HHS IB Participates in Global Issues Forum
For more pictures (credit James Dickinson, Collegiate School), go here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWM_DmiEk3V5EPbFIPi-r7RsgQMO2lUBUjKlLXxfnmJhsgW6WzpFy83cxfgr9TNQ?key=T0VrZzJsWElMLXVDMlVTaU5ReWtqOVBRTzFONDh3
Applying to HHS IB? Information about acceptance
Notification of acceptance will be online via the application portal on Friday, March 10, at 4:30. Students will be designated “Accepted,” “Not Accepted,” or “Wait-listed.” Students may choose to accept ONE school and remain on ONE wait-list. Students who opt not to accept any schools may remain on two wait-lists. The deadline for these commitments, which must be done online, is Friday, March 24. Students on wait-lists have until April 7 to accept an offer from a wait-list.
On Friday, March 10, accepted students will receive an email from HHS with the acceptance packet of information attached: acceptance commitment form, course schedule request form, and transportation information sheet. All wait-list students will receive the wait-list commitment form. All accepted and wait-list students are also invited to a morning tour at Henrico High School to assist in their final decision making on Monday, March 13, 9:30-11:00. Parents are also invited.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Biddle at 228-2745 or plbiddle@henrico.k12.va.us.
Congratulations HHS All County Orchestra Participants
Congratulations to the following students, most of whom are in our IB program, for making HCPS All-County Orchestra. Their concert is Thursday, 1/12, at 6 at Glen Allen High School.
Nitya Balasubramanian-Viola
Romi Balasubramanian-Violin
Amy Chung-Violin
Michaela Brayboy-Cello
Grace Cavanaugh-Cello
Thaira Coleman-Viola
Rachel Heo-Violin
Parris Hunt-Violin
Victoria Laura-Violin
Emily Kyaw-Violin
Aishwarya Sukumaran-Violin
Senior Convocation, 2016
Seniors had their convocation, and did it in style. See pictures here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B81CGOZgCcfJQ1V4NEJ3SXRlSXM
Freshman and New Student Orientation
IB freshman and new student orientation was held on Wednesday, June 1, marking the first meeting of the class of 2020. Please see below for the presentation and the handouts if you had to miss today’s meeting. HHS Freshman Orientation will be in August, so stay tuned!
Places to Go for Things to Know
How to Sign up for Transportation
We will hold more orientation meetings in the fall to help parents learn about the program! Today’s meeting is just the first of many opportunities to learn about IB!
IB Senior Awarded Gates-Millennial Scholarship
Senior Dillon Persaud is one of two area seniors awarded this prestigious and coveted award. See more here: http://www.richmond.com/news/local/education/article_2c3314aa-ae4b-5bbd-a3f1-ee5abb08e722.html?mode=image&photo=0. Dillon will be attending Johns-Hopkins in the fall.