever left me that I could make it. And I also wanted to make my father figure proud. So what did music do for me? It made it to where I can start a conversation with anybody almost instantaneously. Music helped me to leave my room and make friends. Music helped me from going down a path that would ruin the chances of me ever proving people wrong. So I ask again what has music done for you?