Week of 10/7

Dear families,
What a successful STEAM Day on Monday! The students collaborated, communicated and worked to create their own animal that had adaptations to survive in an environment that they chose.

Next week in reading we will continue to focus on reading nonfiction text. We will be making connections, using text features, and determining author’s purpose. In writing we will identify complete and incomplete sentences using students’ own writing. In math we are rounding numbers and using this skill to estimate and problem solve. The students have a math test on Friday, 10/11. It is cumulative and will cover graphing, place value, comparing four digit numbers, and estimation. In science we will learn how animals get their food and food chains.

In third grade the students do not go through the breakfast line. Their breakfast is pre-ordered every week (usually on Thursday) for the following week. A breakfast bucket is delivered to the class every morning and the students eat in the classroom. If your child eats breakfast at school I will take their order and send it to the cafeteria. There has been some confusion this year about third grade breakfast procedures. Please talk with your child about your breakfast plans and let me know if there are problems. We do not want students charged for food they do not eat or food wasted because a child ate home but placed a breakfast order. Also be assured that if your child needs breakfast and did not place an order the previous week I will make sure that they get one from the cafeteria. Our intention is to streamline the process in the morning and maximize learning time. Thank you for your support as we get used to this new routine!

Gifted referrals:
Parent referrals for gifted identification will be accepted beginning October 7 to October 25, 2019. As you consider your decision to refer your child, please be sure to speak with his/her teacher to discuss any gifted qualities being observed in the classroom on a consistent basis. Referrals should be submitted in writing (email is acceptable) to Jennifer Rhoden at jmrhoden1@henrico.k12.va.us during these designated dates. No referrals will be accepted after October 25. Subject line of email should state Gifted Referral, and the email should include student’s first and last name, grade level, teacher, and area of referral (English, Math or Both areas). An email confirmation will be sent within 48 hours. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please call the school.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, October 10-Trevvett International Night 6 pm
Friday, October 11-Math test
Monday, October 14-Columbus Day/Student Holiday
Tuesday, October 29-Book or Treat 6-8 pm
Have a wonderful weekend!