What is Henrico HEROES?
Helpers Engaged in Reaching Our Evolving Students is a mentoring program that connects youth with one-to-one relationships and community support. Henrico HEROES has been helping youth develop into their full potential and become productive members of the community since 2009.
Who Do These HEROES Serve?
The program serves the youth of Henrico County Public Schools. Students deserve developmental support as they grow and build upon their strengths. HEROES are matched with students of a broad range of ages and grade levels.
Program Overview and Requirements
Complete a two-hour program training.
Attend an opening event.
The mentoring program will launch in October and run through May, consisting of a series of other in-person events,
including one 30-45 minute session each week.
Attend a closing event and/or ceremony
You do not need to be a staff member of Henrico County Public Schools. We are looking for mentors from
a variety of backgrounds, committed to help encourage and support students during the school year.
How Can I Become a Hero?
Apply to become a mentor.
Complete a background check.
Attend a required mentor training.

How Do HEROES Make an Impact?
Every moment that a mentor spends with a mentee contributes to building a relationship that has endless impact.
Mentoring enhances academic motivation and support, strengthens communication skills, improves school attendance,
decision making skills and outlook towards the future.