Name of Invention: Porta Popcorn
Group Members Christine, Ashtyn, Aidyn, Caroline
Website Image:
Link To Website:
Brief Description of the Invention: This cool invention connects to your movie theater chair so you don’t spill popcorn in you lap.
Category: Period 3 | Tags: Porta Popcorn
Invention Model: 4, you can tell you put effort into it.
Problem Solving: 3, it solves a problem that is not really that common among most people.
Product Info: 4, the information is very good that you have.
Webpage: 4, I really like that the theme was like a movie theater.
Quality of Product: 4, the product looks neat.
Invention Model: 4
Problem Solving: 3- the problem isn’t an everyday problem that people struggle with everyday
Product Info: 4
Webpage: 4
Quality of Product: 4
Invention Model: 3 – It is set up very well.
Problem Solving: 3 – It solved the problem of spilling popcorn and having greasy pants.
Product Information: 4 – The information on the product is very good.
Webpage: 4 – The webpage is very neat and colorful.
Quality of Product: 4 – The quality of the product is very efficient.
Invention Model: 4- Shows lots of effort in creating the model
Problem Solving: 3- Shows a clear problem that isn’t as common
Product Info: 4- Shows lots of clear information on the product in a persuading way
Webpage: 4- Theme relates to the product and the problem it solves. Love how it was movie theater themed!
Quality of Product: 3- Shows some quality in the product
I think that it was a very good idea to make the basket stick to the seat with velcro and dowels!