Week of January 25 – 29

Hi families!  This week is going to be a busy week in the Hive!  It is Principals Appreciation Week, Kindness Week, and the last week of the 2nd quarter!  Please read all of the information below about our week ahead:
Important Announcements:
  • Principals Appreciation Week:
    • This week is Principals Appreciation Week in the State of Virginia.  We want to thank Principal Smith for all that she does!  All of this week we will have a blue box sitting out on a cart outside the front entrance at school if you would like to drop off a thank you note to Mrs. Smith.  Let’s start off Kindness week by saying Thank You to our amazing Principal!
    • Throughout the week, I will also share some optional activities the class will be able to do to show Mrs. Smith how much we appreciate her!
    • Also, Wednesday just happens to be Mrs. Smith’s birthday!  So if you do drop off a thank-you note, be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday as well!    🙂


  • Kindness Week:
    • This week is also Kindness week!  Mrs. Jones, our school counselor, is challenging each Stinger to complete this challenge board.  We look forward to hearing about how our Stingers are spreading kindness!


  • Parent-Teacher Conferences:
    • Conferences will be held on Thursday, Feb. 4th, from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.  They will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams.  The conference sign-up form can be found here:   Conferences Sign-Up Form
    • Please schedule a conference if you have specific concerns you would like to discuss.  If you don’t have any specific concerns, it is not necessary that we meet.  As always, I am available to meet anytime you have a question or a concern.  We also can communicate through email or Class Dojo any time you have a question or a concern.


Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):   This week we will continue our study of the paired texts – “The Rise of Roblox” and “A Sweet Treat in a Tough Time.”  These are two short texts that go together and discuss a similar topic.  We will meet in small groups to discuss the texts.  We will focus on the important reading skill of compare and contrast while we review important concepts in the articles.  Students will have 2 reading menus this week:  one menu to complete on Tuesday & Wednesday (due Thursday at 8:00 am) and another menu on Thursday & Friday (due Monday at 8:00 am).  While students are not working with me in their reading group, they must be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.
  • Students also will continue practicing with Wordly Wise Lesson 7 words this week.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel.  Please encourage your child to enjoy listening to the story and not to do anything else during this time.


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • This week we will continue with our unit on Fractions & Decimals (SOL 5.2a).  We have learned how to convert fractions to decimals, and this week we will learn how to convert decimals into fractions.  This can be a challenging skill, and continued practice is very important with these concepts.
    • We will also spend time in this unit understanding how to identify fraction and decimal equivalents in models and pictures.  While some students think that this may seem “easy” because it includes pictures, it is actually quite challenging if students don’t slow down and think carefully about the decimals and fractions represented.  We will spend time this week doing problems like this and taking our time to understand how models can represent both fractions and decimals.
    • Students will find notes, examples, videos, and other helpful websites in their Schoology course to use to help them study and review the concepts.  They will need to look in the “SOL 5.2 Fractions & Decimals” folder in their Math course in Schoology.
    • Throughout the unit, students will complete independent assignments in the afternoon to help understand and practice these math concepts.  It is very important that students complete their assignments on time so they do not get behind on learning these concepts.
    • The SOL 5.2a Fractions & Decimals Quiz will be on Thursday 1/28.
    • DREAMBOX REMINDER:  Students in all math classes must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are required to complete 4 lessons per week (or 60 minutes per week) on Dreambox.  A “week” on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.  I will count all of the minutes and lessons that occur during that time.  Every Sunday morning, the time starts over again.


Have a great week, everyone!  Thank you for all of your continued support!

Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of January 11 – 15

Hello, everyone!  I hope your weekend was great!  I was very impressed last week with how well all of my students did at getting back to school and focusing on their work.  Great job!
Here is a look at our week ahead:

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):   This week we will continue our study of the paired texts – “How To Save a Baby Elephant” and “Do Drones Stop Animal Killers?”  These are two short texts that go together and discuss a similar topic.  We will meet in small groups to discuss the texts, specifically by making inferences and reviewing important concepts in the articles.  We will take the Reading Quiz on these 2 articles on Friday 1/15.  Students will have 2 reading menus this week:  one menu to complete on Monday & Tuesday (due Wed. at 8:00 am) and another menu on Wednesday & Thursday (due Friday at 8:00 am).  While students are not working with me in their reading group, they must be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  Students will also continue with Wordly Wise this week.  The class will take the Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Quiz on Friday 1/15.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  Please encourage your child to enjoy listening to the story and not do anything else during this time.


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • Classes will take the Graphs (SOL 5.16) Test on Monday 1/11 The test will cover the 2 types of graphs we learned about in this unit: line plots and stem and leaf plots.
    • On Tuesday, we will begin a new unit on Probability (SOL 5.15).   We will learn the following concepts:
      • how to identify the probability, or the likelihood, of events using both words and fractions (ratios)
      • tree diagrams – how to write them and understand them
      • the fundamental counting principal
    • Students will have notes, examples, videos, and other helpful websites in their Schoology course to use to help them study and review the concepts.
    • Throughout the unit, students will complete independent assignments in the afternoon to help understand and practice these math concepts.  It is very important that students complete their assignments on time so they do not get behind on learning these concepts.
    • As a reminder, students must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are now required to complete 4 lessons per week (or 60 minutes per week) on Dreambox.  A “week” on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.  I will count all of the minutes and lessons that occur during that time.  Every Sunday morning, the time starts over again.

Have a great week, everyone!

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Welcome Back and Happy New Year! ~ Week of January 4 – 8 ~

Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope that you all had a wonderful winter break with your families!  I had a wonderful 2 weeks spending time with my family celebrating the holidays and playing with my kids.  I’m looking forward to seeing all of my students on Monday!
Here is a look at our week ahead:

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):   We will begin our new Wordly Wise Lesson 6 words on Monday.  We also will begin a new text called “How To Save a Baby Elephant,” which we will spend time reading and studying together in our small reading groups.  The class will have 2 reading menus this week:  one menu to complete on Tuesday & Wednesday (due by Thursday at 8:00 am) and another menu for Thursday & Friday (due by Monday at 8:00 am).  While students are not working with me in their reading group, they must be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  Please encourage your child to enjoy listening to the story and not do anything else during this time.


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • This week we will begin our Graphing Unit (SOL 5.16).  In this unit, we will learn about two types of graphs:
      • line plots
      • stem and leaf plots
    • Throughout this unit, students will have notes, examples, videos, and other helpful websites in their Schoology course to use to help them study and review the concepts.
    • Students will also complete various independent assignments in the afternoon to help understand and practice these math concepts.  It is very important that students complete their assignments on time so they do not get behind on learning these concepts.
    • As a reminder, students must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are now required to complete 4 lessons per week (or 60 minutes per week) on Dreambox.  A “week” on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.  I will count all of the minutes and lessons that occur during that time.  Every Sunday morning, the time starts over again.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!  Have a great week, everyone!

-Mrs. Jacobsen   🙂

Week of December 14 – 18

It’s almost Winter Break!  I am very proud of all of my students for staying focused and working hard!  I would like to wish all of you a very happy, safe winter break and holiday season!  Have a happy new year and see you in 2021!  (Aren’t we all excited for 2021???)  🙂

Here is a look at our week ahead:

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):   On Monday, students will take the “Saving America’s Wolves” Reading Quiz.  The class will also have a menu to complete on Monday & Tuesday, which will be due by Wednesday at 8:00 am.  While students are not working with me in their reading group, they must be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.
  • Wordly Wise:   As part of their Reading Menu activities, the class will take the Lesson 5 Wordly Wise Quiz on Tuesday 12/15.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  Please encourage your child to enjoy listening to the story and not do anything else during this time.


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • This week we will be continuing with our unit on Mean, Median, Mode, & Range (SOL 5.17).  Please remember to look in your math course on Schoology for notes and practice problems to help you review and study.  For this unit, you MAY use a calculator.
    • The class will take the Mean, Median, Mode, & Range 5.17 Test on Thursday 12/17.
    • As a reminder, students must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are now required to complete either 4 lessons per week or 60 minutes per week on Dreambox.   A week on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.  I will count all of the minutes and lessons that occur during that time.  Every Sunday morning, the time starts over again.


Thanks so much for all of your support!  Have a wonderful week and a fantastic winter break!

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of December 7 – 11

We are down to our last 2 weeks of school before Winter Break!  Thank you for keeping up all of your hard work and staying focused during these next 2 weeks.  We have a lot of important learning to do before break!

Here is a look at our week ahead:

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):   This week we continue with our study of the nonfiction text called “Saving America’s Wolves.”  I will meet with small groups to discuss and analyze the text.  The class will take the “Saving America’s Wolves” Quiz on Monday 12/14.  While students are not working with me in their reading group, they must be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  This week students have a Reading Menu due on Tuesday at 8:00 am, and then will have another Reading Menu due on Thursday at 8:00 am.
  • Wordly Wise:   We will continue with our Lesson 5 words this week.  Student will complete assignments in their Reading Menu to check for understanding this week.  The class will take the Lesson 5 Wordly Wise Quiz on Tuesday 12/15.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  Please encourage your child to enjoy listening to the story and not do anything else during this time.


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • We will continue with and complete our study of Decimal Computation (SOL 5.5) this week.  We have learned how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with decimals in this unit.  The class will take the Decimal Computation SOL 5.5 Test on Wednesday 12/9.  
    • Students will have notes and examples to look at in our Schoology folder, and will also be expected to copy them into their Math notebook.  While we spend time in class learning how to solve problems using decimal computation, students will have independent activities to complete during the afternoon.
    • On Thursday, we will begin our new unit on Mean, Median, Mode, & Range (SOL 5.17).  I will post notes and practice problems in your Math Course on Schoology.  For this unit, you MAY use a calculator.  We will work on this unit next week and next week.
    • As a reminder, students must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are now required to complete either 4 lessons per week or 60 minutes per week on Dreambox.   A week on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.  I will count all of the minutes and lessons that occur during that time.  Every Sunday morning, the time starts over again.


Please let me know if you have any questions!  Have a wonderful week, everyone!

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of November 30 – December 4

I hope that you all had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving break!  I am very thankful to be able to teach my wonderful students and support them this year.  I hope that you had time to relax with your family and think about what you are thankful for too.

Here is a look at our week ahead:

-Our next packet pick-up will take place this Tuesday, December 1st, from 1:30 – 2:30.  I will also be posting a PDF of the packet in our “Homeroom” course on Schoology.

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):  This week we will spend some time reviewing the 1st Quarter Reading Checkpoint that students took before Thanksgiving break.  We also will begin studying a new nonfiction text this week, called “Saving America’s Wolves.”  I will meet with small groups to discuss and analyze the text.  While students are not working with me in their group, they will be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.   The class will receive their new menu on Wednesday, which will be due by 8:00 am on Friday morning.  Then students will have their next menu to work on Friday and Monday in class, which will be due next Tuesday morning.
  • Wordly Wise:   On Monday, the class will do a review activity for Lessons 1 – 4.  Then we will begin our new Lesson 5 unit.  Students will need to watch the introduction video on Monday afternoon, and then will have activities to complete throughout the week in their reading menus.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  The students voted and chose this novel, and they are already enjoying it!


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • This week we will begin our study of Decimal Computation (SOL 5.5).  In 4th grade, students learned how to add and subtract decimals.  We will spend time reviewing these skills this week, and then we will learn how to multiply decimals and divide decimals.
    • Students will have notes and examples to look at in our Schoology folder, and will also be expected to copy them into their Math notebook.
    • While we spend time in class learning how to solve problems using decimal computation, students will have independent activities to complete during the afternoon.
    • As a reminder, students must be working in Dreambox throughout the week.  As I have discussed in class, students are now required to complete either 5 lessons per week or complete 60 minutes per week on Dreambox.  A week on Dreambox begins on Sunday morning and ends on Saturday evening.


Have a great week!

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Weeks of 11/16 – 11/20 and 11/23 – 11/24

Hi everyone!  This post will contain information for this week as well as the short 2-day week next week.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful, relaxing, and safe Thanksgiving holiday!


Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):  This week we will continue our study of the nonfiction text “Escape From Alcatraz.”  I will meet with small groups to continue our analysis of the text.  Students were supposed to have completed the comprehension questions Google doc on Thursday for their independent assignment.  We will review the questions together, and also will practice making inferences about the information.  The class will take the “Escape From Alcatraz” Quiz on Thursday 11/12.  They are supposed to use the text to help them answer the questions.  While students are not working with me in their group, they will be working on their Reading Menu in the “lobby.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “lobby” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  Students were given a menu on Thursday 11/12, which is due on Tuesday morning.  Then on Tuesday, students will be given a new menu, which will be due by 8:00 am on Thursday morning.
  • Wordly Wise:   Students will continue their study of the Lesson 4 unit this week.  The class will take the Lesson 4 Quiz on Thursday 11/12.
  • Next Week:  During our reading block next week, we will do a lesson on Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship.  We will work on this lesson throughout the 2 days.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our class novel, Save Me a Seat.  The students voted and chose this novel, and they are already enjoying it!


Math Classes:  

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • Classes will take the SOL 5.4 Problem Solving test on Monday, 11/16.  As I have explained to the class, this is a test where students are allowed to use a calculator.  This test will assess the students’ understanding of how to solve problems in math, which is why a calculator is permitted.  It is going to be very important for students to read the problems carefully, and take their time while solving the problems.
    • We will begin a new unit this week – Rounding Decimals (SOL 5.1).  In 4th grade, students learned how to read and write decimals through the thousandths place, identify the value of a digit, and compare and order decimals.  We will now learn how to round decimals.  We will learn how to round decimals to the nearest whole number (ones place), nearest tenth, and nearest hundredth.  We will practice in class and I will model the importance of taking our time when doing this skill.  Students will have assignments on how to round decimals throughout the week.
    • Students will take a Rounding Decimals Quiz on Monday 11/23.


Thank you for all of your support!  Please contact me with any questions.

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of November 9 – 13

What a gorgeous weekend!  I hope that everyone enjoyed some time outside this weekend!  Here is a look at our week ahead:

*Important Reminders:

  • HCPS Student Intent Survey:  Thank you for completing the survey sent out by Henrico County stating your intent for your child to either return to school in-person or stay virtual.  The deadline to submit the survey is this evening, Nov. 8th, at 11:59 pm.


  • Thursday 11/12 will be another asynchronous learning day for students.  Just like last week, students will NOT sign into our Microsoft Teams class meeting that day, but WILL have independent assignments to complete during the school day.  Teachers will be using the day to get our classrooms ready for in-person learning.  It is important to understand that this is still counted as a school day for students, and attendance will be taken for this day.  I will be taking attendance at the end of the day based on students completing their assignments.  If students do not complete these assignments by 5:00 pm, they will be marked absent.  The 3 teachers (myself, Mrs. Blankenship, & Mrs. McGee) will tell the students what their assignments are on Thursday morning, and we will also post them on our assignments pages.  Please make sure you check the assignments pages to know what your assignments are for Thursday 11/12.


  • No School for Students on Friday, November 13th in observance of Diwali. To our families celebrating this holiday, I hope your holiday is wonderful!


  • The end of the 1st nine week is Friday, November 13th.


Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):  This week we will begin a new text that we will discuss and analyze for the next 2 weeks.  We will be reading a nonfiction text called “Escape From Alcatraz.”  On Monday we will read the text as a whole group and discuss important vocabulary.  On Tuesday and Wednesday I will meet with small groups to begin discussing and analyzing the text with comprehension questions.  While students are not working with me in their group, they will be working on their Reading Menu in the “waiting room.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “Waiting Room” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  This week students will complete a menu on Tuesday and Wednesday, which will be due by 8:00 am on Thursday morning.  Then they will have a menu to complete on Thursday & Monday (no school on Friday), which will be due no later than 8:00 am next Tuesday morning (11/17).
  • Wordly Wise:  We will begin Wordly Wise Lesson 4 this week.  On Monday, students will watch the video introducing them to the new words.  Then they will have activities to complete in their reading menus this week.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from our new class novel, Save Me a Seat.  The students voted and chose this novel!


Math This Week:

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • We will continue with our Whole Number Problem Solving Unit this week (SOL 5.4)  Last week we practiced solving long division problems with 2-digit divisors.  This is a challenging skill, and I am very proud of how hard the students have been working on it!  The students will take the 2-Digit Divisors Quiz on Monday 11/9.
    • For the remainder of the week, we will review and practice problem solving with whole numbers by doing a variety of word problems.  As we have discussed, it is very important to read the word problem carefully and to understand what the question is asking.  Students MAY use a calculator to solve these word problems.
    • The students will take the SOL 5.4 Problem Solving TEST on Monday, November 16th.


I appreciate your continued support!  As always, please contact me with any questions.  🙂

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of November 2 – 6

Happy November!  I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend, and if you celebrate Halloween, had a fun, safe holiday!  Here is a look at our week ahead:

*Important Reminders:

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences (virtual) – Monday 11/2 from 3:30-6:30 pm and Tuesday 11/3 from 8:30 -11:30 am.  If you need a reminder of what time you signed up for, here is the link to the schedule:  Fall Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule


  • No School Tuesday, November 3rd – Election Day!


  • Wednesday 11/4 will be an asynchronous learning day for students.  What this means is that students will NOT sign into our Microsoft Teams class meeting that day, but WILL have independent assignments to complete during the school day.  Teachers will be using the day to get our classrooms ready for in-person learning.  It is important to understand that this is still counted as a school day for students, and attendance will be taken for this day.  I will be taking attendance at the end of the day based on students completing their assignments.  If students do not complete these assignments by 5:00 pm, they will be marked absent for Wednesday.  The 3 teachers (myself, Mrs. Blankenship, & Mrs. McGee) will tell the students what their assignments are on Wednesday, and we will also post them on our assignments pages.  Please make sure you check the assignments pages to know what your assignments are for Wednesday.


Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):  We will continue meeting in our small reading groups this week to discuss a nonfiction text in the Achieve 3000 program.  While students are not working with me in their group, they will be working on their Reading Menu in the “waiting room.”  As I have discussed with the students, they must click to join our class meeting, but then be in the “Waiting Room” so I can see that they are present in class.   All students in 5th grade will have the same reading menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of a mix of reading, writing, science, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  For example, this week students will have a menu to complete on Monday & Wednesday (no school on Tuesday), which will be due no later than 8:00 am on Thursday morning.  Then they will have a menu to complete on Thursday & Friday, which will be due no later than 8:00 am on Monday morning.
  • Wordly Wise:  Due to the shortened school week, we will not have a new Wordly Wise list this week.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  From 1:00-1:15 each day, I will be reading aloud from a new class novel.  I am going to have the class help me choose our next novel.  We finished Because of Mr. Terupt on Friday, and the class loved the ending!


Math This Week:

  • Math 5 and Math 5/6:

    • We will continue with our Whole Number Problem Solving Unit this week (SOL 5.4)  We spent last week solving word problems using computation strategies (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).  Many of the problems were multi-step problems, and I am so impressed with how the students thought carefully to solve them!
    • We did not get a chance to begin division with 2-digit divisors last week, so we will begin this on Monday of this week.  This is a new strategy that all students will be learning.  As the students will see, the steps to divide with 2-digit divisors are the same steps that we already know from long division!  We will just have to learn how to think through that first step of dividing the dividend by a 2-digit divisor.  Students will have assignments this week to practice this skill.  We will also work on solving word problems with 2-digit divisors.
    • The students will be taking a 2-Digit Divisors Quiz on Friday 11/6.


Please contact me with any questions.  Thank you for your continued support!  Looking forward to a great week!

-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of October 26 – 30

I can’t believe we have reached the last week of October!  Here is a look at our week ahead:

Mrs. Jacobsen’s Homeroom

  • Morning Meetings (8:00 – 8:15):   We will continue to build our classroom community with activities and questions that will allow us to get to know our classmates better.
  • Small Group Reading Block (9:55 – 10:30):  In our small groups we will continue our study of the story The Legend of Sleepy HollowIn our groups, we will reread the story altogether in sections and discuss story elements and go over comprehension strategies.  Students will take the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Quiz on Thursday, Oct. 29th.  Students will be allowed to use their story to help them answer the questions.  When students are not meeting with me in their small group, they MUST be in the “Lobby” on Microsoft Teams so I can still see their name.  While in the “Lobby” they will be working on their Reading Rotations Choice Menu assignment.  All students in 5th grade will have the same choice menu assignments.  The assignments in this menu will consist of reading, writing, and social studies activities.  Students will have 2 days to complete the “Must-Do’s” in their menu, and they will be due by 8:00 am on the following morning.  For example, this week students will have a menu to complete on Monday & Tuesday, which will be due no later than 8:00 am on Wednesday morning.  Then they will have a menu to complete on Wednesday & Thursday, which will be due no later than 8:00 am on Friday morning.
  • Wordly Wise:  Students have also been studying and practicing their Wordly Wise Lesson 3 words.  The class will take their Worldy Wise Lesson 3 Quiz on Friday, Oct. 30th.
  • Class Read-Aloud:  I will also continue to read aloud from our class novel, Because of Mr. Terupt, at the end of each day.


Math This Week:

  • Math 5:

    • On Monday of this week we will do some more practice of computation skills, specifically multiplication and division.  Students will take the Computation Review Quiz on Tuesday, Oct. 27th.   This quiz will consist of what we have been reviewing:  2-digit and 3-digit multiplication and long division with 2-digit and 3-digit dividends.
    • On Wednesday we will begin our 5th grade math unit on problems solving with computation strategies.  We will be solving word problems using a variety of operations.
    • Later in the week we will learn how to do long division with 2-digit divisors.  This is a new strategy that all students will be learning.
  • Math 5/6:

    • On Monday we will do some more review on how to simplify equations with exponents in them.  This means that students will use the “E” in PEMDAS and solving expressions with this new step.  Students will take the Exponents 6.4 Quiz on Tuesday 10/27.
    • On Wednesday we will begin our 5th grade math unit on problems solving with computation strategies.  We will be solving word problems using a variety of operations.
    • Later in the week we will learn how to do long division with 2-digit divisors.  This is a new strategy that all students will be learning.


Please contact me with any questions.  Thank you for your continued support!  Looking forward to a great week!

-Mrs. Jacobsen