Seat N Snak

Name of Invention: Seat N Snak
Group Members Sammy, McKenzie, Alva, Lakin

Website Image:Capture5

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: The Seat n’ Snak is an invention that contains plastic cups and bowls, memory foam, duct tape, a light, and cardboard. This invention came to be by us thinking of airplane trays and if we could bring that idea to a car. This invention took much work, a lot of time committed, and definitely a lot of teamwork.

Category: Period 5 | Tags: Seat N’ Snak invention website

10 thoughts on “Seat N Snak

  1. Invention Model:4 The Seat n Snack appears very sturdy and balanced and was a very detailed model.

    Problem Solving:3 Even though there are already cup holders in cars, the Seat n Snack creativity solves a problem.

    Product Information:4 Product specifications were very detailed and several pictures were included to show all of the functions of the product.

    Webpage Design:4 The theme is clear throughout the website that it will help provide a place for snacks and drinks and help reduce spills.

    Quality of Product/Aesthetics:4 Product is sized properly, appears stable, and has all the functions it describes.

  2. Invention model 3 it looks good but there is to much tape.
    problem solving 3 that doesn’t happen to me very much.
    product information 4 it had all of the information it needed to.
    webpage 3 it had the same picture on every slide.
    Quality of Product 3 it is an overall good product.

  3. I love your idea, and I would definitely buy it. I’ve seen stuff like this before, but not with the clip. Great job. I would give you a 4 for the invention model, I can tell that you put a lot of thought and effort into making it. For problem solving, you clearly have a problem that you solved. I do think that sitting in the car and trying to eat is a good problem. I give you a 4. Also for product information, I give you a 3.5. This is because the information on you website didn’t state exactly how it was intended to be used and the paragraph didn’t have good vocabulary and it was a little over exaggerated. I give you a 4 for your webpage because it was very organized and professional. On the “how to use it” page I think you could have made the picture a little smaller and the text a little larger, but other than that, I like your webpage. For the quality of the product I give ya’ll a 3, because your product is good but you didn’t polish it and check it over for errors.

  4. webpage is 4 because it looks good
    problem solving is a 2 I haven’t experienced this yet
    invention model is a 3 it looks good but could be more roomy
    Quality of product 3 because it looks nice but there is room for improvment

  5. invention model: 4 show good effort and logic
    problem solving:4 the invention shows creativity
    product information: 4 info. is plentiful and creative
    webpage: the students made a great webpage and had persuasive quality: 4 quality is great and is error-free

  6. invention model: 3
    why: it doesn’t look very sturdy
    product info: 4
    why: it has very good info on the website
    webpage: 4
    why: it has a great set-up
    quality of product: 3
    why: it looks cheap (no offense)

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