
Description: The Jigsaw strategy involves students reading different selections and sharing the information from that reading with a group or whole class.  The reading assignment can be divided among group members to allow some students to receive more challenging text.  A Jigsaw may focus students in one of three main ways.

Students jigsaw to read different sections of a textbook chapter, different short stories following a similar theme, or stories by the same author.

Students might jigsaw around a certain topic of research using multiple text to gather information.  Some examples include health issues of obesity, problems involving the environment, causes of World War I or how to determine the amount of tile needed to cover a floor.

Students jigsaw to research independently within a group.  Each group would be responsible for one area of study within a generalized topic.



  • Determine the text to be used, either a textbook chapter or identify a range of materials related to specific topics addressed in a lesson.  Consider the skill level of students to determine appropriate text difficulty and interest level.
  • Organize students into cooperative groups, assigning each group their reading selection.
  • Students read selections independently.  Encourage students to make notes on the text or use sticky notes to interact with the text.
  • Upon completing the selections, students who read the same text are grouped together to discuss the contents, concepts, information and to share their notes.  Students will then share a summary of all the information gathered. They might summarize key points, design a concept map, use a graphic organizer, or highlight a set of notes.  Teachers may collect these and copy them for the class, giving each student his/her own personal set.
  • Students return to their original groups and each member shares his/her information from the assigned selection. The rest of the group is responsible for learning each section.  When each member has presented, the entire reading selection has been covered.


Jigsaw Reading Activity