Happi Eyes

Name of Invention: Happi Eyes
Group Members Noelle, Joseph, Trey, Andrew

Website Image:HappiEyessnip

Link To Website: http://happieyes.weebly.com

Brief Description of the Invention: Our invention is used to keep shampoo out of your eyes. It is made of plastic, velcro, and a shower cap plus glue. Happi Eyes is adjustable in size, too.

Category: Period 5 | Tags: happi eyes, shower, shampoo, soap

25 thoughts on “Happi Eyes

  1. Invention model 3: It was very creative, but i feel like you coudl put more effort into the making of it.
    Problem Solving 3: It would help to get water or soap out of your eyes, but i feel like it would lead to other problems.
    Web Page 4: It gave all information needed and it was very helpful
    Quality of invention 4: it seems like it couldn’t break or wear down

  2. Invention Model: 4 I believe this would really work!
    Problem Solving: 4 This is really creative!
    Product Information: 3 I think that some information is not given, there isn’t a lot of details.
    Webpage: 3 It gives information but it isn’t too descriptive.
    Quality: 4 This is a really smart idea.

  3. Invention Model- 3: It seems like you just came up with something, and didn’t try to improve it at all. It’s simply a ring around your eyes and a shower cap. I think you could have made it a little easier.
    Problem Solving- 3: There wasn’t really a problem in the first place. Children only get shampoo and soap in their eyes when they are little; it goes away quickly. On top of that, I’m pretty critical of whether or not it will actually work.
    Product Information- 4: Lists all aspects of the invention.
    Webpage – 2: Very repetitive. It doesn’t make me want to buy it, and the website is pretty dull.
    Quality of Product- 3: It seems like it is functional, although not the best.

  4. Invention Model: 4, It shows great creativity and looks nice
    Problem Solving: 2, It solves a problem, but it makes another problem
    Product Information: 4, The website supplies a lot of useful information.
    Time Managment: 4, It looks like they put a lot of effort into the project
    Webpage: 3, Is very neat,but doesn’t give you a lot of details
    Quality of product: 4, you used neat materials and it looks great.

  5. Invention Model: 3- It
    Problem Solving: 4- It saves your eyes from soap.
    Product Information: 3- I feel like it is missing some details.
    Webpage: 4- Lists what is needed.
    Quality 4- It could be neater.

  6. Invention Model-3
    It could have been more decorated, it is boring right now
    Problem Solving-4
    It solves a problem, my siblings screech when the get soap in their eyes.
    Product Information-4
    It tells you how to use the Happi Eyes in great detail
    Time Management-3
    The invention looks like more time could have been spent making it
    It is nice, but could use some color
    Quality Of Product/Aesthetics-3
    The invention looks like it could have been more carefully made.

  7. Invention Model: 3- It was a pretty good model.
    Problem Solving: 3- It is a creative way to solve a simple problem
    Product Information: 3- It needed a few more details
    Webpage: 3- The front page picture was a little creepy
    Quality: 3- It looked stable and durable

    • I agree that the logo was kind of creepy, but if you have any other ideas, feel free to contact me.

  8. invention model 3 It is made nicely
    problem solving 2 This happened to me when I was a baby(I know that’s what it’s for) but now it doesnt
    product info is 3 it gives enough info but there could be more
    webpage is 1 it is not very good in my opinion it is black and boring
    quality of product is 3 it looks ok but people might give you a look if they see one

  9. Invention Model: 3
    Reason: It was very creative but it could have been decorated so that it would look more appealing
    Problem Solving: 4
    Reason: Little kids somehow always manage to get soap in their eyes
    Product Info: 4
    Reason: I really understood how the product worked from the about page
    Webpage: 2
    Reason: There was hardly any color and it wasn’t attractive
    Quality of Products/Aesthetics: 5
    Reason: I thought that the materials you used looked really durable

  10. Invention Model- 4
    It does seem that you did show effort, thought and logic.
    Problem Solving- 4
    It solves the problem of getting soap in your eyes while in the shower.
    Product information- 4
    It gives a brief description on how it is used and what it does.
    Webpage- 4
    You had all the requirements.
    Quality- 3
    I feel like you could add color or something else to make it “POP”!

  11. Invention Model: 4, because the easiness of the velcro and removable parts is one, but the thought of model must have taken a lot of time and elimination.
    Problem Solving: I give this a 4 again, because it solves the problem at hand perfectly, and can probably be used to solve even more when put to the task.
    Product Information: I give this another four, because the website provides a vast amount of info which can easily be used to determine the usefulness and easiness of the product without even having it.
    Webpage: I give it a 4, because it matches all the criteria that was required of it.
    Quality of Product: This gets a 4 because when looking at picture, it is perfect as can be.

  12. Invention Model: 4
    A neat idea, but lacks commercial look
    Problem Solving: 3
    This would definitely solve a small problem
    Webpage: 5
    Neat, Flawless, and “Happi”
    Quality: 5
    High Grade Material

  13. Invention Model: 4 – The invention is very clever
    Problem Solving: 4 -This invention solves a problem that I think everyone has.
    Product Information: 4 – The website shows different ways you can wear it, and how you can assemble it.
    Webpage: 4 – The webpage had good details.
    Quality of Product: 3 – I feel like the shower cap could have been more durable.

  14. invention model: 4, shows great effort and logic
    problem solving: 4, solves a great problem
    Product info.: 3 shows allot of information and its use of the pencil
    webpage:3 the webpage was detailed and persuasive
    quality of product: the product looked to have great quality and used good materials

  15. Invention Model – 4 because the invention is cool and is very creative
    Problem Solving – 4 because it does solve a problem that I have a lot\
    Product Information – 4 because the info is very helpful
    Webpage – 4 because in my opinion the info was really helpful to know
    Quality of Product/Aesthetics – 4 because the spelling and grammar were really good

  16. Invention Model: 4 because it was creative but wasn’t very neat.
    Problem Solving: 3 because sometimes you get shampoo in your eyes but sometimes you don’t.
    Product Info: 3 it tells what it is but doesn’t make a lot of sense because how would you wash your hair if you have it on.
    Webpage: 4 It is neat but doesn’t pop.
    Overall Quality of Invention: 3 because it was an okay invention.

    • Well, if you have it on and you have the shower cap on, you aren’t going to wash your hair, like if you just had a regular shower cap on. In a few of the pictures, it shows how you can take the cap off and pull your hair through the top of the plastic part which makes it possible to wash your hair.

  17. Invention Model: 3 because it was not that great but, I like how they made the invention.
    Problem Solving: 4 because the invention solves a problem and it is very creative.
    Product Information: 4 because the information was plentiful.
    Webpage: 3 because the website in my opinion didn’t attract me in to look for more.
    Quality Of Product/Aesthetics:4 because I only saw one spelling error.

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