Arm Extender

Name of Invention: Arm Extender
Group Members Caroline Gravely, Jianna Young, Emma Terry, And Olivia Yarema

Website Image:Capture2

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: During the holidays most everybody decorates from lights on the roof to a star on a Christmas tree, but isn’t it troubling to get out a ladder for the job? Well fear no more! The arm extender is an easy storage, fashionable, and convenient hook that will “extend your arm,” hence the name. With an easy tutorial and the extender itself you can be a pro in no time!!!

Category: Period 4 | Tags: #arm #extender #reach #invention #HMS #decoration-hanger #holiday #helper

6 thoughts on “Arm Extender

  1. Invention model: 3 doesn’t seem that hard to make.
    Problem solving: 2 I don’t think people have a problem with heights and personally I think every body has a ladder somewhere in there house or borrow one from your neighborhood.
    Product info: 4 does have every thing someone would need to know if they were going to buy it.
    Webpage: 4 has everything that is in the requirements and looks well done.
    Quality of product: 3 It is a good invention but if the hook is to break would we have to buy a new one or a new hook.

  2. Invention Model: 4- very detailed
    Problem Solving: 4; I LOVE it because I’m so small
    Product Info: 3 not as much information
    Webpage: 4- it’s amazing
    Quality of Product: 4- looks well designed

  3. Invention Model – 3 – The model is good, but it could have a little more effort.
    Problem Solving – 4 – Solves a large problem with hanging things.
    Product Info – 4 – The information on the product is very good.
    Webpage – 4 – Awesome! I love the animations!
    Quality of Product – 3 – Great job, but it could be more complex.

  4. Invention Model: 3- Shows some effort in the model
    Problem Solving: 4- Shows a clear problem that lots of people need solved
    Product Info: 3- Shows some information on the invention
    Webpage: 4- Shows amazing effort! Love the animations!
    Quality of Product: 3- Shows some quality in the making of product

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