2nd Grade Comparing & Rounding Numbers

The 2nd Grade students in Mrs. Woolheater’s class at Glen Lea used Pixie to practice comparing numbers and rounding to the nearest ten.

To compare numbers, I created a template in which the students were considering two numbers and trying to determine which number was larger.  They used the alligator to help them determine which sign to choose.  By flipping the alligator sticker, you can turn it so that the alligator is “eating” the larger number.  The greater than, less than, and equal to signs can be drawn using the paint tool, or they can be selected from the Math clip art folder under stickers.

Next, we rounded numbers to the nearest ten.  Using the paint tool, students underlined the number in the ones place.  If that number was 5 or above, we’d give the number in the tens place a bump up to the next ten.  If the number in the ones place was 4 or below, we’d let it go and leave the number in the tens place the same.  The students then typed the rounded number into the text box.

Promethean users can use the pen to have students use the features on the board.  Non-Promethean users can project on the white board and use the Expo markers to draw, or you could have the students come up to your computer and draw on Pixie.  The possibilities are endless with Pixie!