The students in Mrs. Wilson’s 3rd grade class have been studying graphing in math. Today, we introduced pictographs using this Google Slide Template. Using the Google Drive integration, the teacher was able to easily add this slideshow to her assignment within her math course in Schoology. Students logged into Schoology through Clever, opened the slideshow, and they were ready to work right within the Schoology platform. To gather data, students used this wheel with the options for lunch (pizza, cheeseburger, or taco).
Then they added that food to the graph by clicking on the picture of the food, duplicating the image (Ctrl + D), and moving it to the graph. Students repeated these steps (spin the wheel, duplicate the food, and add it to the graph) to get a full set of data. Then they created another slide where they typed a question that could be answered by analyzing their graph. When students were finished, they pushed the Submit Assignment button within Schoology to send their work to their teacher. Take a look at this finished student sample.