3rd Grade Adaptations & Habitats

The third grade students in Mrs. Hatfield’s class at Glen Lea have been studying animal adaptations and habitats.  As a fun culminating activity, her students went to the Build Your Wild Self site to create their wild self.  First, the students tried to create a character that looked almost identical to themselves.  Next, they could select the different animal parts to turn themselves wild.  Finally, the students had to select a habitat that they thought would be appropriate for their wild self based on its characteristics.  When they completed their wild self, the website did a fantastic job of explaining the benefits/purpose of each of the animal parts that they selected.

The students then took a screen shot of their wild self and pasted it into a Pages document.  From here the students will be able to type a paragraph explaining what kind of animal they are, what habitat they live in, and what body parts allow them to adapt to this habitat.

From Wild Self