Week of 4/29

Dear Families,
We had such a positive week in third grade! All of the students have worked very hard over the last two weeks on their NWEA MAPS tests in Reading and Math to show wonderful growth! On Monday the students will celebrate their success with an ice cream float party and extra recess.
You will notice the adult in the cover photo is not me! That is our practicum student, Miss Katey Hougland from Randolph Macon University. Miss Hougland works with the class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 am until 12:30. She is a wonderful support to the students and will continue to work in our classroom through May 11.
As our SOL testing rapidly approaches the students are reviewing previously taught objectives. In Reading we are reviewing nonfiction text focusing on main idea, supporting details, summarizing, and text features. In Language/Writing we are reviewing synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. We will also review how to use context clues to determine meaning within text. In Math we will review place value, rounding, estimating, computation, fraction representations, and comparing fractions and whole numbers. In Social Studies we will learn about Christopher Columbus and Christopher Newport.
The students will not have computer testing next week so we can focus on review and sharpen our skills.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, April 29-Picture Day-don’t forget to bring tennis shoes for PE.
Tuesday, April 30-last day for Moby Max Challenge
Thursday/Friday May 16-17-Reading SOL
Thursday/Friday May 23-24-Math SOL
Friday, May 31-Field Day rescheduled