week of 12/16

Dear families,
STEAM day was a success! Third and first grade classes collaborated to create gifts that will be exchanged Thursday, December 19 during Trevvett’s Giving Market. Please look for a flyer about our Spirit Week activities next week in your child’s daily communication folder.
Next week is an exiting one and the last week of school for 2019! Mrs. Duffy and I will still be teaching new material and the students are expected to be engaged and focused on their learning. We will pause instruction on Friday to celebrate with winter themed activities. I have attached the letter that was sent home Thursday here for your reference.
In reading next week we will be learning about plot, theme, main idea and summarizing. In writing the students will complete their personal narrative and continue to practice prefixes and suffixes. In math we will practice perimeter and area, and learn to find temperature in celcius and farenheit to the nearest degree. In social studies we will continue our unit on the contributions of ancient Greece.
Upcoming events:
Friday, December 20-pajama day, bring a toy to school, measurement Olympics, winter party 1 pm
Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3, 2020-Winter Break