Shoulder Saver

Name of Invention: Shoulder Saver
Group Members Alexis Pelais, Amelia Hopkins, Medha Durisheti

Website Image:ShoulderSaverPicture

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: Our invention saves your shoulders from heavy backpacks!

Category: Period 5 | Tags: Backpack, comfort, saver, shoulder, shoulder saver, school

15 thoughts on “Shoulder Saver

  1. Invention Model:3 you can just put tiny pillows under your shoulders
    Problem Solving:4
    Product information:4
    Quality of Product:4

  2. Invention Model- 3: The invention is logical, but you can just stuff a pillow under your shoulder and call it a day.
    Problem- 4: This is an annoying problem that I face every day.
    Product Information- 4: The webpage shows the product’s materials, dimensions, the use, and the inspiration for the invention.
    Website- 4: Website is neat and organized.
    Quality of Product- 3: See Invention Model

    Good job overall! 😉

  3. Invention Model:4 Shoulder Saver appears very comfy and colorful and was a very detailed model.

    Problem Solving:3 Even though there are smaller padded shoulder pads on back packs, the Shoulder Saver creativity solves a problem.

    Product Information:4 Product specifications were very detailed and several pictures were included to show how to attach it.

    Webpage Design:4 The theme is clear throughout the website and it looks very professional.

    Quality of Product/Aesthetics:3 Product is sized properly.

  4. Invention model 3 because it was great but could of had more color.
    Problem solving 4 my shoulders always hurt after I carry my back pack.
    Product Information 4 it tells all of the information it needs to.
    Webpage 4 It looks very nice.
    Quality of product 4 It is a great overall product.

  5. I really like the idea, I know that my shoulders hurt after a day of school.

    Invention Model-4
    Very nicely put together
    Problem Solving-4
    Definitely solves a problem
    Product Information-3
    The website has useful product information, but could have more information
    Time Management-4
    Looks like you managed your time
    Very Nice!
    Quality Of Product/Aesthetics-3
    Looks nice and neat

  6. 3 for model because it looks good but it looks simple to make
    4 problem solving it happens to me a lot
    3 for info because it gives enough info
    4 for webpage it looks professional
    4 for quality it looks nice and i dont see any faults
    overall I believe this product is useful

  7. Invention Model was a 3. It could have had a better appearance but still was really good.
    Problem solving is definitely a 5. I always have this problem so it would help.
    Product Information was a 4. It was good and really had a great appearance.

  8. Invention Model: I give it a 3. I think it was a clever invention and it was a good model.
    Problem Solving: I gave a 4. I know exactly what you mean and I have this problem a lot.
    Product Information: I gave a 4: It shows clearly how to use it and its materials
    Webpage: I gave a 4. It was fun reading the persuasive language it really drew me in. It had a very clear theme too.
    Quality of Product/Aesthetics: I gave a 3. It was a good invention but I think it could be improved.
    Overall I really like your invention! Great Job!! 🙂

  9. Very smart idea, The website is really pretty and cool.
    Invention Model: 4
    Problem solving: 4
    Product Information: 3
    Webpage Design: 4
    Quality of Product/Aesthetics:4

  10. Invention Model-3
    Why: It looks like tried, but it does not look you put a lot of thought into it.
    Problem Solving-4
    Why: This is an issue that one of my friends even mentioned right before class started.
    Product Information- 3
    Why: IT is enough information, but in my opinion, it is not in depth enough.
    Why: I am not sure what the theme is; it is not really clear to me.
    Quality of Product/ Aesthetics-4
    Why:It looks great! Also, the project shows clear incorporation of technology.

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