Name of Invention: Hungry Hammy
Group Members Vivienne Pearlman
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Brief Description of the Invention: The Hungry Hammy is an invention that reduces feeding times for small animals.
Category: Uncategorized | Tags: hungry hammy small animal feeder
This will help all the people with small animals and timed feeding
I could totally use this with my bunny, it would make my life so much easier
This is really creative and useful. Great job Vivienne
Very cool invention! Would be useful to pet owners!
it is very cool but could it also be used for other small animals?
I don’t have a small animal pet, which are gosh darn cute, I would buy the HECK out of this!
If I had a hamster, I would buy this. Really cool design
Great idea!!!! I’d definitely use this if my gerbil didn’t die. Super clever & useful.
I love the idea and if I had small pets I would totally use it. My only question is how sturdy would the stand be if there was food in it.
It is really cool how you used your personal experience with a problem to solve it in a creative and inventive way.
Cool idea! I think that this will really help pet owners everywhere.
I like the adjustable height because it is almost like you kind of build your own feeder.
good job on this project. It might work
this would be very useful for small animal owners
If I had a hamster, I would buy this! The whole system set up is really neat. I like how all you do is unlatch a pipe cleaner and tilt the dispenser. It seems like a really smart way to feed a small animal quickly. I love it!
I like this. Very clever!