Stop Motion Ocean Food Chains

Mrs. Beam’s 5th grade students have been studying oceans in science. They conducted research in the library to learn more about ocean food chains. Based on what they learned, they worked with a partner to create their own ocean food chain by choosing their producer and consumers. Next they used a variety of craft supplies to create the animals and the ocean scene that would be featured in their food chain animations. Students also wrote a script to accompany their artwork. We used the Stop Motion app on the iPads to animate the ocean food chain and record their script.
[iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″>]

The finished movies were saved to the camera roll and uploaded to the student folder in Seesaw. Here are a few of the finished food chains!
[iframe height=’400′ width=’400′ src=’’]
[iframe height=’400′ width=’400′ src=’’]
[iframe height=’400′ width=’400′ src=’’]