Name of Invention: Remindia
Group Members Aahil Bhimani, Rithik Kalikota, Jackson Malenke
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Brief Description of the Invention: Remindia reminds important dates and events and forgetting the important events and dates annoys us all so much! At the start of your day, you forget the dates and events that occur throughout the day. Not anymore, enter the Remindia.
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This is a good idea, but younger kids don’t need to be reminded of events.
I think that the idea is great, but maybe it could have been implemented in a better way. I agree, I always forget things, but mostly I email myself or write it on my hand.
It’s a good idea, but it’s a little bit too similar to the iphone. Although it’s for a younger audience, little kids don’t have events they need to be reminded on.
I think that your product can be useful for a younger audience, but it won’t be as useful for an older audience. It could help kids with time management though, which is a good skill to have.
I think this is not useful because you can just use a timer and make you own timer.
i agree
It’s an ok product, but I feel like it would be really easy to make since your basically combining a calendar and a watch.
It seemed messy and I think the idea is outdated. Also, why do little kids need calendars? I know I never used one when I was younger.
Sorry seems like a good idea but i feel like in the modern world you could just use a cellular device or a kids watch. But great idea!
can’t you just have a calendar anywhere else?
I think this was ok. I don’t see the difference between a small wrist watch and this invention. I don’t think that this invention was very well thought out when comparing it to our world today. Good job though
I feel like this is a very good product, but it could use a few tweaks. Like maybe made out of a stronger material.
I can see why they made it but I could just use a phone.
I think this product is okay, but I personally wouldn’t invest in it
can’t you just get a real calendar or alarm also it just looks like a watch taped on a sheet of paper
I don’t exactly understand the purpose of this product. If it’s just a calendar, well I can make my own calendar. I already do. So, I don’t exactly like this product. Sorry 🙁
Can’t you just make your own calendar?
Invention – 4
Problem Solving – 4
Product Information – 4
Time Management – 4
Webpage – 3.5
Quality of Product – 3.5
Very good product, but could look a little bit better
It’s an okay product but you can just make your own.