
Name of Invention: Retracta-pencil
Group Members Cole Szymonik, Andrew Wood

Website Image:Capture1234

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Brief Description of the Invention: The Retracta-Pencil is designed to keep a pencil on your person at all times. The “wristband” design allows you to keep it on your person, and the badge reel means that you won’t drop it.

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21 thoughts on “Retracta-pencil

  1. I really like your invention! It’s simple, and it solves a really big problem, for me at least. 🙂

  2. I think this would really help me keep track of my pencils, the only thing I am concerned about is if it slams into my hand after pulling it out

  3. I like it because I will never lose my pencil. But I wonder if the tension on the string might be too much to pull out the pencil enough to write with.

  4. Excellent! The retracta pencil would be a very useful invention. I myself lose pencils all the time, and this would be useful to use.

  5. I’m going to be the first to say- Wow! I think this is really sweet! I often lose my pencils and go through them very fast. This would solve that problem! I would buy one if they were in stores. Actually, I’d probably buy, like, fifty!

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