Week of Sept. 13 – 17

Hi everyone!  We had a fantastic first week (3 days) of school!  I am very impressed with how quickly the class has adjusted to being back in school and learning our routines and expectations.  They all really get along very well, and I’m having a great time getting to know all of my students!

As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday, Sept. 16th (Yom Kippur).

You may have noticed this already, but if not, I wanted to let you know that you can subscribe to our class website and receive email notifications every time I post an update to our site.  I promise you that I rarely post more than one time a week, so it should not fill up your email!  You don’t have to subscribe… you can always just check our site every week (Mondays are best).  If you’d like to subscribe, simply scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page and enter your email where it says “Subscribe to this blog!”  Then click on “Subscribe.”

Since Mrs. Toth and I will be team-teaching your children this year, we will be providing a weekly snapshot of important happenings and events in our classes.

You can find our first snapshot below:


Don’t forget to check the “Homework” page on this site for our daily homework as well.  As a reminder, students must be writing down their homework into their agenda every morning, but we also post it on our websites in case students are absent or parents want to ensure students are completing their homework.

Finally, thank you to those of you who have connected to our Class Dojo link in order to receive updates about your child.  If you did not receive the email with the link that I sent last week, please let me know so I can send it to you again.  Thanks for your help with this!  🙂

As always, please reach out to me or Mrs. Toth with any questions!  Have a wonderful week!

~Mrs. Jacobsen

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