March 20, 2022

Welcome Spring! We are so excited for all the fun that comes with this wonderful season – warm weather, fun outdoor activities, spring sports, and of course Spring Break! However, to avoid the “spring slump” please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

The Go Nuts for Reading program continues! Bookmarks were sent home with students. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform. 



Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead  with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.

Our Multiplication Sundae Incentive continues! Students are working hard to master each of the times tables up to the 12’s before our Ice Cream Sundae party. Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home to assist with automaticity of these facts. 




3/23 Social Studies Midwest Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz

3/24 Math Circles Unit Test

3/24 Social Studies Midwest Map & States & Capitals Quiz

3/25 Greek & Latin List 8 Quizzes

3/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!

4/1 Student/Staff Holiday

4/4 -4/8 Spring Break!

4/11 PTA Meeting 7:00

Math: We will continue to learn about the parts of circles and how to calculate the circumference and area of circles using Pi. Students will have a test on these concepts on Thursday, March 24. Please utilize the notes and study guide to prepare for this test. 



Reading:  In reading it’s all about figurative language this week! Students will have fun locating and identifying different examples of figurative language in songs, poetry, and other literature forms. 


Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #9 for this week includes the root phon (sound) and the prefixes er, or, ian, ist  (person who). 



Science: It’s all about the Earth in science this week.  Our focus will be on plate tectonics, as well as the origins of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.  Don’t forget that the students have an at home project that is due on Thursday, March 31. A detailed instruction sheet (Layers of the Earth) came  home with your child last Monday. Please be sure to be working on this a bit each day. 

Social Studies:  Our study of the Midwest Region continues as we look at the important natural resources and economic activities of the region. A quiz on the chapter 8 vocabulary is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23. Please review the states and capitals and map locations daily. We will have a quiz on this on Thursday, March 24.

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March 13, 2022

In celebration of Pi Day on Monday, March 14, we have some fun activities planned for math! One of these activities includes using an Oatmeal Creme Pie to determine the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle using the Pi formula. Students will then get to enjoy the Oatmeal Creme Pie! Yum!



The Go Nuts for Reading program continues!Bookmarks were sent home with students. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform. 



Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 13 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.


We started our Multiplication Sundae Incentive last week! Students are working to master each of the times tables up to the 12’s before our Ice Cream Sundae party. Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home to assist with automaticity of these facts. 





3/13 Rycor Forms Due

3/13 Daylight Savings Time Begins – Spring Forward

3/14 Pi Day! 

3/14 PTA Meeting 7:00

3/16 Math Triangles Unit Test

3/18 Greek & Latin List 8 Quizzes

4/1 Student/Staff Holiday

4/4 -4/8 Spring Break!

4/11 PTA Meeting 7:00

Math: In math we have some fun activities planned for Pi day on Monday! We will then come back to our study of angles and triangles to prepare for our test on these skills on Wednesday, March 16. Please utilize the notes and study guide to prepare for this test. 


Reading:  We will spend time generating background knowledge and brainstorming using a given prompt for the HCPS writing assessment this week. Students will then complete one phase of the writing process each day and write, edit and revise utilizing the skills we have covered in our practice writings over the past several weeks. 

Our Greek & Latin #8 for this week includes the root hydr (water) and the prefixes ance, ence  (state, quality) and ness (state, condition). 



Science: In science we will begin our unit on the Earth. This week we will focus on the composition of the four layers of the earth.  We will go over an at home project for this unit with students on Monday. A detailed instruction sheet will come home with your child on Monday. Please be sure to look over the instructions with your child. 

Social Studies:  We are traveling to the Midwest Region in social studies. This week we will continue to work on the states and capitals and map location of each of these 12 states and then look at the unique characteristics of each of these states. Please review the states and capitals and map locations daily. We will have a quiz on this next week.

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March 6, 2022

It was a blast celebrating Read Across America week last week! We will continue with the Go Nuts for Reading program. Bookmarks were sent home with students last week. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform. 

Don’t forget that this week is a 4-day school week as schools will be closed on Friday, 3/11. 


Annual Henrico ARTS Festival – It is FREE!!! Come see the amazing artwork created by our current and former Cubs along with other students from across Henrico.

When: March 5 and 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Deep Run High School, 4801 Twin Hickory Road, Glen Allen, Va.


Smile, picture day is this week! Spring Individual & Class Picture Day is Thursday, March 10th!  Click on these links to order individual or class pictures:  Individual Picture.pdf     Class Picture.pdf 


Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 12 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.


To help with the automaticity of multiplication facts we are excited to start our Multiplication Sundae Incentive this week!  Students will work to master each of the times tables starting with the 2’s and up to the 12’s before our Ice Cream Sundae party. We have been practicing our multiplication facts at the beginning of math. Students are encouraged to practice their facts at home as well. 




3/8  PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys

3/8 Social Studies Test: Northeast Region 

3/10  Spring individual & Class Pictures

3/10 Greek & Latin Vocabulary Quizzes

3/10 Science Test: Renewable/Nonrenewable Resources

3/11 School’s Closed – Student/Staff Holiday

3/14 PTA general Meeting at 7:00

Math: In math we move from our study of angles to recognizing and classifying triangles. Students will learn to classify triangles by sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene) and by angle type (acute, right, obtuse).


Reading: In reading we will continue identifying cause and effect relationships in both fiction and nonfiction text. In preparation for our HCPS writing assessment next week, we will take time to look over the narrative essays completed last week to highlight areas of success and take note of areas where improvements can be made. 

Our Greek and Latin List 7  for this week includes the roots port (carry) and the prefixes com, con, co  (with). 


Science: We will continue with the 4th grade review unit on renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. We will have a test on this on Thursday, 3/10. Please use the study guide and notes in the science notebook, as well as the interactive notebook, to prepare for this test.  

Social Studies:  The students did such a great job on the Northeast License Plate project last week. Their creativity is amazing! We will wrap up our unit on the Northeast Region with a test on  Tuesday, 3/8/22. Students are expected to complete the  Northeast Study Guide that they received last Monday as review of this information will prepare them for the test. Completion of the study guide also counts toward the social studies homework grade.

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February 27, 2022

We had so much fun last week dressing up and celebrating “Two’s Day!” and the 100th Day of School. Our 5th grade Glow Party on Wednesday was a blast! This week we are in store for more fun as we celebrate Read Across America!  Please refer to the picture or click on the link: Read Across America Week to take note of all the fun ways we will celebrate the importance of reading at GAES. In addition, we will also begin the Go Nuts for Reading program. Bookmarks were sent home with students last week. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform.


Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

Smile, picture day is coming! Spring Individual & Class Picture Day is March 10th!  Click on these links to order individual or class pictures:  Individual Picture.pdf     Class Picture.pdf 


We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 9 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.





2/28 – 3/4 Read Across America Spirit Week

3/1 Science Electricity & Magnetism Unit Test

¾ Greek & Latin Vocabulary Quizzes 

3/8  PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys

3/8 Social Studies Northeast Region Test

3/10  Spring individual & Class Pictures

3/11 School’s Closed – Student/Staff Holiday

3/14 PTA general Meeting at 7:00

Math: In math we will begin our study of angles. Students will learn  about 4 types of angles: acute, right, obtuse, and straight. Students will also have the opportunity to work with protractors to measure and determine different types of angles. 

Reading: In reading we will continue to focus on cause and effect relationships in fiction and nonfiction text. We will take time to practice for the Henrico Writing Assessment by writing a narrative essay on being brave. 

Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #5  for this week includes the roots ped/pod (feet) and the prefixes counter/contra  (against). 



Science: We will wrap up our energy unit on electricity this week with a test on Tuesday, 3/1. Please use the study guides and notes in the science notebook, as well as the interactive notebook and notes found in the Student Resources folder on Schoology to prepare for this test.  


Social Studies:  In social studies this week students will work on a review assignment demonstrating all they have learned about the Northeast Region. This will be an excellent way to prepare for the test on the Northeast Region scheduled for next Tuesday, 3/8/22. Students will also continue to work on the License Plate project for their selected Northeast state.  A study guide will be provided to complete in preparation for this test (Northeast Study Guide). Completion of the study guide is imperative and counts toward the social studies homework grade.

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February 20, 2022

We have a lot going on in the “Lyons’ Den” this week! Don’t forget that Monday, February 21st, is a half day for students. Dismissal will begin at 11:00.  Tuesday is “Two’s Day,” as well as the Kid’s Heart Challenge,  and Wednesday is the 100th day of school! Read below for additional details. 

Tuesday, 2/22/22  is “Two’s Day!” Join in the fun as we celebrate this day by wearing Tutus, Ties, and/or Mismatched Tennis Shoes.

We will follow up this fun celebration with our 100th Day of School celebration on Wednesday, February 23rd! Let’s have fun celebrating this milestone by dressing up as if you were 100 years old and bringing in “100” of something. If you have a new, disposable plastic water bottle to send in for a fun activity to help us celebrate 100 days of 5th grade please send it in with your child by Wednesday.

Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

Smile, it’s picture day!!! Spring Individual & Class Picture Day is March 10th!  Click on these links to order individual or class pictures:  Individual Picture.pdf     Class Picture.pdf 


Read Across America Week starts next week! Please refer to the picture or click on the link: file:///C:/Users/calyons/Downloads/Read_across_America_2022.pdf  to take note of all the fun ways we will celebrating the importance of reading at GAES. In addition, we will also begin the Go Nuts for Reading program.  Bookmarks will be coming soon. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform.


We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Thoros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 5 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.





2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge (Virtual – 3:15)

2/22 “Two’s Day” Celebration!

2/23 100th Day of School!

2/25 Greek & Latin #4 Vocabulary Quizzes

2/25 Math Variables Quiz

2/28 – 3/4 Read Across America Spirit Week

3/8  PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys

3/10  Spring individual & Class Pictures

3/14 PTA general Meeting at 7:00

Math: This week we will continue to practice recognizing variables and variable expressions. We will have a test on these concepts on Friday, 2/25. We will also begin to build upon our knowledge of patterns including geometric, number, growing, and shrinking patterns during whole group instruction.

Reading: Our focus in reading will be on recognizing cause and effect and recognizing how a chain of effects can result in multiple or a chain of effects. This week students will  wrap up their research for their Black History project and begin composing their essay using the information they have gathered on their selected individual.

Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #4  for this week involves the root aud/audi (hear) and the prefix anti  (against). 

Science: We are loving our energy unit on electricity! Last week students had the opportunity to work in small groups to create their very own series circuit by experimenting with conductors and insulators and then lighting up a light bulb. This week we will have additional opportunities for hands-on activities as we look at electromagnetism. 

Social Studies: This week in social studies we will finish learning about the natural resources and economic activities of the Northeast. At the end of the week students will begin a fun project on a selected Northeast state.

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February 13, 2022

Students worked very hard to prepare and take the math benchmark test last Friday. We will review commonly missed questions this week in small groups to bridge any gaps in retention of previously learned concepts. This Thursday, February 17, students will take the reading benchmark test. 

Don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, Monday, February 14th! Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share.  Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den

Students will bring home all shared items in a sealed bag to enjoy at home.


Tuesday, 2/22/22  is “Two’s Day!” Join in the fun as we celebrate this day by wearing Tutus, Ties, and/or Mismatched Tennis Shoes. We will follow up this fun celebration with our 100th Day of School celebration on Wednesday, February 23rd!


Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email with your pictures.

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) is leading House Kokoro (red) by 5 points with the other three houses not far behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday!





2/14 – 2/18 Kindness Week

2/16 Reading Media Messages Checkup

2/16 Social Studies Quiz Northeast Chapter 4 Vocabulary

2/17 Reading Semester Benchmark Assessment

2/18 Greek and Latin List 3 Quizzes

2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge 3:15

2/22 “Two’s Day” Celebration!

2/23 100th Day of School!

Math: We will wrap up our unit on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range by looking at our predictions made on the Super Bowl activity, as well as a fun Valentine’s Day activity with M&M’s! We will then move into our unit on mathematical expressions and variables. Algebra, here we come!


Reading: In celebration of Black History Month students will continue researching their selected person of interest for their in-class research project. When they have completed their research, students will then take what they have learned from their research to plan and then write an essay on their selected individual.

Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #3  for this week involves the root cred (believe) and the prefixes de, dis (not). 


Science: We are having loads of fun with our unit on electricity and magnetism! This week we will take what we have learned about circuits and create our own working series circuit demonstrating the importance of insulators and conductors and how they impact electrical currents.


Social Studies: This week in social studies we will focus on life in the Northeastregion. We will have a quiz on the vocabulary for the Northeast on Wednesday, Feb. 17. Students should use their notebooks to prepare for this quiz.

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February 6, 2022

National School Counselor’s Week is February 7-11. In celebration there are some fun spirit days planned. For Friday, class theme day, students were asked to come prepared to share suggestions with the class on Monday so that we can take a vote on how we will represent the “Lyons’ Den!” 




We continue to recognize and award students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Kokoro (red) leads House Thoros (purple) by 2 points with the other three houses not far behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday!


Valentine’s Day is Monday, February 14th. Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share.  Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den






2/7-2/11 School Counseling Week (NSCW – see link for Spirit Days)

2/10 Parent-Teacher Conferences by Appointment (2:45 – 5:30)

2/11 5th Grade Math Benchmark Assessment

2/11 Greek & Latin List 2 Quizzes

2/14 – 2/18 Kindness Week

2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge 3:15

Math: We will wrap up our unit on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range. We will have a fun class activity analyzing data from the Bengals and Rams football teams in order to make predictions about who has the greatest probability to win the Super Bowl. On Friday, students will take a district benchmark to demonstrate all that they have learned in math this year. To prepare students can review notes in their math notebooks and utilize the links on our portaportal to practice the concepts we have covered. I can’t wait to see how much they have learned!

Reading: We will continue to learn about Media messages in reading this week by looking at various forms of  written, auditory, visual media messages and discussing the audience the messages are intended for and their success. In celebration of Black History Month we will begin a fun in-class research project.


Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #2  for this week involves the root photo (light) and the prefixes im, il, and in (not). 



Science: We are excited to begin a new unit in our study of energy – electricity and magentisim! We will review parts of an atom, discuss static electricity, and even conduct a few investigations into how electricity works!



Social Studies: This week in social studies we will focus on the Northeast economic activities and natural resources. Please continue to review the states and capitals and map location as students will need to know these for the end of unit test.

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January 30, 2022

Welcome to the second semester! As we take on this second half of 5th grade we will be ramping up expectations as students get closer to transitioning to middle school. To that end, we will be firm with our late work policy. Students will lose10 points off their assignment grade if it is late. We will also be starting a new station work grade, detailed in the next paragraph. Thank you for helping us prepare your child for the larger responsibilities they will have as a 6th grader!

Beginning on Monday, we will be adding a new semester-long grade, similar to our homework grades. In both math and reading, students will have a Station Work assignment. All students will start with a 100 grade for that assignment. If they do not complete the assigned math or reading stations  by Friday afternoon, they will lose 5 points from this grade. We want to reward those who have been diligently completing assignments while also trying to motivate students to complete these practice and enrichment activities. We will be going over this during our Monday morning meeting so all students are clear about this expectation.

Ms. Loftis stopped by the 4th and 5th grade classrooms last week to discuss an exciting opportunity for our students-Primetime RVA! An informational letter was sent home with the students on Thursday. If your child is interested in participating they will need to submit a Flipgrid video by Wednesday, February 2. Here is a link to the informational letter: Prime Time RVA Information Letter


House Omhule had a terrific time at the Glow party on Wednesday while the rest of our students enjoyed a STEAM project designing and creating domino displays with donated cereal boxes. GAES collected 660 boxes to donate to local food pantries! Thank you for all of your support with this community fundraiser!

Valentine’s Day is Monday, February 14th. Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share.  Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den






2/1 PTA Spirit Night – Gelati Celesti

2/2 Primetime RVA student Flipgrid videos due

2/3 Northeast States & Capitals and Map Quizzes

2/4 Greek & Latin Roots List 1 Quizzes

2/4 Science Force & Motion Test

2/10 Parent-Teacher Conferences by Appointment (2:45 – 5:30)

2/11 5th Grade Math Benchmark Assessment

2/14 – 2/18 Kindness Week

2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge 3:15

Math: We will continue with our unit on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range. This unit will use stem & leaf graphs as well as line plots to analyze data. In addition to materials in the math notebooks and Student Resources, don’t forget about utilizing the links on our portaportal to practice these concepts.


Reading: We will begin our unit on Media messages and distinguishing between fact and opinion. As we begin our celebration of Black History Month this week, we will be looking at important African Americans who have made contributions to our country.



We are kicking off our Greek and Latin roots word study lists Greek & Latin Vocab. #1 with graph (write) and the prefixes ir- and non- (not). These homework pages are a bit different, but we will go over each day’s assigned page in class so students are ready to tackle it that afternoon/evening.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on Force and Motion this week with some fun hands-on activities. Please use the study guide and notes to prepare for the test on Friday, 2/4.


Social Studies: We are continuing to dig into the Northeast Region. This week we will learn about the Northeast climate and significant landmarks and features. Quizzes on the 11 states and capitals and map location will be on Thursday, 2/3.

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January 23, 2022

It’s hard to believe, but we are quickly approaching the end of the first semester. The final day of the second nine weeks ends on Wednesday, January 26th. We are excited and ready to bring on the second half of the school year!


Middle School Parent Closes Today, 1/23/22!

Middle School here they come!  If you have not already you need to confirm your child’s  6th grade student courses and select 2 electives utilizing the parent portal on PowerSchool. The window for making selections closes on January 23rd. After the window closes you will no longer have access. Instructions were sent home with your child on January 6th in the purple communication folder. Mrs. Sitter also sent out an email on Friday, 1/21, with directions attached. 

Congratulations to House Omhule (blue) for winning our 2nd nine week House competition! Students in House Omhule will enjoy a special Glow Party on Wednesday to celebrate their win. 

Our Cubs are excited to kick off GAES Quarter 3 House Community Service Project! To show our CubLove, we will be collecting New Cereal Boxes to fill local food pantries. We will be collecting New Cereal Boxes on Monday, 1/24 and Tuesday 1/25.  Our houses will be using the cereal boxes on Wednesday, 1/26 to design a domino display measuring creativity in design, length, and success of the chain reaction. Each student will earn 1 point for their house by donating.  As always, we ask that each student wear their house colors on Wednesday, Jan. 26th!

Our Community Service Project also supports our Glen Allen PTA!!!

Additionally, you can earn additional points for your house and support GAES PTA if your cereal is a Box Tops cereal.  Earn one point by taping your receipt to the box or earn two points by downloading the app and submitting your receipt on your phone via the app.  Once you’ve submitted it via the app send a screenshot to showing your submission so we can credit the right house.




1/16 – 1/23 Parent Portal Window for confirmation/selection of Middle School Courses

1/24 & 1/25 Bring in NEW Cereal Box for Community Service/House Competition

1/25 Social Studies Southeast Region Test

1/26 Student Half Day/Teacher Clerical Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

1/26 End of 2nd Quarter

1/28 Vocabulary and Spelling Quizzes List 14

2/1 PTA Spirit Night – Gelati Celesti

2/10 Parent-Teacher Conferences by Appointment (2:45 – 5:30)

2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge 3:15

Math: This week we will be learning about line plots, stem and leaf and using mean, median, mode and range to analyze data collection.  Please be sure that your child continues to work on mastery of their multiplication and division skills as this is key to success with this skill as well as with our upcoming math units.


Reading: In reading we will continue to focus on comparing and contrasting various types of texts and characters. Understanding how texts and characters are alike and different helps students develop strong comprehension skills. 

Our vocabulary this week, Vocab. List 14, involves some commonly confused words. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday. 


Science: Force and motion will be our area of focus in science this week. This is a 4th grade review unit. 


Social Studies: The students did an amazing job on their Southeast Suitcase Project. We will begin this week with presentations of the projects and preparing for our Southeast Region test scheduled for Tuesday,  January 25.  Students should be completing the study guide that was given out last Wednesday to prepare and study for this test. The study guide will be checked in class and will count towards students’ social studies homework grade.



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January 17, 2022

I hope you are staying warm and enjoying this 3-day weekend as we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

There’s a lot going on in the “Lyon’s Den” so be sure to read over the blog carefully with your child today. 



Middle School Parent Portal is Now Open

It’s hard to believe, but we are almost halfway through 5th grade and middle school is on the horizon. The students are really excited! We enjoyed our visit from Hungary Creek principal, Mr. Moose, and the school counselors last Tuesday. I hope you all were able to attend the virtual curriculum fair on Thursday. If you were  unable to attend you can locate information and videos on everything that was shared on the HCMS website. Families can now confirm 6th grade student courses and select 2 electives utilizing the parent portal on PowerSchool. The window for making selections closes on January 21st. After the window closes you will no longer have access. Instructions were sent home with your child on January 6th in the purple communication folder. 

We are loving awarding daily points to students following the Glen Allen 3 of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. It’s great to see what house is in the lead each day! House Omhule (blue) continues to be in the lead, but the other Houses are not far behind! This House competition will conclude at the end of this nine weeks (January 26). Don’t forget that EVERY Wednesday is House spirit day. Show your house colors and connect with other house members throughout the school! 





1/3  – 1/21 Gifted referral window (all referrals DUE by 4:00 on 1/21)

1/16 – 1/21 Parent Portal Window for confirmation/selection of Middle School Courses

1/19 Science Sound Test

1/21 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes

1/25 Social Studies Southeast Region Test

1/26 Student Half day/Dismissal begins at 11:00

1/26 End of 2nd Quarter

Math: We are back at fractions this week.  Our focus will be on computational skills utilizing fractions (adding, subtracting and multiplying). Please be sure that your child continues to work on mastery of their multiplication and division skills as this will greatly help them with this, as well as our upcoming math units.




Reading: In reading we will be looking at comparing and contrasting various types of fiction and nonfiction texts and characters. Understanding how texts and characters are alike and different helps to develop strong comprehension skills. 

Our vocabulary this week, Vocab. List 13, involves some “Rib Tickling” words. Expanding vocabulary helps students become better writers and readers. Be sure that your child is completing the daily practice to prepare for the quizzes each Friday. 



Science: We will wrap up our unit on light energy with a test on Wednesday, 1/19. Be sure that your child reviews the study guide and notes in their interactive notebook as well as notes in Schoology in Student Resources to prepare for the test. 




Social Studies: The students are doing a fantastic job researching for their “suitcase” projects on their specific Southeastern state. This week we will wrap up and then present the projects and begin reviewing for our Southeast Region test scheduled for  January 25.  Students will complete a study guide to prepare and study for this test. The study guide will be checked in class and will count towards students’ social studies homework grade.



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