It’s that time of year when many schools are electing officers for the SCA. Rather than doing a lot of coding in Quia, you may want to consider using a Google Form. With Google Forms, you can insert an image before the question. In the image, include each students picture and name. You can line up the pictures and add names in Word, Powerpoint, Google Doc, etc. and then using the snipping tool to take a snip to insert onto the form. Then set the answer choices as multiple choice so each student only gets to vote one time for each office. With Google Forms, you can wait to enable voting until after the candidates have given their speeches and then disable voting again at the end of the day so you can pull the results and determine the winners. The votes will be collected on a Google Spreadsheet that is associated with your Google Form. It provides bar graphs, pie graphs, percentages, and more that will help you easily determine the SCA winners.