Invention Rubric


13 thoughts on “Invention Rubric

  1. invention model: 3 it’s great but it seems a little flimsy
    problem solving: 4 it looks like it really helps
    product information: 3 i got a lot of information and it looks great but it could be stronger
    webpage: 4 very nice!
    quality of product: 3 good but could be better (thicker and sturdier)

  2. Happi eyes
    I like the invention but it would be kind of hard to wash your hair. I really like the creativity of this invention. It is a daily life problem that we often forget to fix. Nevertheless it’s a great idea one that I would probably use.
    invention model: 4
    problem solving: 3 it really helps but it causes another problem…will washing hair be harder now with the cap on?
    product information: 4 it was b=very descriptive and provided many pictures for the viewer
    webpage: 4 it looked professional!
    quality of product: 4 it w\as cool how you used velcro so it would stay put but you could stick it on and you can and take it off

  3. invention model- 4
    problem solving- 4
    product information- 3 it had very good descriptions but it lacked pictures and visuals. I couldn’t really guess how it actually looked with the little amount of pictures posted.
    quality of product- 3 it looked well built but would it fall off? Is it sturdy enough?
    I really like it and would probably try one myself just make sure it won’t slip off!

  4. Invention Model – 3 – It looks a little messy, but I like it!
    Problem Solving – 4 – This ALWAYS happened to me, so I LOVE it!
    Product Information – 3 – It could have had more info, but there was a fair amount.
    Webpage – 4 – I liked all of the pictures! It looked really good!
    Quality of Product/Aesthetics – 3 – There were a few grammatical errors.

  5. The invention model gets a 4 because, it looks like it would work.
    4 for insight because, lots of kids have this problem.
    There is a lot of information
    I do not know about their time management
    There webpage looks nice and is informative
    The product looks cool.

  6. Invention Model – 2 – It looks sort of messy and not very high-quality.
    Problem Solving – 3 – I like the idea, yet I think there could have been better solutions.
    Product Information – 2 – I wasn’t impressed by the amount of info on each page.
    Webpage – 3 – I like all of the pictures, yet there wasn’t much information.
    Quality of Products/Aesthetics – 2 – I think different materials could have been used to increase the quality of the product.

  7. I give the invention model a three because, it looked easy to make but, still looked neat.I give this invention a 4 on problem solving, because i find this is a logical solution to aching feet. I have to give the information given a 4 because it told me all i would want to know. I do not know how they managed there time but, I saw all the info needed. The website looked nice and was informative.The product had no tech like the rules stated. This is what i thought of the invention.

  8. Invention Model: I give it a 2 because the model overall has a good idea, yet it is done in a messy way. I think a little more effort could have been used.
    Problem Solving: I gave it a 2 because I really do not think that spinning a stick around in a tub of ice will make it any colder. Maybe I missed something, but the video on how to use it also didn’t show how it helps make drinks colder.
    Product Information: I give this yet another 2 because I really do not understand how I would use this product. I’m not even sure if it works because they give a poor demonstration.
    Webpage: I give the website a 2 because it has many grammatical errors, not many pictures, and not much information. For instance on the inspiration page, they give about five sentences in a large font to make it look larger. I was not impressed.
    Quality of Product/Aesthetics: I give this a 2 because there are many grammatical errors and not many pictures.

  9. Your invention looks like it was worked hard on. I think the sight has all the info you might need. This item seems like it would have great quality. I think your invention is great. The slogan is pretty cool. I personally need this item.

  10. Good invention, really nicely made, looks like it works. It also seems that the group developed it nicely and it solves a problem we always face every day. The quality of the product is nice and it really works the fall be gone should be used in classrooms every day.

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