First Week of School 9/3/2019

Dear families,
It was so wonderful to meet so many students and families at our Trevvett Open House yesterday! Thank you for coming, bringing all the school supplies, and seeing our exciting learning environment.
This year I am proud to be part of a coteaching classroom. Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Katherine Duffy. Mrs. Duffy has been teaching in Fairfax County for the last three years in fourth and fifth grades and cannot wait to begin working with our third graders.
For those of you who don’t know me I am beginning my fifth year at Trevvett Elementary and my twenty first year as a teacher! I have taught second, third, and fourth grades in my career so I understand where your child is coming from and where they need to be to continue to progress academically.
I run a very structured classroom and have high expectations of all my students. I also recognize that Third grade i a challenging year for children (and families) with the increased demands of reading comprehension, harder math, and learning about the greater world around us. Please know that we will start slowly, build your child’s confidence, and have lots of fun learning experiences together as we build a classroom community in the first few weeks of school!
This year there are a few important changes to your child’s daily routine: homework with come home on the first day of the week and be due on Friday. I have linked this to the blog so that you are aware what is expected for the week. Another change is a weekly behavior communicator will not come home on Fridays. It is the expectation that parents will monitor grades through power school. We will send home a PAW Power+ sheet on Friday’s that focuses on our three core values: Perseverence, Attitude, and Work Ethic.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post carefully every week and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns! I look forward to working together this year to make sure third grad is “paw”sitively awesome for your child!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 2-Labor Day Holiday
Tuesday, September 3-First day of Third grade
Please sign and return all forms in your student’s folder. Join classdojo to stay connected with our class throughout the year! A class join code is in your child’s folder.
Friday, September 6-Backpacks of Love forms due to Mrs. Bushey
Fall Fundraiser begins

week of June 10

Dear families,
We have had a GREAT last full week of instruction in third grade. The students have enjoyed their guest instructor, Mrs. Robertson, who has advanced their learning with lessons on characterization and written expression. We spent math time playing some of our favorite math games from the year. In science we had lots of fun hands on experiences to explore soil.

Today we made edible soil profiles and painted rocks for our math rocks garden!
Next week will also be full of fun activities! On Monday we are having “camp” day at Trevvett. All students will participate in integrated camp activities throughout the morning. Students who are invited to attend our PAW Achievement celebration for the fourth quarter will continue the fun in the afternoon! Pleas note, on Monday our lunch time is time is 12-12:25 on Monday. Students who have seven or less marks on their weekly communicator have an invitation stapled to it today!
On Thursday we are having a board game day. If your student would like to bring in a favorite game to play we will be playing board games from 11 am until dismissal. Please make sure your student clearly marks their name on the game. Let them know that they must share with others if they bring the game to school.
On Friday, June 14 please join us at 8:30 for our class awards assembly. Your child will receive their report cards at this time.
It has been a real pleasure to work with each student in my class this year! They have shown so much growth academically, socially, and physically! Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being a member of your family for this period of time.
Have a wonderful summer!!

Upcoming Events:
Monday, June 10-Camp PAW/PAW Achievement Celebration 12:30-1:45 pm
Tuesday, June 11-No School for students/Henrico County Special election
Wednesday, June 12-STEAM DAY
Thursday, June 13-Board Game Day
Friday, June 14-Last Day of Third Grade/Class Awards Assembly

Week of 6/3

Dear families,
We have had an action packed week with our musical performance on Tuesday! The third graders sounded wonderful! They really exemplified the” positivity” of the songs they sang! Thank you for the families that came, and stayed to participate in Family Fitness Night!

Field Day today was a huge success! We enjoyed the cloud cover for the first part of the morning, and had lots of fun participating in all of the stations Mr. Holcher planned for our Trevvett Tigers.

The end of the year fun continues next week with some STEAM activities. We will we working with MR. Clough to make videos for the second graders to watch in September when they become third graders. We will be studying soil in Science and also reading about soil during reading. On Friday we will make edible soil profiles. I am asking for donations of the following items:
small clear plastic cups
a dozen chocolate pudding cups
a dozen butterscotch pudding cups
1 bag chocolate chips
1 bag OREO cookies
If you are able to donate any of the above items it would be much appreciated. You can email me at
or message me on class dojo or remind. If you could send the items to school by Thursday I would be very grateful!
Learning will continue next week, but we will no longer have written homework. Please have your child read for at least 20 minutes every night and write it in their agendas! They can continue to log into Moby Max to practice Math and Reading skills.
Upcoming Events:
June 4-6 pm Trevvett Talent Show
June 11-No School for STudents/teacher work day
June 14-Last day of School for 2018/2019-student 1/2 Day

Week of 5/27

Dear families,
Hooray for our classroom! Standardized testing is over except for isolated students who have the opportunity to retake. Thank you for your support throughout this stressful process! The students did an amazing job and I am proud of every single one of them. They have learned so much this year! Your child’s SOL scores will come home on June 14 with their fourth nine weeks’ report cards.
Even though testing has concluded, instruction will continue. In Reading we will be reviewing realistic fiction and main idea and supporting details. In Math we will continue to practice problem solving in word problems. In Social Studies we will compare national holidays like Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veteran’s Day. In Writing we will describe the things that we have done well in third grade.
Lots of special events in the week to come! Tuesday is our third grade performance at 6 pm. Please send your child to the library at 5:45 in jeans and a solid, bright colored T-shirt for a brief practice. Following the performance will be our Family Fitness night. Bring the whole family for a night of entertainment and fun! Friday, May 31 is Field Day! The students will be outside for the majority of the day! Please have them dress in closed toes shoes like athletic shoes, and light comfortable clothes. There will be water stations around the activities. I would love it if the children could bring a reusable water bottle to cut down on the amount of waste we produce.
Learning opportunities at home:
Epic! digital library app is offering 3 Summer Months for $3 (rolls into a subscription). Our kids love Epic! See
Moby Max activities are available at home throughout the summer!

week of 5/20

Dear families,
I am so proud of the students and their hard work this week on our Reading SOL! The really tried their best! We will be taking our Math SOL on Thursday and Friday next week. I know that they will show the same perserverance on these days and do the math!
Next week in Reading we will be reviewing fiction and nonfiction inferencing to keep our skills sharp. In writing we will be writing personal narratives. In Math we will be reviewing focusing on geometry, estimation, and measurement. This is a great website to use at home to help your child practice all their math skills.
In Science we will be learning about renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy.
Thurs/Fri. May 23-24-Math SOL
Monday, May 27-Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 28-Third grade performance/Family Fitness Night 6-8pm
Friday, May 31-Field Day

week of 5/13

Dear families,
Thank you for all the cards flowers, snacks, treats, and school supplies that you showered upon me this week! I appreciate each and every gesture and am overwhelmed with your generosity!
Next week we will be getting prepared for the students to take their SOL test in Reading on Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest the nights before the test and comes to school on time. The test itself is two passages a day over two days. If you would like more information about Virginia’s Standards of Learning tests please visit the Department of Education’s website.
Due to SOL testing we will not have any written homework next week. Please have your child continue to read for twenty minutes and record in their agenda.
In Math we will be reviewing measurement and geometry. In Science we will be learning about renewable and nonrenewable resources. In Writing we will be reviewing abbreviations and capitalization.
Please come to Trevvett on Thursday,May 16 for our Moving On Night. Mrs. Bushey will present important information for rising kindergarten and third grades, and families can meet the teachers for the next grade level and learn about expectations. Moving On Night will be from 6 pm to 7:30. Dinner will be served!
Upcoming Events:
Thurs/Fri. May 16-17-Reading SOL test
Thursday, May 16-Moving On Night 6 pm-7:30 pm
Thurs/Fri. May 23-24-Math SOL
Monday, May 27-Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 28-Third grade performance/Family Fitness Night 6-8pm
Friday, May 31-Field Day

week of May 6

Dear Families,
We are pumped up and ready for our SOL tests this month. The students have been practicing all of their strategies and we celebrated today with a school wide PEP Rally! Our third graders wowed the second through fifth grades with their songs of positivity! I am so proud of the children and their performance today!

The third grade will be performing again on Tuesday, May 28 at 6 pm for our PTO meeting. A letter from Ms. Atkins came home last week. The students are asked to report the library at 5:45 for this evening performance.
Next week in Reading we will be reviewing drawing conclusions in nonfiction, comparing settings, characters, and events in fiction, and using character traits to make fiction inferences. Please use the reading passages in your child’s folder to help them remember how to practice finding the answers to questions using evidence in what they read. In writing we will focus on writing to persuade. In math we will be reviewing computation and estimation to solve problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The students need to remember to slow down and show their work, or as I remind them, DO THE MATH, be successful with their third grade math skills. In social studies we will learn about Christopher Newport and his contributions to the colonization of Virginia.
As you help your child prepare for their SOL tests please check their homework and remember to read for twenty minutes every night, check over their homework for completion and accuracy, and monitor their agenda because additional assignments may come home as the need arises. Other great resources are SOL Pass and your child’s Hclever account!
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday/Friday May 16-17-Reading SOL
Thursday/Friday May 23-24-Math SOL
Monday, May 27-Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 28-PTO Third Grade Performance 5:45 pm -7 pm
Friday, May 31-Field Day rescheduled

Week of 4/29

Dear Families,
We had such a positive week in third grade! All of the students have worked very hard over the last two weeks on their NWEA MAPS tests in Reading and Math to show wonderful growth! On Monday the students will celebrate their success with an ice cream float party and extra recess.
You will notice the adult in the cover photo is not me! That is our practicum student, Miss Katey Hougland from Randolph Macon University. Miss Hougland works with the class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 am until 12:30. She is a wonderful support to the students and will continue to work in our classroom through May 11.
As our SOL testing rapidly approaches the students are reviewing previously taught objectives. In Reading we are reviewing nonfiction text focusing on main idea, supporting details, summarizing, and text features. In Language/Writing we are reviewing synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. We will also review how to use context clues to determine meaning within text. In Math we will review place value, rounding, estimating, computation, fraction representations, and comparing fractions and whole numbers. In Social Studies we will learn about Christopher Columbus and Christopher Newport.
The students will not have computer testing next week so we can focus on review and sharpen our skills.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, April 29-Picture Day-don’t forget to bring tennis shoes for PE.
Tuesday, April 30-last day for Moby Max Challenge
Thursday/Friday May 16-17-Reading SOL
Thursday/Friday May 23-24-Math SOL
Friday, May 31-Field Day rescheduled

Week of 4/22

Dear families,
We have had a very exciting week in third grade! 95% of the class is now fluent in their facts for addition and subtraction. The students celebrated today with a prize of an Arby’s kids meal certificate, a smelcil, and a ring pop. Please continue to practice basic facts on Moby Max at home! Let’s get all the students fluent in addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division so they are ready for fourth grade. In other exciting news, 88% of the students showed growth on their NWEA Maps Reading test yesterday. I am so proud of the children as they become more mature learners and take ownership of their learning!
Next week in Reading we will be reviewing reference sources and fiction comprehension. In writing we will complete our fables to display in the hall for May. In Math we are completing our unit on geometry and reviewing measurement for length and volume before our NWEA Maps math test on Thursday, April 25. Your child does not need to study to prepare for this test, however I will send home their math notebooks if you choose to help them review at home. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before the test and eats a good breakfast! In social studies we will complete our unit on rules and laws and learn about diversity and culture in the United States.
On Friday we will have our 2019 Field Day. The students will be outside for the majority of the day. We are encouraging parents to have their children bring a reusable water bottle to school that is labeled with their name. Students need to be dressed appropriately for outdoor play: closed toed shoes and comfortable clothes. If your child will need sunscreen please apply it before they come to school. I look forward to a fun day of play!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, April 22-No School/Easter holiday
Tuesday, April 23-Third quarter report cards sent home
Thursday, April 25-NWEA Math assessment
Friday, April 26-Field Day!
Looking ahead: SOL tests are right around the corner: Third grade will take reading May 16 and 17 and Math May 23-24. Ask your child what strategies they use to understand their reading an have them practice these at home during their nightly reading!
Have a great weekend!

Week of 4/15

Dear families,
I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing Spring Break. The students returned from Break ready to learn. We have had a wonderful week full of fun experiences learning about key word summaries, geometric lines, simple and compound machines, and writing our own fables. Of course our field trip to the Math Science Innovation Center was a highlight where students built their own Lego machines and coded them!

Next week will be another busy one. In Reading we will be reviewing main idea and details, and asking and answering questions with fiction. This is a great website for reading review that students can practice at home! The students do not have a power test in reading, however the class will be taking their end of year NWEA MAPS assessment on Thursday, April 18. There is studying at home for this test but please make sure you child gets plenty of rest, eats a healthy breakfast, and gets some extra hugs and kisses on Thursday! In Writing we will be explaining how to make a simple machine to do household chores. In Math we will finish our unit on geometry by investigating polygons with up to ten sides and ten angles.
In Social Studies we will learn about the difference between rules and laws, as well as the importance of being a good citizen. Friday is a half day and another STEAM experience for our students. We will be working in groups to discover the relationship between force and distance by creating an experiment and testing our design. We will incorporate technology by graphing the data we collect. Please join us if your schedule allows: a flyer will be sent home on Tuesday!
Please read the upcoming events below-lots of exciting things going on in the fourth quarter!
Upcoming Event:
Thursday, April 18-NWEA Reading assessment
Friday, April 19-STEAM Day/10:55 dismissal begins
Monday, April 22-No School/Easter holiday
Tuesday, April 23-Third quarter report cards sent home
Thursday, April 25-NWEA Math assessment
Friday, April 26-Field Day!
Looking ahead: SOL tests are right around the corner: Third grade will take reading May 16 and 17 and Math May 23-24. Ask your child what strategies they use to understand their reading an have them practice these at home during their nightly reading!
Have a great weekend!