Glance at a Golden Week 9.24-9.28

It’s hard to believe that we’re wrapping up our first month of school and that the fall season is upon us! We are working hard to get our routines nailed down and reaching to meet the high expectations of being a 5th grader. Keep up the great work!

This week our first Math and Reading homework assignment was due. As a reminder, homework goes home on Wednesdays and is due the following Wednesday. Students will check Math homework on Wednesday mornings and Reading homework on Thursday mornings. All checked homework will be returned home on Friday. Students will receive a 100% participation grade for homework that is completed and turned in on time. For any homework assignment that is not turned in on time or is incomplete, the student will receive an X on their Weekly Behavior Chart and a 50% participation grade.


Reading- Students identified and summarized the main idea and supporting details in fiction texts. We read the story “Squeak Twice for Yes” in our StoryWorks magazines, thanks to your kind donation ! The students used the ice cream cone method of organizing their main idea and details, with the cone being the main idea and the scoops being the details. Writing-  the students continued working on editing their writing by focusing on correct usage of contractions. Additionally, the students identified and utilized the intended audience to create a clear topic sentence in their writing.

Social Studies-  As we continue our study of the Henrico Shire, this week we learned about key water and land features that define the borders of the past and present county. Students had the chance to explore Henricus through a fun video created by some of our very own talented county teachers! Click on the icon below to explore this great website as we study the history of our amazing county!  

Math & Science–  Visit Miss Capano’s blog to read what students did in math and science this week!


  • MATH: Order of Operations
  • SCIENCE: Rock Cycle
  • READING: Character Traits, Drawing Conclusions
  • WRITING: Organizing Writing, Possessive Nouns
  • SOCIAL STUDIES: Henrico History


  • Monday, Oct. 1:
  • Tuesday, Oct. 2: National Custodian Day
  • Wednesday, Oct. 3: Afterschool Enrichment Classes start
  • Thursday, Oct. 4:
  • Friday, Oct. 5:
    • Reading Bi-Weekly Summative Assessment
    • Skype a Scientist
    • Fundraiser due


  • Girls In Medicine: We have received some fun information from the Science Museum for an exciting opportunity for girls in grades 3-5. Read below and click the link for more information on this awesome event! Our Girls in Medicine Camp-In on October 12 is an opportunity for elementary school-aged girls 8-11 to join forces with professional women in medicine, learn and have fun! This overnight experience was created exclusively to inspire girls to pursue a career path in medicine. This event features tons of activities, hands-on workshops, a giant screen movie, exhibit exploration, a t-shirt, snacks and more!
  • Big Blast School Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone that has sent out emails and donated to help raise money for our school! We are so close to reaching our school goal! Since we are so close, the fundraiser has been extended! Be sure to register if you haven’t done so already at GA Big Blast. The registration code is 448872. As a reminder, any student that raised $50 will be invited to our HUGE inflatable party and will be able to wear a costume! Check out our school video for more information on the Big Blast Inflatable Party!

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