
Name of Invention: E-clip
Group Members Jude, Tanner, Victor, Kavin

Website Image:Capture1

Link To Website: http://e-clip.weebly.com

Brief Description of the Invention: The E-clip is an invention that will change the way of shoes. Our invention allows you to not be worried about your shoes getting untied. The clip comes in many colors and is light for quick access. The E-clip is a small copper wire covered in rubber so it doesn’t hurt.

Category: Period 3 | Tags:

7 thoughts on “E-clip

  1. Invention Model- 3: My only problem is that is isn’t really something you came up with; you just a wire between shoelaces. You could do it at home whenever you wanted.
    Problem Solving- 3: I understand how it helps younger children, or more athletic people, but there’s already a solution for that; double-tying. It doesn’t necessarily help those who can’t tie their shoes, because, if I understand correctly, you have to tie your shoes to use it.
    Product Information- 2: The information is vague, and I don’t understand how it works or how to use it.
    Webpage- 3: It looks nice, but is very repetitive.
    Quality of Product- 4: The only problem I can find would be it not working, but it seems to do its job.

  2. Invention Model: 2; it looks like a black wire
    Problem Solving: 4
    Product Information: 2; not many details on the webpage
    Time Management: 4
    Webpage: 2; didn’t have many details
    Quality of Product: 3

  3. Invention model: 4 Even though the design is simple, it seems like the best design to solve a simple problem.
    Problem solving: 4 When my shoes get untied, it really gets on my nerves. I never would have thought of something like this.
    Product Information: 4 The steps to put it on seemed a little unclear at first, but the pictures explained it. While reading the paragraph about the e-clip, the use and purpose became perfectly clear to me.
    Webpage: 3 I love the neatness of this website, but I just have this feeling in the back of my mind saying that there could have been more detail.
    Quality: 3 It doesn’t seem clear that you actually constructed the item. Maybe adding more pictures on the website would be a good idea.

  4. Invention Model- 4- This invention is very clever.
    Problem Solving- 4- I think that this invention solves a problem that lots of kids have.
    Product Information- 3- I wish that there was a video showing how to put it on, the pictures are a little confusing.
    Webpage- 4- The webpage shows lots of detail in the description.
    Quality of Product- 4- I find it very cool that the invention can come in different colors depending on what the person wants.

  5. I think that the e-clip is a good idea for an invention. I would rate it three out of five stars. Though it is just a wire it is probably a pretty important invention. It shows much effort. That is why i think it is a good invention.

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