During spring Reflective Friends observations, I saw a teacher who had some great ideas for probability stations. The students were recording their results on a worksheet, but I thought it will be really neat to gather results on a Google Form, so I gave it a try with a class this week. I tried this activity with 4 different stations. The students scanned the QR code to the form on the iPad and then completed the activity. Students took turns filling out and submitting the form until everyone had a turn.
Color Spinner
Heads or Tails
Roll the Dice
Choose a Block
Afterwards, we were able to view and analyze the data as a class by opening the spreadsheet to the form. If you click on form, you can get a summary of the results, which pulled up as either a pie or a bar graph for the multiple choice question I asked.
Following the lesson, the teacher and I reflected and decided it could be better if we had a spinner with uneven color spaces, so that one would be more likely to occur than another. The same would work for the choose a block station. If the entire bag consisted of red and blue blocks, the students would have much different data than if the bag had one of each color. I can’t wait to try this again with another class.