Week of 11/11

Dear families,
We have had a fabulous week of learning in third grade! The students were so excited to begin our units of study in math on multiplication and division, and in social studies on ancient China. On Thursday our VCU practicum student Miss Andre reviewed ancient Chinese inventions and had the students make paper lanterns.

Thank you to all the families who came to our first student-led conferences on Tuesday. I appreciate your patience as these conferences took a little more time for the children to demonstrate how they are taking ownership of their learning.
On Wednesday a permission slip came home for our field trip to the Science Museum of Virginia on December 6. The cost of this trip is $14.00. Please send payment and the completed form to Trevvett no later than November 20. You may also pay the fee online. The cost to chaperone is also $14.00. If you wish to chaperone you need to have a volunteer application on file for the 2019/2020 school year.
We are collecting socks, gloves, and hats for families in need all next week. We will not be participating in the canned food drive for the Christmas Mother program. Please bring in new winter hats, gloves, and plain white tube socks in any size next week to support our community service giving project!
Next week Mrs. Duffy and I are looking forward to a full five day week of learning. In in reading the students will complete their novel study of Crenshaw. We will have a nine weeks’ assessment in reading on Tuesday, November 12. The students will have their reading notebook Monday night to review vowel patterns, nonfiction text features, and character analysis.
In writing the students will learn about sound of or, ore as well as write a persuasive essay that states an opinion. In math we will continue to learn the meaning of multiplication and division, focusing on word problems. The students will have a nine weeks assessment in math on Friday, November 15. I will send home their notebooks on Wednesday and Thursday to prepare for this cumulative assessment. Please review all the study guides that have been provided to the students to prepare for this assessment.
In social studies we will continue to learn about ancient China. We will honor Veteran’s Day on Monday and again on Thursday with a school wide assembly beginning at 8 am. We would love to see families and veterans join us on Thursday when the first and fifth graders perform!
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, November 12-reading 9 weeks assessment
Thursday, November 14-Veteran’s Day assembly
Friday, November 15-math nine weeks assessment
Monday, November 18-1/2 day; awards assemblies in the classrooms, report cards come home
Wednesday, November 20-last day to pay for Science Museum field trip
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29-Thanksgiving holiday
Have a great weekend!