Skip Counting Caterpillar in Pixie App

These 1st grade students have been working on skip counting, so today they created skip counting caterpillars in Pixie. They went to the Pixie app on the iPad and took a picture of themselves in the circle shape for the head of their caterpillar. Next they used the basic shapes in stickers and were able to select any color circles they wanted. Some chose all the same color, while others opted to make a pattern out of their caterpillar. Once all of the cirlces were in place, student selected all objects on the screen and glued them to the page (edit –> glue). Then they used the paint tool to draw 2 legs on each circle of their caterpillar and write the number on the caterpillar. Finally, they recorded their voice as they skip counted by 2’s. Check out these awesome examples!

Video Oct 20, 8 49 44 AM from Karen Hues on Vimeo.