Week of September 20 – 24

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!  I am very proud of all of my students for continuing to adjust to our class routines and expectations, and for showing a tremendous love of learning!  🙂  We are already having such great class discussions!  The class is doing great with switching classes to go to Mrs. Toth for science and social studies.  Below is our weekly newsletter:


Important Announcements:
  • Back to School Night:  This Thursday, Sept. 23 is our Back to School Night presentation.  For 5th grade, the virtual presentation will take place from 6:10 – 6:40 pm on a Microsoft Teams meeting.  The link will be emailed out to you this week.  All you will need to do is click on the link provided to attend the meeting.  We will also hold an in-person presentation from 6:55 – 7:25 pm (only one adult per student may attend in-person).  The in-person presentation will be exactly the same as the virtual presentation.  If you are not able to attend, I will send out a recording and link of the presentation on Friday.
  • SPES “House” Reveal:  On Monday, students will find out what “House” they will be in this year!  Each student will be placed into one of the five “Houses” below for a Stinger PRIDE characteristic.  Houses will work together throughout the year to earn points and “Bee Bucks” and will attend “Buzzy Bashes” together.  I’m so excited for the big reveal on Monday!  We have been learning about Stinger “PRIDE” during the morning announcements:
      • Positive
      • Resiliant
      • Innovative
      • Determined
      • Empowered
  • Homework Reminder:   Students should be copying their homework assignments into their Agenda every morning and at the start of Mrs. Toth’s class.  I will try to post the homework on our Homework page each day, but as I told the class, sometimes the afternoon gets very busy with late dismissals and meetings, so I admit that sometimes I will forget to update the page.  As long as students are copying down their assignments, they will know what is expected for homework.  If a student is absent, please contact me if you are unsure of what the assignments are.  Please let me know if you have any questions any time!  Thanks!


Have a fabulous week, everyone!  🙂
-Mrs. Jacobsen

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