Week of 4/15

Dear families,
I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing Spring Break. The students returned from Break ready to learn. We have had a wonderful week full of fun experiences learning about key word summaries, geometric lines, simple and compound machines, and writing our own fables. Of course our field trip to the Math Science Innovation Center was a highlight where students built their own Lego machines and coded them!

Next week will be another busy one. In Reading we will be reviewing main idea and details, and asking and answering questions with fiction. This is a great website for reading review that students can practice at home! The students do not have a power test in reading, however the class will be taking their end of year NWEA MAPS assessment on Thursday, April 18. There is studying at home for this test but please make sure you child gets plenty of rest, eats a healthy breakfast, and gets some extra hugs and kisses on Thursday! In Writing we will be explaining how to make a simple machine to do household chores. In Math we will finish our unit on geometry by investigating polygons with up to ten sides and ten angles.
In Social Studies we will learn about the difference between rules and laws, as well as the importance of being a good citizen. Friday is a half day and another STEAM experience for our students. We will be working in groups to discover the relationship between force and distance by creating an experiment and testing our design. We will incorporate technology by graphing the data we collect. Please join us if your schedule allows: a flyer will be sent home on Tuesday!
Please read the upcoming events below-lots of exciting things going on in the fourth quarter!
Upcoming Event:
Thursday, April 18-NWEA Reading assessment
Friday, April 19-STEAM Day/10:55 dismissal begins
Monday, April 22-No School/Easter holiday
Tuesday, April 23-Third quarter report cards sent home
Thursday, April 25-NWEA Math assessment
Friday, April 26-Field Day!
Looking ahead: SOL tests are right around the corner: Third grade will take reading May 16 and 17 and Math May 23-24. Ask your child what strategies they use to understand their reading an have them practice these at home during their nightly reading!
Have a great weekend!