week of 9/9

Dear families,
We have had an outstanding first week of school! The students are learning to work cooperatively, follow rules, show kindness to others, and understand differences in our class community. We have been practicing for read to self during reading, learning about graphs in math, writing to respond to what we have read in reading, and learning citizenship in social studies.

In reading next week we will continue to learn reading expectations in class. We will write to describe how to be a good citizen. In math we will continue our unit on graphing. The students have a computer test on graphing Friday, September 13.
In social studies we will continue citizenship and the US government.
Today we had our kick off assembly for our fall fundraiser. The fundraiser lasts through September 20. The students have a packet in their daily folders today that describes how to help our school raise funds for student programs and supplies. Last year we were able to raise enough money for every teacher to have a document camera in their classroom. Thank you in advance for your support!

There has been a change in our daily schedule. Please review the changes that have been made.
Our Back to School night will be sent to you as a powerpoint on September 16. Trevvett is looking forward to taking this opportunity to have individual conferences with families so we know how to best support your child.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Hufnell and Mrs. Duffy