January 9, 2022

We are ready to get back on track after enjoying our three unexpected snow days last week! Please note important information for upcoming activities, as well as date changes for quizzes and tests as noted under the “dates to remember” section below.



Mark Your Calendars – Middle School is Coming!!

Last Thursday students received a packet from Hungary Creek Middle School regarding upcoming events and course scheduling. The students are very excited about the visit from Hungary Creek scheduled for Tuesday, 1/11 and the Hungary Creek virtual curriculum fair scheduled for Thursday, 1/13. You can find the link for the virtual curriculum fair on the HCMS website (this is noted on the HCMS packet)


We are loving awarding daily points to students following the Glen Allen 3 of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. It’s great to see what house is in the lead each day! House Omhule (blue) continues to lead, but Kinyonga (green) is not far behind and the other three houses are gaining as well. Don’t forget that EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 





1/3  – 1/21 Gifted referral window (all referrals DUE by 4:00 on 1/21)

1/10  PTA General Meeting at 7:00

1/11 PTA Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza

1/11 HCMS visits Glen Allen 5th Graders!

1/12 Math Probability Unit Test

1/13 Hungary Creek Virtual Curriculum Fair (find link on HCMS website)

1/13 Reading Text Structure Test

1/14 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes

1/17 Student/Staff Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

1/19 Science Sound Test

1/26 Student Half day/Dismissal begins at 11:00

Math: This week we will wrap up our review of probability. We will review key terms, tree diagrams, and probability as it relates to factions before testing Wednesday, 1/12. We will then turn our attention to fractions once again. In the upcoming weeks we will be focusing on computation (adding, subtracting and multiplying) of fractions. Please be sure that your child continues to work on mastery of their multiplication and division skills as this will greatly help them with this, and all of our math units.

Reading: Our focus in reading is on recognizing text structures that are used in nonfiction text (description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, chronological order and problem and solution). This week we will work on identifying all 5 text structures in various texts. Understanding the author’s use of text structure helps readers develop strong comprehension skills.  

We will continue with our  Vocab. List #12 this week. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday. 



Science: We will wrap up our unit on light energy with a test next Wednesday, 1/19. Be sure that your child reviews the study guide and notes in their interactive notebook as well as notes in Schoology in Student Resources to prepare for the test. 



Social Studies: We continue to learn all about the 12 states that make up the Southeast Region. This week students will work on an in class project creating a “suitcase” displaying specific landmarks, features, and representations of the Southeastern state that they were assigned. I can’t wait to see how these turn out!


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January 5, 2022 SNOW DAY UPDATE

Snow Day(s) Update:

I hope everyone enjoyed the extension to our Winter Break due to these 3 unexpected snow days! I can’t wait to hear about all of the fun everyone had – Murphy certainly had a blast in the snow! I wanted to let you know that due to these missed instructional days, tests planned for this week will be rescheduled for next week. Please check back on the blog for updated dates on the science light test and the math probability test.






1/6  Welcome back & Happy New Year!

1/5  – 1/14 Gifted referral window (all referrals DUE by 4:00 on 1/14)

1/10  PTA General Meeting at 7:00

1/11 PTA Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza

1/14  Vocab. Test on Word List 12

1/17 Student/Staff Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

1/26 Student Half day/Dismissal begins at 11:00

*Math and Science Tests planned for this week will be rescheduled for next week. *

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January 2, 2022

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a relaxing and fun winter break. I am excited to welcome everyone back to school tomorrow and look forward to hearing about all the fun adventures they had over the break!


Winter Party Fun!         

Students had a blast at our Winter Party on the Friday before break with some fun math review games, playing bingo, creating a design brief and building a gingerbread house (this was quite a challenge!), as well as enjoying popcorn, candy canes and a video to get us in the mood for winter! Maybe this played a part in the snow forecasted for Monday! 😊


We are loving awarding daily points to students following the Glen Allen 3 of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. It’s great to see what house is in the lead each day! Don’t forget that EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 






1/3  Welcome back & Happy New Year!

1/3  – 1/14 Gifted referral window (all referrals DUE by 4:00 on 1/14)

1/6 Math Probability Unit Test

1/7 Science Light Unit Test

1/7 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes

1/10  PTA General Meeting at 7:00

1/11 PTA Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza

1/17 Student/Staff Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

1/26 Student Half day/Dismissal begins at 11:00



Math: This week we will wrap up our review of probability. We will review key terms, tree diagrams, and probability as it relates to factions before testing Thursday, 1/6. We will then turn our attention to fractions once again. In the upcoming weeks we will be focusing on computation. Please be sure that your child continues to work on mastery of their multiplication and division skills.  


Reading: We will continue with our unit on text structures that are used in nonfiction text (description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, chronological order and problem and solution). This week we will work on recognizing all 5 text structures in various texts. Understanding the author’s use of text structure helps readers develop strong comprehension skills.  



Our vocabulary this week will be all about High Energy Hiking terms  Vocab. List #12. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday. 



Science: We will wrap up our unit on light energy with a test on Friday. The students have enjoyed all of the  hands-on learning we have had with these units on energy!



Social Studies: The students are loving our geography unit on the Southeast Region. This week we will learn about some significant features of the region and then start on a fun in class project researching and sharing what we learn about a specific Southeast state.



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December 12, 2021

Wow, it’s hard to believe but we are quickly approaching the end of 2021 and Winter Break! We’ve had a blast in the Lyons’ Den learning and I can’t wait to continue on this journey with your child in 2022!



Computer Science Week

It was so much fun celebrating Computer Science Week! Thank you to our ILC, Mandolyn Loftis, for organizing this great spirit week and our STEAM Day House Challenge on Friday – The Great Catapult! Congratulations to House Aries (yellow) for their win in this challenge! They created a catapult that successfully knocked down the cup tower from a distance of 106 inches! We look forward to more fun House Challenge events in 2022!


Don’t forget that EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 







12/14  Science Sound Unit Test

12/14 States and Capitals retake if you scored below a 70

12/15 Southeast Vocabulary Quiz 

12/17 Vocabulary and Spelling Tests

12/17 Winter Celebration/Class Activity

⅓         Welcome back!


Math: This week we will take a break from our  fractions unit and review the skill of probability. Students will have fun  exploring the likelihood of events while still reviewing fractions. On Friday, students will have fun while reviewing math skills with an end of the year holiday math open house.

Reading: We will continue to work on  recognizing text structures that are used in nonfiction text (description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, chronological order and problem and solution). This week we will work on problem and solution and sequence/chronological order. Understanding the author’s use of text structure helps readers develop strong comprehension skills.  

Our vocabulary this week will be all about Fabulous food words  Vocab. List #11. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday. 

Science: We will wrap up our unit on sound Tuesday with a unit test. The students have enjoyed all of the  hands-on learning with sound and did a great job on the quiz last week.  We are looking forward to learning about how light works starting Wednesday!

Social Studies: The students are loving our geography unit on the Southeast Region. We have learned the location of the  12 states that make up this region, as well as the capital of each state.  We also learned about some important geographical features that are unique to this region. Students will have a quiz on the important vocabulary terms for this region on Wednesday 12/15. Naming and locating the states and capitals proved to be trickier than some thought. Make sure you and your child are looking over the flash cards each night. Students will have another chance to take the quiz on Tuesday if they scored below a 70%. 



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December 5, 2021

Welcome to December! We have fun activities, House challenges, and assessments coming up in the next two weeks before Winter Break so be sure to check over the newsletter/blog carefully each week.

This week we had a blast in sound stations! We experimented with tuning forks, bottles of water, hangers with string, and a fun computer game that told us we were too noisy. Be sure to ask your child about all they learned about vibration and sound during this fun hands-on learning experience.

STEAM – science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics. Education concept

Computer Science Week

December 6th – 10th is computer science week. Students will be learning about how computer science relates to different subjects, industries, career paths, and everyday life! Join in the fun by participating in our spirit days! Click on this link for more information: Computer Science Spirit Week .  On Friday we will have a blast participating in a House STEAM challenge!

12/6 – Monday: Innovation Day – wear something neon for bright ideas!

12/7 – Tuesday: Bugs you encounter – wear something buggy

12/8 – Wednesday: Following directions to reach a destination – wear a travel shirt

12/9 – Thursday: Binary Code Day – Wear red & white

12/10 – Friday: Cozy Coding – wear your cozy PJs

Weekend: Unplugged Coding – create an algorithm

EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 


Students received an activity log (PE Activity Log)  in PE this week from Mrs. Lucas. Students should be recording their activity at home or at school that reaches an intensity level of 3 or 4. This form will be turned in on Friday, December 10 for a PE grade. 





12/6 – 12/10 Computer Science Week/Spirit Week

12/6 PTA Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A Tuckernuck Plaza

12/7 Science Sound Quiz

12/8  Reading Quiz on Among the Hidden

12/9 Math Unit Test Converting and Comparing Decimals and Fractions

12/9 Social Studies quiz Southeast Map & States and Capitals

12/10 PE Activity Log due to Mrs. Lucas

12/10 Vocabulary Quizzes

12/10  House Steam Challenge, Half day dismissal beginning at 11:00

12/14 Science Sound Unit Test

12/17 Winter Celebration/Class Activity


Math: We will wrap up our unit on converting and comparing fractions and decimals this week. A test on this unit will be on Thursday, 12/9. Keep practicing those multiplication and division facts as mastery of these facts is key to being successful with fractions!

Reading: Our focus will be on recognizing the various text structures that are used in nonfiction text (description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, chronological order and problem and solution). Understanding text structure helps readers develop strong comprehension skills.  



We finished reading, Among the Hidden this week. The students absolutely loved this novel! The author does a phenomenal job of ending each chapter with a cliffhanger that left the students begging for more each day!  Among the Hidden is the first of  a 6 book series, so I am hopeful that students will be clamoring to read the next books in this thrilling series. They have already asked what we will begin reading next – stay tuned! 


Our vocabulary this week will be all about weather  Vocab. List #10. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday.


Science: We’ve had a lot of fun learning about sound- from creating instruments to fun sound stations! We are ready to show what we know on our sound quiz on Tuesday, 12/7 and a sound unit test on Tuesday, 12/14.  Be sure to utilize the notes in the science notebook and on Schoology student resources to prepare. 

Social Studies: The students are loving learning about the Southeast Region. We have learned the location of the  12 states that make up this region, as well as the capital of each state.  We also learned about some important geographical features that are unique to this region. Students will have a quiz on the 12 states and capitals and also on the map location of these 12 states on Thursday, 12/9. 



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November 28, 2021

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break celebrating and relaxing with friends and family! I’m looking forward to hearing all about the it on Monday!

Fall Makeup Picture Day

Don’t forget that makeup picture day has been rescheduled for December 1st due to delays in printing and delivery of our Fall pictures. This link will allow families to sign up to receive updates via email regarding your child’s school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time.

EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 



Computer Science Week

December 6th – 10th is computer science week. Students will be learning about how it relates to different subjects, industries, career paths, and everyday life! Join in the fun by participating in our spirit days!

12/6 – Monday: Innovation Day – wear something neon for bright ideas!

12/7 – Tuesday: Bugs you encounter – wear something buggy

12/8 – Wednesday: Following directions to reach a destination – wear a travel shirt

12/9 – Thursday: Binary Code Day – Wear red & white

12/10 – Friday: Cozy Coding – wear your cozy PJs

Weekend: Unplugged Coding – create an algorithm




12/1  Makeup Picture Day (this is a change)

12/2 IB Writing prompt for 5th grade students who applied

12/6 PTA Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A Tuckernuck Plaza

12/6 – 12/10 Computer Science Week/Spirit Week

12/10  House Steam Challenge, Half day dismissal beginning at 11:00


Math: This week in math we will begin learning all about converting decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals. Keep practicing those multiplication and division facts as mastery of these facts is so beneficial to the unit on fractions!


Reading: Making inferences and drawing conclusions in both fiction and nonfiction text will continue to be our focus this week.  Our vocabulary this week will be all about animals Vocab. List 9. Many of these words will be familiar to students from their study of science. 

Science: In science this week wwe will be learning all about sound! Creating our instruments gave us great background knowledge on this topic and was the perfect segway into this unit!



Social Studies: We will learn about the 5 regions that make up the United States this week (Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, Southwest and West). We will then begin our focus on the Southeast Region learning about the 12 states that make up this region and the capitals of each state.



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November 21, 2021

We had such a fun, busy week and are so ready for some “down time” with friends and family! 

Just a reminder that school will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday November 24th – 26th.  I wish you all a safe, relaxing, and fun-filled time during the break!

It was wonderful to see the kids’ creativity shine during our energy STEAM activity. Check out this great video featuring the students and their amazing instruments created by our school ILC, Mrs. Loftis: Lyons’ Den: Sound – An Exploration of Energy

I can’t wait to see more of this amazing creativity this week as they create commercials advertising their instruments on Flipgrid, finish up their social studies RAFT activity, and share their Tom/Tammy writing assignments (don’t forget that this is due Monday, 11/22).

Fall Makeup Picture Day

Makeup picture day has been rescheduled for December 1st due to delays in printing and delivery of our Fall pictures. This link will allow families to sign up to receive updates via email regarding your child’s school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time.

Don’t forget EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 







11/22 Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment Due

11/24-11/26 Happy Thanksgiving! Student/Staff Holiday

12/1  Makeup Picture Day (this is a change)

12/2 IB Writing prompt for 5th grade students who applied

12/6 PTA Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A Tuckernuck Plaza

12/6 – 12/10 Computer Science Week/Spirit Week

12/10  House Steam Challenge, Half day dismissal beginning at 11:00


Math: This week in math we will have some fun stations to review the various concepts we have covered this year. 


Reading: Our focus in reading will continue to be on making inferences and drawing conclusions in both fiction and nonfiction text this week.  We will share some classic Thanksgiving stories to practice these important comprehension skills. There will be no new vocabulary introduced. 


Students were assigned a fun creative writing assignment on Monday, 11/8 – Tom/Tammy the Turkey! Please be sure to read all of the requirements and follow the directions on the rubric: Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment. This assignment is due on Monday, 11/22. I can’t wait to see all of the students’ creativity!


Science: Students did a great job of designing and then building musical instruments last week. This week they will create commercials advertising the sounds that their instruments create through the transformation of energy.



Social Studies: In social studies students will wrap up an in class RAFT project to review the 5 themes of geography. 




Wishing you all a very safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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November 14, 2021

What a great week! The GAES Cub love was clearly evident during our Henrico County Christmas Mother canned food drive last week. Amazingly, the 5 GAES Houses earned 6,856 points by sending in canned goods, hats, and gloves! Thank you for your support of others in our community who are less fortunate. We are all anxiously awaiting the announcement of the house that won this competition on Monday. A special shout out to all the 5th grade students who helped count the items collected each afternoon after school!

It’s hard to believe that there are only seven and a half days before Thanksgiving Break. Time flies when you’re having fun learning! 

We have a very busy week coming up  and we want the students to be prepared. While it may seem overwhelming with the 3 tests scheduled, the tests are 10 – 15 questions in length. This allows us to wrap up units before we leave for break and start fresh when we return after Thanksgiving on November 29. We will be reviewing in class each day, but it will be key that students spend time studying at home using the notes in their notebooks, as well as the notes in Schoology student resources. 

Thank you for sending in your recyclable items for our science energy transformation project. If you have not sent supplies in, it’s not too late. Items needed: paper towel and toilet paper rolls, clean half gallon and gallon milk containers, water bottles, 2-liter bottles, etc. We will also need rubber bands and string. Please send these in by Tuesday, 11/16. Thanks so much for your support! 

Reflections Program

The 2021-2022 National PTA Reflections Program theme is I Will Change the World By…” All submissions will must be submitted electronically by Wednesday, November 17, 2021. For additional Detailed Rules, FAQ, Entry forms, Submission dates, please check out the HCCPTA website at: www.hccpta.com/reflections.

Don’t forget EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 







11/15 GAES Spirit Night at Jimmy Johns

11/16 Social Studies 5 Themes of Geography Test

11/17 Science Energy Test

11/17 PTA Reflections Submissions Due

11/18 Math Decimal Computation Test

11/19 Half Day! Dismissal begins at 11:00

11/19 Family Life

11/22 Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment Due

11/24-11/25 Happy Thanksgiving! Student/Staff Holiday

12/1  Makeup Picture Day (this is a change)

Math: It’s all about decimals this week. We will continue to work on division with decimals as well as long division. We will then review adding, subtracting, and multiplying with decimals. A test on decimal computation  is scheduled for Thursday, 11/18. Be sure that your child is practicing  their multiplication and division facts daily. It’s important that they have mastery of facts up to 12. 



Reading: We will continue to focus on making inferences and drawing conclusions in both fiction and nonfiction text this week.  Our Vocab. List 8 is all about the “not” prefixes. 



Writing: Students were assigned a fun creative writing assignment last Monday – Tom/Tammy the Turkey! Please be sure to read all of the requirements and follow the directions on the rubric: Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment. This assignment will be due on Monday, 11/22. I can’t wait to see all of the students’ creativity!


Science: It’s all about transformation of energy in science this week! Students will be working on designing and then building a musical instrument utilizing recycled materials. They will then test and  note the various forms of energy taking place. This will be a great way to prepare for the test on the energy unit on Wednesday, 11/17. Be sure to prepare for this test by reviewing the notes in the student notebook as well as in Schoology student resources.

Social Studies: In social studies students will continue to work on an in class RAFT project to review the 5 themes of geography. A test on the Five Themes will be on Tuesday, 11/16. Be sure your child utilizes the social studies notebook, as well as, the notes in Schoology student resources to prepare for this test.


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November 7, 2021

Welcome to the second nine weeks!  As we began this second quarter on Wednesday we spoke with students about our increased expectations now that we have a full nine weeks of 5th grade under our belt. 

It was a pleasure meeting with many parents on Thursday during parent-teacher conferences. Should you have any questions or concerns going forward remember I’m just an email away!


Please begin to collect and save recyclable items for a fun science activity we have planned later this week. Items needed: paper towel and toilet paper rolls, clean half gallon and gallon milk containers, 2-liter bottles, etc. We will also need rubber bands and string. These can be brought into school on Thursday, 11/11. Thanks so much for your support! 

Glen Allen Elementary is getting geared up to participate in the Henrico Christmas Mother canned food drive! During the week of November 8 – 12, students can bring in canned and non-perishable goods, as well as new hats, gloves and mittens  to help those in need. Each canned good item brought in will be worth 1 point toward the student’s GAES House Color and hats, gloves and mittens will be worth 2 points. While one GAES House will be the ultimate winner we are all winners as we help others who are less fortunate!

Runaway Pumpkin

We had a blast during our Runaway Pumpkin STEAM activity on Friday using the Scientific Method ! We discovered how important the design and planning process is.















Congratulations to the winners:

Reflections Program

The 2021-2022 National PTA Reflections Program theme is I Will Change the World By…” All submissions will must be submitted electronically by Wednesday, November 17, 2021. For additional Detailed Rules, FAQ, Entry forms, Submission dates, please check out the HCCPTA website at: www.hccpta.com/reflections.


Don’t forget EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 







11/8  – 11/12 Canned Food Drive

11/10  Math Quiz – Multiplying Decimals

11/11 Veterans Day –  wear red, white, & blue!

11/12 Vocabulary and Spelling Quiz List 7

11/15 GAES Spirit Night at Jimmy Johns

11/16 Social Studies 5 Themes of Geography Test

11/17 Science Energy Test

11/17 PTA Reflections Submissions Due

11/18 Make Up Pictures

11/19 Family Life

11/22 Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment Due

11/24-11/25 Happy Thanksgiving! Student/Staff Holiday


Math: Decimals continue to be our focus this week. We will review multiplying with decimals and then review long division and begin division with decimals. A quiz on multiplying decimals is scheduled for Wednesday, 11/10. Be sure that your child is practicing  their multiplication and division facts daily. They should have mastery of facts up to 12. 

Reading: We will be working on making inferences and drawing conclusions in fiction and nonfiction text.  Our Vocabulary List 7 is all about “excellent emotion” words. These descriptive words will be an excellent addition to students’ vocabulary as when they are writing!


Students will be assigned a fun creative writing assignment on Monday – Tom/Tammy the Turkey! Please be sure to read all of the requirements and follow the directions on the rubric. Tom/Tammy Turkey Writing Assignment

This assignment will be due on Monday, 11/22. I can’t wait to see all of the students’ creativity!


Science: It’s all about energy in science this week! Students will investigate and compare different types of energy and then complete a fun activity where they observe how energy can be converted from one form to another! A test on this unit will be on Wednesday, 11/17. Be sure to review study guide, notes in notebook, and student resources on Schoology to prepare. 


Social Studies: We had a blast on our geography “Code and Go Mice” activity last week! This week we will wrap up our study on the Five Themes of Geography with some fun activities incorporating Geography Fortnite and RAFT activity. A test on the Five Themes will be on Tuesday, 11/16. Be sure your child utilizes the social studies notebook and the notes in Schoology in Student Resources to prepare for this test.



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October 31, 2021

We had a great week in 5th grade! I was very proud of the students’ hard work at ending the first nine weeks strong! This week will be a short one, but we have some fun activities planned to demonstrate our knowledge. In science students will work on a collaborative STEAM activity utilizing the scientific method and in social studies they will use coding and mice to practice their geography skills.



Don’t forget that Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 4 from 8:00 – 12:00 and 3:00 – 5:30 by appointment. A Sign up Genius was sent via email on Thursday, 10/21.  If you have not signed up and would like to please do so that I am prepared for the conference. I cannot accept any conferences after Tuesday.

Here is the link for the sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044BACA62CA13-mrs5


Glen Allen Elementary is getting geared up to participate in the Henrico Christmas Mother canned food drive! During the week of November 8 – 12, students can bring in canned and non-perishable goods, as well as new hats, gloves and mittens  to help those in need. Each canned good item brought in will be worth 1 point toward the student’s GAES House Color and hats, gloves and mittens will be worth 2 points.

Don’t forget EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 






11/1 End of 1st Quarter 

11/2  Election Day – Student Holiday/Staff Development

11/4 Student Holiday – Parent-Teacher Conferences by appointment  

11/15 GAES Spirit Night at Jimmy Johns

11/15 GAES Spirit Night at Jimmy Johns

11/18 Make Up Pictures

11/19 Family Life

11/24-11/25 Student/Staff Holiday


Math: Decimals continue to be our focus this week. We will review multiplying 2-digit numbers and then work on multiplying with decimals. Be sure that you child is practicing their multiplication facts. They should have mastery of facts up to 12. 



Reading: In reading this week we will continue to focus on recognizing the main idea and supporting details in nonfiction text.  We will also be looking at the importance of utilizing context clues when reading non-fiction. 

Due to the short week we will not have a new vocabulary list  this week. 



Science: This week in science we will have a fun STEAM activity. Students will design and build a ramp with only books, cardboard, and masking tape and compete to see which team could make their pumpkin roll the farthest. We will  use the scientific method process and a design brief to  collaborate and communicate. I can’t wa it to see what they come up with!

Social Studies: This past week students were able to put their geography skills to the test by going on a Map Quest. They also created a world map with a title, map legend, and compass rose and on Monday will use coding to make a “mouse” travel from continent to continent. Students will then reflect on their “mouses” journey. We will use the rest of the week to discuss how movement and human interaction play a role. 


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