week of June 10

Dear families,
We have had a GREAT last full week of instruction in third grade. The students have enjoyed their guest instructor, Mrs. Robertson, who has advanced their learning with lessons on characterization and written expression. We spent math time playing some of our favorite math games from the year. In science we had lots of fun hands on experiences to explore soil.

Today we made edible soil profiles and painted rocks for our math rocks garden!
Next week will also be full of fun activities! On Monday we are having “camp” day at Trevvett. All students will participate in integrated camp activities throughout the morning. Students who are invited to attend our PAW Achievement celebration for the fourth quarter will continue the fun in the afternoon! Pleas note, on Monday our lunch time is time is 12-12:25 on Monday. Students who have seven or less marks on their weekly communicator have an invitation stapled to it today!
On Thursday we are having a board game day. If your student would like to bring in a favorite game to play we will be playing board games from 11 am until dismissal. Please make sure your student clearly marks their name on the game. Let them know that they must share with others if they bring the game to school.
On Friday, June 14 please join us at 8:30 for our class awards assembly. Your child will receive their report cards at this time.
It has been a real pleasure to work with each student in my class this year! They have shown so much growth academically, socially, and physically! Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being a member of your family for this period of time.
Have a wonderful summer!!

Upcoming Events:
Monday, June 10-Camp PAW/PAW Achievement Celebration 12:30-1:45 pm
Tuesday, June 11-No School for students/Henrico County Special election
Wednesday, June 12-STEAM DAY
Thursday, June 13-Board Game Day
Friday, June 14-Last Day of Third Grade/Class Awards Assembly