Week of November 1 – 5

Happy November, families!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and if you celebrate Halloween, I hope everyone had a fun time!  Monday, Nov. 1st is the last day of the first quarter.  My students are working hard and making great progress!

Thank you for signing up for a conference with me on either Wednesday, 11/3, or Thursday, 11/4.  I’m looking forward to sharing information about your child’s progress.  If you did not get a chance to sign up for a conference yet, here is the link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0548aaab2da0f58-parent

Here is a look ahead at our week:


Thank you for all of your continued support with your child’s education.  I truly appreciate everything you do!

~Mrs. Jacobsen




Week of October 25 – 29

Wow, I can’t believe that we have already reached the end of October!  I’m looking forward to a great week ahead with my students.

This week marks the last full week of the quarter, with the last day of the quarter being Monday, November 1st.  I still have a number of grades to enter for classwork and other assessments, so thank you very much for your patience.  Please encourage your child to use their time wisely in class to complete assignments on time.  I am very proud of how hard my students have been working this year!

Parent-teacher conferences will take place next week.  I will be sending out more information about sign-ups on Wednesday of this week.  Some conferences will take place on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 3, and others will take place during the morning on Thursday, Nov. 4.

Our “Treats for the Troops” service project begins this week!  Families are invited to donate items to the Blue Star Families Organization to make care packages for troops serving overseas.  The collections will begin on Monday, Oct. 25th.  A flier was sent home with your child last week.  Please send in the items that correspond to your child’s “House.”  Thank you for your support with this important service opportunity!

Here is a look at our week ahead:


Have a great week, everyone!

-Mrs. Jacobsen


Week of October 18 – 22

Hi everyone!  It was wonderful seeing many of you at the Fall Festival on Friday night.  I hope you had a great time!  Will and Clara, my two kids, had so much fun and loved checking out all of the Halloween decorations.  Thank you to our awesome PTA for organizing this great event!

This week is Digital Citizenship Week!  Click here to see the theme for each spirit day this week.   


Here is a look at our week ahead:


I am very proud of how hardworking my students are!  They also consistently show kindness to others and good citizenship.  Thank you for all of your continued support at home.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Jacobsen


Week of October 11 – 15

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, and were able to enjoy some fall activities!

Pumpkins and Leaves Clip Art | Fall clip art, Pumpkin, Fall pictures with pumpkins

This Friday, 10/15, is the SPES Fall Festival!  (5:30-8:30)  I hope to see many of you there!

Thank you for encouraging your children to charge their laptop every night.  It is hard to find space in the classroom if multiple students need to charge them.  Thank you for your help with this!

Here is a look at our week ahead:


Have a good week!

~Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of October 4 – 8

Hi, everyone!  I’m looking forward to a great week ahead!  The students have really been impressing me with their hard work, perseverance, and creativity!  🙂

As a reminder, next Monday, Oct. 11th is a student holiday / teacher workday.

Make sure you mark your calendar for the SPES Fall Festival on Friday, October 15th!

Here is a look at our week ahead:


Have a fantastic week!

-Mrs. Jacobsen


Week of Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful fall weekend!  It was so nice seeing many of you at Back to School Night on Thursday.  If you were not able to join us, here is the link to our presentation:

Back to School Night Presentation – Mrs. Jacobsen & Mrs. Toth

Here is our weekly newsletter:


Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you very much for all of your continued support!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Jacobsen


Week of September 20 – 24

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!  I am very proud of all of my students for continuing to adjust to our class routines and expectations, and for showing a tremendous love of learning!  🙂  We are already having such great class discussions!  The class is doing great with switching classes to go to Mrs. Toth for science and social studies.  Below is our weekly newsletter:


Important Announcements:
  • Back to School Night:  This Thursday, Sept. 23 is our Back to School Night presentation.  For 5th grade, the virtual presentation will take place from 6:10 – 6:40 pm on a Microsoft Teams meeting.  The link will be emailed out to you this week.  All you will need to do is click on the link provided to attend the meeting.  We will also hold an in-person presentation from 6:55 – 7:25 pm (only one adult per student may attend in-person).  The in-person presentation will be exactly the same as the virtual presentation.  If you are not able to attend, I will send out a recording and link of the presentation on Friday.
  • SPES “House” Reveal:  On Monday, students will find out what “House” they will be in this year!  Each student will be placed into one of the five “Houses” below for a Stinger PRIDE characteristic.  Houses will work together throughout the year to earn points and “Bee Bucks” and will attend “Buzzy Bashes” together.  I’m so excited for the big reveal on Monday!  We have been learning about Stinger “PRIDE” during the morning announcements:
      • Positive
      • Resiliant
      • Innovative
      • Determined
      • Empowered
  • Homework Reminder:   Students should be copying their homework assignments into their Agenda every morning and at the start of Mrs. Toth’s class.  I will try to post the homework on our Homework page each day, but as I told the class, sometimes the afternoon gets very busy with late dismissals and meetings, so I admit that sometimes I will forget to update the page.  As long as students are copying down their assignments, they will know what is expected for homework.  If a student is absent, please contact me if you are unsure of what the assignments are.  Please let me know if you have any questions any time!  Thanks!


Have a fabulous week, everyone!  🙂
-Mrs. Jacobsen

Week of Sept. 13 – 17

Hi everyone!  We had a fantastic first week (3 days) of school!  I am very impressed with how quickly the class has adjusted to being back in school and learning our routines and expectations.  They all really get along very well, and I’m having a great time getting to know all of my students!

As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday, Sept. 16th (Yom Kippur).

You may have noticed this already, but if not, I wanted to let you know that you can subscribe to our class website and receive email notifications every time I post an update to our site.  I promise you that I rarely post more than one time a week, so it should not fill up your email!  You don’t have to subscribe… you can always just check our site every week (Mondays are best).  If you’d like to subscribe, simply scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page and enter your email where it says “Subscribe to this blog!”  Then click on “Subscribe.”

Since Mrs. Toth and I will be team-teaching your children this year, we will be providing a weekly snapshot of important happenings and events in our classes.

You can find our first snapshot below:


Don’t forget to check the “Homework” page on this site for our daily homework as well.  As a reminder, students must be writing down their homework into their agenda every morning, but we also post it on our websites in case students are absent or parents want to ensure students are completing their homework.

Finally, thank you to those of you who have connected to our Class Dojo link in order to receive updates about your child.  If you did not receive the email with the link that I sent last week, please let me know so I can send it to you again.  Thanks for your help with this!  🙂

As always, please reach out to me or Mrs. Toth with any questions!  Have a wonderful week!

~Mrs. Jacobsen

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year, Fifth Grade Stingers!

Hello students and families!  I am thrilled to be your 5th grade teacher this year, and I can’t wait to meet you!  I will be updating my class website soon, so stay tuned for more information about our schedule, etc.

I hope to see you all at our “Meet and Greet” Event this Thursday, Sept. 2nd.  The schedule is as follows:

  • 2:00-2:30:  Families with last name A – L
  • 2:30 – 3:00:  Families with last name M – Z

At the “Meet and Greet,” you may also bring your school supplies and drop them off in the classroom.

If you have any questions, please contact me at cmjacobsen@henrico.k12.va.us    Email is definitely the best way to reach me.

I am looking forward to a great year!  🙂

~Mrs. Jacobsen


Hi families!  I hope that everyone had a nice weekend!  I would like to welcome our new students into our class – Yanis, Lorelei, and Ahmed!  🙂  We are very happy to have you join our class!  We will greatly miss some of our friends who will be leaving our class to join Mrs. Blankenship’s class – Aaraiz, Ahad, and Schuyler!

I have already sent out an email with this information, but I wanted to remind everyone that beginning Monday, Feb. 22nd, our daily schedule at Short Pump will be changing. The school day will still begin at 8:00, but we will have some slight changes to our schedule.  Please click on this letter to read about our schedule changes.  In the letter you will find a link to our new class schedule.  You may also click on this link to our new class schedule.

An important item to note in the letter above is that I will be holding a virtual transition meeting for students who will be returning in person and their parents on Wednesday, Feb. 24th at 4:00 pm. During this time, I will go over classroom expectations, safety precautions, our schedule, as well as answer any questions. To attend this meeting, you will join our regular class meeting link. If you cannot make it, please do not worry. I will send an email with a video link that you may watch at your convenience.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have.  🙂

I’m looking forward to a great week!

~Mrs. Jacobsen