
Name of Invention: SnapNSnack
Group Members Brendan, John, Ben

Website Image:SNS

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: Our goal is to make your lunch more enjoyable. To obtain this goal, we have created the SnapNSnack! It keeps your lunch from being crushed. We achieve this by using highly scientific technology, called magic lunch pads.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #SnapNSnack #Food #CruchedFood #Lunch

22 thoughts on “SnapNSnack

  1. This invention is really awesome and useful, I can see from the comments that this is solving a very common everyday issue. 🙂

  2. I usually bring sandwiches for lunch, and this is a common problem for me, thank you for saving my poor, demolished sandwich.

  3. awesome!!!!! super cool to prevent the smushing of sammiches. best thing since sliced bread get it because sammiches ahaha lovely idea friends

  4. I love this idea mostly because for an entire year I had to eat crushed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My only thing is that I wish it came out sooner. 🙂

  5. i really like your invention, i have always thought this is a problem and this seems like the perfect way to fix it. the only problem is that it will have a problem keeping things warm or cold

  6. I think that this is a great idea! I buy lunch usually, but I have packed before and I can see how the snaps and the magic lunch pads would really help keep the food from getting crushed. I think it’s very smart that you used the snaps instead of zippers and velcro, and that you made the it to fit dimensions of a regular lunch bag. I love the idea, and I would buy this if it were available!

  7. Excellent work! This would be a useful product in the world, sometimes getting your lunch squished like that is very annoying.

  8. This is really awesome and creative! I always have this problem with my lunch, and with this invention, my problems are solved! Rate 4 out of 5

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