Hair Fair!

Name of Invention: Hair Fair!
Group Members Krista Hinebaugh, Caroline Osenga, and Sreenidhi Tadigadapa

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Brief Description of the Invention: Do you often find yourself losing your hair accessories? If yes, we have a way to fix this. Hair Fair! is a fun and easy way to put your accessories away, and have them for later. It includes several different games, modeled after fair games. So never lose them anymore!

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14 thoughts on “Hair Fair!

  1. I like your inventions, but I feel like you can improve the quality of the cardboard, so that there isn’t a curved edge.

  2. I think this is very convenient and good but i would personally not need this. I think one problem would be when you miss then you would have to grab you item and may lose it.

  3. It was a creative idea but I don’t think it helps that much. Cant you just put the hairbands in a bag rather than spending money on these?

  4. I think that this was a pretty good invention. I could tell that there was a lot of time and tought put in. There were a few quirks, but for the most part it was pretty good

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