
Name of Invention: Fall-Be-Gone
Group Members Megan, Riley, Jordan, and Julianne

Website Image:FAll-Be-GOne

Link To Website: http://fall-be-gone.weebly.com/

Brief Description of the Invention: The Fall-Be-Gone is an invention that prevents you from falling backwards when you rock in your chair! It is extremely tough and will definitely withstand use, the only problem is the rare possibility of the suction cups failing. Our idea is creative and original. Other ideas like this have been invented, but ours has a one of a kind design. How does it work? You will attach the bungee cords to the metal parts of the chair. Attached to the bungee cords are industrial strength suction cups which you stick to the floor on both sides of the chair legs. Guaranteed and made for safety, the Fall-Be-Gone is the perfect item for any office or classroom!

Category: Period 4 | Tags: #safety #invention #chair #fallbegone #fall #be #gone

5 thoughts on “Fall-Be-Gone

  1. Invention Model- 4: It’s simple, but clever and original. It’s very easy to use, too, and works.
    Problem Solving- 4: I have seen a lot of kids fall out of their chairs after tipping it backwards, but, as shown in the video, this actually stops it from happening.
    Product Information- 4: The video shows all aspects of the invention, demonstrates, and there are also a few descriptions on the webpage.
    Webpage- 4: It was eye-catching, met all requirements and more, and also had a video to help.
    Quality of Product- 4: It looks cute, like something I would buy, is in good shape, and actually works.

  2. Good invention, really nicely made, looks like it works. It also seems that the group developed it nicely and it solves a problem we always face every day. The quality of the product is nice and it really works the fall be gone should be used in classrooms every day.

  3. 4 for model it looks good and well made
    4 for problem solving it is a problem I constanly see in classrooms
    4 for info it tells you about it in depth
    webpage is 4 it looks professional
    quality is 4 it is not something that looks terrible
    i believe that this product might be something people actually use

  4. Invention Model – 4 – The model is very well made and put together.
    Problem Solving – 4 – It solved a very big and common problem.
    Product Information – 4 – The information on the product is very explanatory. (I love the video, very well put together!)
    Webpage – 4 – The webpage is very colorful and creative!
    Quality of Product – 4 – The quality of the product is very good, it works very well!

  5. Invention Model: 4- Shows clear effort in making the product
    Problem Solving: 4- Solves a clear and common problem. I hate falling out of chairs!
    Product Info: 4- Shows clear information on the product
    Webpage: 3- Creative, but the Invention Inspiration page is missing
    Quality of Product: 4- Shows several quality materials

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