Exit Slips

Description: Exit Slips are quick ways to invite student response after learning.  Exit slips are completed at the end of a class period and are collected by the teacher as students leave the room.  Generally, exit slips are anonymous with every student being required to turn one in prior to exiting the classroom.  Exit slips provide quick feedback to the teacher about how students understood the lesson and/or what concepts might need further exploration in future lessons.  Exit slips encourage students to reflect upon the lesson while providing quick feedback.  It is important, whether students are anonymous or required to write their names on their slips, that students be encouraged to be honest. They need to be assured that their comments and concerns will be addressed.



  • Identify the type of response/feedback needed to assist student’s learning:  for example, did students seem confused, and need to ask questions.
  • Exit slips may be produced in advance or may be a question students respond to on a scrap sheet of paper.
  • Allow students to provide open feedback or have them use a stem such as the following:
    • Today I learned . . . .
    • I don’t understand . . . .
    • I would like to learn more about . . . .
    • I need help with . . . .
    • A question I have is . . . .
    • Please explain more about . . . .
    • The most important thing I learned today is . . . .
    • Three things I learned today are . . . .
    • The thing that surprised me today was . . . .
    • I am still confused about . . . .
    • I wish . . . .
    • The best part of class today was . . . .
  •  At the end of class direct students to complete an exit slip.
  • As students leave the classroom, collect the slips. 
  • At the next class session, use an exit slip or several, to begin instruction.  This allows students to realize the importance of their comments.



• Allow students, when working in small groups, to submit one exit slip for the group’s work.

3-2-1 Exit Slip