September 28 – October 2, 2020

We had another great week!  Everyone is starting to really get into the swing of things.

From Mrs. Pruden: 

During our Glen Allen ES virtual instruction, cameras and, at times, microphones are on. We want to make sure students are in a location that is not capturing other things in your household for privacy reasons.  If an adult is helping facilitate, please make sure the adult is dressed appropriately, and we ask that you mute the microphone to prevent the entire class from seeing and hearing. We hope this will assist all Cubs in focusing on their teacher and instruction.

Please remember to encourage your student to completely shut down their computers each evening so that the computer can get a rest.  Also, refer to the attachment from Mr. Beasley with updated problem solving tips on the email I sent.

Monday is a school holiday!

Important Dates  

9/28  School holiday

10/2  Word Trek Quizzes Lesson #3

10/7  Order of Operations Test

10/8  Exponent Quiz

10/30 Mystery book report due



This week we will continue to work with order of operations (5.7 & 6.6) and exponents and perfect squares (6.4).  There will be a  quiz on exponents and squares on Thursday, October 8th.  Your student has notes and examples of all of these skills in their math notebooks as well as in the Math folder found in the Student Resources folder.  I am reminding them to take their notes out each day to complete homework correctly.  Please continue to encourage your student to also use the resources on the Math page of this blog to practice and prepare.  There will be an Order of Operations Test on Wednesday, October 7th.


This year in Reading we will often use novel studies to explore and hone comprehension skills.  We will utilize fifth grade appropriate novels while practicing middle school level literature analysis skills.  This week we will start reading the novel Running Out of Time.  We will also explore story elements such as types of characters, theme, and conflict and resolution. With the novel and the read aloud the students will identifying characters traits and supplying evidence that supports their choices.

I will be posting Word Trek on Friday afternoons in the current Friday folder for those who want to get a head start on preparing for the quizzes.

Next week the students will get information for their first book report.  This book report will be a mystery.  Books should be at least fifth grade level and at least 100 pages.  Students will need to get their book approved by me by next Friday, October 2nd.  Book reports are due on Friday, October 30th.  More information will be coming.


We are continuing with our Rock Unit.  We will learn about the three different types of rocks, how they are made, and how the rock cycle works.  The students have a copy of the study guide in their digital My Rocks Notebook and it is also located in the Science folder found in the Student Resources on the Homeroom page in Schoology.


We will finish up the history of Henrico County next week.  The students are doing several digital activities to help enhance their learning.  There is so much great history found in Henrico!