Will It Dissolve?

Jan Locher, 1st grade teacher at Maybeury, was interested in learning more about Google Forms and using them with her students. In our planning session, we decided to create a Google Form for an upcoming lab that she had planned. Rather than experimenting whole group, the students navigated through 10 stations where they had a substance (solid or liquid) and a cup of water for mixing. Each pair of students had an iPad that they took with them from station to station. They began the lab by scanning the QR Code to launch the Google Form. Then they had to look at the materials at their station and predict if the substance would dissolve or not when mixed with water. Next they put a small amount of the substance into the water and gave it a stir. After observing the mixture and discussing it with their partners, the students marked what actually happened on their lab form.

When they completed all 10 stations, they submitted their form and Jan projected the spreadsheet on the Promethean Board so they could have a class discussion about the data that was collected.