First week of School

Dear families,
We are off to a fantastic year in third grade! I am so impressed with the students’ attention and interest to our first day activities. Here are a few updates:
Snack-Families are encouraged to send in a healthy snack for the students to eat at 10 am every day. Please do not send in any drinks or messy items that students may spill or need a spoon to consume. We will continue with instruction during snack time so it needs to be something that they can eat while completing their learning activities. We discourage nut based snacks. Thank you!
I am attaching our daily schedule for your information. We have PE tomorrow. Please wear appropriate athletic footwear!
Students have a project to complete that will come home tomorrow in their daily folders. The directions are included. This is due on Friday, September 6. It is also attached to the blog under the heading homework.
I am looking forward to working with your child this year!
Ms. Hufnell and Mrs. Duffy