week of 5/13

Dear families,
Thank you for all the cards flowers, snacks, treats, and school supplies that you showered upon me this week! I appreciate each and every gesture and am overwhelmed with your generosity!
Next week we will be getting prepared for the students to take their SOL test in Reading on Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest the nights before the test and comes to school on time. The test itself is two passages a day over two days. If you would like more information about Virginia’s Standards of Learning tests please visit the Department of Education’s website.
Due to SOL testing we will not have any written homework next week. Please have your child continue to read for twenty minutes and record in their agenda.
In Math we will be reviewing measurement and geometry. In Science we will be learning about renewable and nonrenewable resources. In Writing we will be reviewing abbreviations and capitalization.
Please come to Trevvett on Thursday,May 16 for our Moving On Night. Mrs. Bushey will present important information for rising kindergarten and third grades, and families can meet the teachers for the next grade level and learn about expectations. Moving On Night will be from 6 pm to 7:30. Dinner will be served!
Upcoming Events:
Thurs/Fri. May 16-17-Reading SOL test
Thursday, May 16-Moving On Night 6 pm-7:30 pm
Thurs/Fri. May 23-24-Math SOL
Monday, May 27-Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 28-Third grade performance/Family Fitness Night 6-8pm
Friday, May 31-Field Day