June 6, 2022

Wow, only 9 days of school left! We are really enjoying the fun learning activities as we celebrate all that we have learned this year!  Click on the calendar to stay “in the know” for each day’s activity: 5L June Calendar.



Pictures Wanted:

For a fun end of the year activity I am looking for your child’s most adorable baby picture, as well as some of your favorite recent photos of your child participating in their favorite activity, birthday, etc. Please email me these photos by Tuesday, June 7th

A message from our music teacher, Mr. Elston: Hello GAES Families! Mr. Elston here with an announcement regarding music class next week! We will be having classroom talent shows, giving your students an opportunity to showcase their talents for their classmates! I wanted to reach out and let you know about it so that you can help encourage your students to share any performing talents they may have. I will have a keyboard, drum set, and guitar amplifier set up for anyone taking lessons on any of those instruments (or learning at home on their own), anything else they would like to use would have to be brought in by your student. Songs must be school appropriate, and talents being showcased will need to be under 2 minutes! Please remember to consider the size of any instruments/cases that could be an issue on the school bus if they are a bus rider. I am extremely excited to see students share their wonderful abilities with their classmates! Mrs. Lyons’ music resource is on Friday.

A message from the GAES PTA:

Our last event of the year is our Yearbook Signing Party and Spirit Night at Brusters on Staples Mill from 6:30-8:30pm on June 15th.  It will be a great time to celebrate the end of school and get yearbook signatures!

You received an email from your child’s teacher about yearbooks that included whether or not you had purchased a yearbook for your child.  If you have any questions, you can email gaesyearbook@gmail.com.  If you haven’t purchased a yearbook and would like to, here is the link. PURCHASE A YEARBOOK

Tuesday, June 7 is the deadline to buy a yearbook in order to make sure your child’s yearbook is delivered along with their classmates.  

All 5th grade students should bring in their yearbooks on Tuesday, June 14 to for yearbook signing from their classmates and other 5th grade students. If your child did not order a yearbook they can bring in an autograph book on this day.

House Unity:

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity!  This Wednesday all students are asked to wear green to honor House Kinyonga, the house of evolution. 





Be sure to keep track of all the fun 5th grade activities by bookmarking this calendar: 5L June Calendar.

6/7 Social Studies West Region Test

6/8 House Unity Day – wear green 

6/13 GAES Career Day

6/14 GAES Science Shows; 5th grade students bring yearbook for signing

6/15 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony 8:00 (look for the link coming via email next week)

6/15 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration (A- J 6:00 – 6:30 & K – Z 6:30 – 7:00) & Bruster’s Night & Yearbook Signing (6:30 – 8:00)

6/16 Student ½ day – 5th grade goodbye walk & kickball game – Last day of school!

Math:  We will be completing some fun games to help review the concepts we have learned about this year in math, with particular focus on areas that were challenging.

Reading:  We are finishing up our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. 

This week students will wrap up their research projects in class and begin to share their presentations!



STEAM – science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics. Education concept

Science: Students will  continue to work on their in-class research project presentations. They will also have some fun STEAM projects as to complete during our 5th grade end of the year activities.



Social Studies: In social studies, we will wrap up our unit on the West Region by completing a scrapbook of the West project in class.  Students received the West Region Study Guide last Tuesday and it’s important that they complete the study guide to prepare for the test on Tuesday, June 7.

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May 30, 2022

Wow, only 13 days of school to go!  This is such a fun and exciting time of year for students, however, we still have a lot of learning to do, as well as some fun activities. We will be emphasizing the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects.



Pictures Wanted:

For a fun end of the year activity I am looking for your child’s most adorable baby picture, as well as some of your favorite recent photos of your child participating in their favorite activity, birthday, etc. Please email me these photos by Tuesday, June 7th.

Fifth Grade Fun:

Fifth grade has lots of fun learning activities planned for the month of June! Click on the calendar to stay “in the know” for each day’s activity: 5L June Calendar. Thank you so much for signing up to assist with materials for these events! Please send in all materials by Wednesday, June 1st. 

Papa John’s Drive Thru Event:

Thank you so much for your support of the GAES Papa John’s fundraiser last Tuesday. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed seeing our 5th graders!


House Unity:

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity!  This Wednesday all students are asked to wear red to honor House Kokoro, the house of compassion. House Kokoro was also the winner of the 4th nine week’s competition and will have fun celebrating on Wednesday, June 1st.




Be sure to keep track of all the fun 5th grade activities by bookmarking this calendar: 5L June Calendar.

6/1 House Unity Day – wear red 

6/2 GAES Spring Dance

6/3 Greek & Latin #23 Quizzes

6/7 Social Studies West Region Test

6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)

6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!

Math:  We will be completing some fun games to help review the concepts we have learned about this year in math, with particular focus on areas that were challenging.



Reading:  We are loving our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. 

We are looking forward to being reading buddies with the kindergarten students in Mrs. Koufoudakis’ class on Wednesday.

This week students will continue to work on their research projects in class. We are looking forward to the project presentations next week!

Our final vocabulary unit, Greek & Latin #23, focuses on the roots scrib, and script (write) and the suffixes ic, ous (having quality of) and ly (like). The quizzes for these words are scheduled for Friday, June 3. 

Science: Students will test the designs for the STEAM flower projects they completed  in class last week. They will also continue to work on their in-class research project. 



Social Studies: In social studies, we will wrap up our unit on the West Region by completing a scrapbook of the West project in class.  Students will receive the West Region Study Guide on Tuesday to complete in preparation for the test on Tuesday, June 7.

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May 22, 2022

It’s hard to believe, but there are only 17 days of school to go!  Time is flying by! However, in the short time that remains we have so many fun and important events. 

We have lots of learning to go so please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

I was so proud of how hard the students worked on the math SOL last Friday! 

Papa John’s Drive Thru Event:

Don’t forget that today is the last day to order your Papa John’s Curbside Pick Up for Tuesday, May 24th! You will not want to miss stopping by the 5th grade to pick up your piza! This is such a great fundraiser and fun competition for our school!  I look forward to seeing  all of my “Lyons’ Den Cubs” on May 24th for their pizza pick up! Please note that all orders must be made by Sunday, May 22ndClick here to place your order: https://pjcheese.com/GAES.



Chromebook Return:

All Chromebooks and chargers must be returned to school on Thursday, May 26th. All ibrary book returns are also due on May 26th. 


Fifth Grade Fun:

Fifth grade has lots of fun learning activities planned for the month of June! Thank you for any assistance you can provide to help make these events happen in the “Lyons’ Den!” Here is the link to our class Sign Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044BACA62CA13-lyons 

Career Day:

We are excited to have Career Day return to GAES this year! Mrs. Sitter is looking for additional volunteers to serve as presenters. If you are interested in presenting on this day please click on this link: Career Day Volunteer Form


House Unity:

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity!  This Wednesday all students are asked to wear yellow to honor House Aeries, the house of innovation.

GAES Spring Dance

The GAES Spring Fling School Dance will be a Wild Wild West theme this year! DJ Dave Rave will be playing all the hits and there will be snacks and drinks provided!  Tickets are $12.50 each. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.

Limit of 1 chaperone per student, however, 1 chaperone may accompany multiple students. Keepsake photos are also available for purchase.






5/22 Last day to place orders for Papa John’s Drive Thru Event!

5/24 Social Studies West Map & States and Capitals Quiz

5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30

5/25 Social Studies West Chapter 12 & 13 Vocab. Quiz

5/26 Return all library books, Chromebooks & chargers to school

5/26 Greek & Latin List #21 Quizzes

5/27 Student/Staff Holiday for Memorial Day Friday

5/29 Schools Closed for Memorial Day 

6/2 GAES Spring Dance

6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)

6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!

Math:  We will be completing some fun games to help review the concepts we have learned about this year in math, with particular focus on areas that were challenging.



Reading:  We are loving our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. 

This week students will begin working on an in-class research project on a topic of their choosing. This will be a 2 week project followed by students’ presentations to the class. 

New vocabulary Greek & Latin #21 was distributed on Friday, 5/20 and the quizzes on these words will be on Thursday, 5/26.   


Science: Students will begin an in-class research project that will incorporate one of the science topics that we have covered this year. 



Social Studies: In social studies, we will learn about some of the significant landmarks of the West Region of the United States.  A quiz on the map location and states and capitals of the west is scheduled for Tuesday, 5/24 and a vocabulary quiz on the 9 words from chapters 12 & 13 is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/25.

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May 15, 2022

It’s hard to believe, but there are only 22 days of school to go!  The year is flying by! However, in the short time that remains we have so many fun and important events. May is the month where students will have the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned this year in fifth grade! The students worked so hard on the science SOL last Thursday, and I know that they will continue to put forth their best effort on the Math SOL this Friday, May 20. 

Reminders for SOL testing:

  • Get a good night’s rest the night before testing.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast the day of testing.
  • Arrive to school on time – school begins at 7:40    and testing will begin promptly at 8:00.
  • Bring your fully charged Chromebook.


Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

Papa John’s Curbside Pick Up Night is coming to GAES on Tuesday, May 24th! This is such a great fundraiser and fun competition for our school! Please lend your support by ordering a pizza for dinner on May 24th. I look forward to seeing  all of my “Lyons’ Den Cubs” on May 24th for their pizza pick up! Please note that all orders must be made by Sunday, May 22nd.  Click here to place your order: https://pjcheese.com/GAES.




We are excited to have Career Day return to GAES this year! Mrs. Sitter is looking for additional volunteers to serve as presenters. If you are interested in presenting on this day please click on this link: Career Day Volunteer Form



We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity!  This Wednesday all students are asked to wear blue to honor House Omuhle, the house of optimism.

GAES Spring Dance

The GAES Spring Fling School Dance will be a Wild Wild West theme this year! DJ Dave Rave will be playing all the hits and there will be snacks and drinks provided!  Tickets are $12.50 each. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.

Limit of 1 chaperone per student, however, 1 chaperone may accompany multiple students. Keepsake photos are also available for purchase.





5/20 Math SOL

5/22 Place orders for Papa John’s Drive Thru Event

5/24 Social Studies West Map & States and Capitals Quiz

5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30

5/26 Return all Chromebooks & chargers to school

5/26 Greek & Latin List #21 Quizzes

5/27 Student/Staff Holiday for Memorial Day Friday

5/29 Schools Closed for Memorial Day 

6/2 GAES Spring Dance

6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)

6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!

Math:  We will continue to review the concepts we have learned about this year in math in preparation for our Math SOL on Friday, 5/20.



Reading:  We are loving our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. 

Later this week students will have the opportunity to pick a topic to begin an in-class research project. 

New vocabulary Greek & Latin #21 will not be distributed until Friday, 5/20 and the quizzes on these words will be on Thursday, 5/26.   


Science: Students will begin an in-class research project later this week that will incorporate one of the science topics that we have covered this year. 



Social Studies: In social studies, we will learn about the natural resources and economic activities of the West Region of the United States.  A quiz on the map location and states and capitals of the west is scheduled for Tuesday, 5/24.

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May 8, 2022

Wishing all of the Lyons’ Den’s moms a very happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you.



I want to extend a very heartfelt thank you for all of the wonderful flowers, treats, cards, and lunches provided during Teacher Appreciation Week! I certainly felt all the love. I feel so fortunate to work with such a fabulous group of students and super supportive families!



It’s hard to believe, but there are only 24 days of school to go!  This year has flown by! However, in the short time that remains we have so many fun and important events. May is the month where students will have the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned this year in fifth grade! The students worked so hard on their reading SOL last Wednesday, and I know that they will continue to work hard and put forth their best effort on the Science SOL this Thursday, May 12. 

Reminders for SOL testing:

  • Get a good night’s rest the night before testing.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast the day of testing.
  • Arrive to school on time – school begins at 7:40 and    testing will begin promptly at 8:00.
  • Bring your fully charged Chromebook.

Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

Career Day:

We are excited to have Career Day return to GAES this year! Mrs. Sitter is looking for additional volunteers to serve as presenters. If you are interested in presenting on this day please click on this link: Career Day Volunteer Form


We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.”  For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity!  This Wednesday all students are asked to wear purple to honor House Tharros, the house of valiance.


GAES Spring Dance

The GAES Spring Fling School Dance will be a Wild Wild West theme this year! DJ Dave Rave will be playing all the hits and there will be snacks and drinks provided!  Tickets are $12.50 each. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.

Limit of 1 chaperone per student, however, 1 chaperone may accompany multiple students. Keepsake photos are also available for purchase.





5/9 GAES PTA Meeting

5/10 GAES Science Fair

5/11 School Nurse’s Day

5/12 Science SOL

5/13 Greek & Latin Vocabulary Quizzes

5/20  Math SOL

5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30

5/26 Return all Chromebooks & chargers to school

6/2 GAES Spring Dance

6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)

6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!

Math:  This week in math we will continue with our unit on elapsed time, as well as spiral review of previously learned concepts. 


Reading:  In reading we will pick back up on our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. While reading, we will be working on a variety of comprehension skills, as well as noting the excellent use of figurative language utilized throughout the book that helps provide the reader with a vivid “picture in their head” while reading.

Our weekly vocabulary,  Greek & Latin #19 will focus on the root dict (say, tell) and the prefixes tele (far) and neo (new).


Virginia has a rich variety of natural resources. Natural resource – things that exist in or are formed by nature. Examples: Forests, farmland, minerals, wildlife, waterways, and wonders.

Science: In science we will review the 4th grade unit on Virginia’s Natural Resources. Students will continue to work on the review placemat project in class, as well as a review booklet in class and for homework. Each of these include all of the science topics covered in 4th and 5th grade and serve as a great way to prepare for the science SOL on Thursday. 




Social Studies: We will pick back up on our geography units at the end of the week with the West Region of the United States.

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May 1, 2022

Welcome to May! It’s hard to believe, but we are officially on the countdown to the last day of school! However, in the short time that remains we have so many fun and important events. May is the month where students will have the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned this year in fifth grade! We know that they will work hard and put forth their best effort on the SOL assessments that start with reading on Wednesday, May 4. 


Reminders for SOL testing:

  • Get a good night’s rest the night before testing.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast the day of testing.
  • Arrive to school on time – school begins at 7:40 and    testing will begin promptly at 8:00.
  • Bring your fully charged Chromebook.

Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

Wow, congratulations to all of the students who participated in Primetime RVA last Thursday! A special shout out to the phenomenal Lyons’ Den participants: Sophia, Karis, William and a great BIG shout out to Caroline who was the runner up for GAES! We are so proud of each of them for all their hard work and dedication to this life ready event!



Field Day was such a blast last Wednesday! Thank you Mrs. Lucas and all of the volunteers who helped to make this day such a fun, memorable experience for the students. 



We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” Who will be the winner of the 4th nine weeks House competition?  Don’t forget that every Wednesday students should show their house pride by wearing their house colors!


Summer Academy

Registration for Summer Academy ends May 6th. It is open for all Kg – 5th grade students! From enrichment classes to career and technical education mini-courses to remediation, HCPS Summer Academy offers opportunities for all elementary, middle and high school students. 

GAES Spring Dance

The GAES Spring Fling School Dance will be a Wild Wild West theme this year! DJ Dave Rave will be playing all the hits and there will be snacks and drinks provided!  Tickets are $12.50 each. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.

Limit of 1 chaperone per student, however, 1 chaperone may accompany multiple students. Keepsake photos are also available for purchase.





5/3 Student Holiday (no school)

5/4 Reading SOL

5/5 Math Measurement Test

5/6 Greek & Latin Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

5/6 Last day to register for Summer Academy

5/9 GAES PTA Meeting

5/10 GAES Science Fair

5/12 Science SOL

5/18 Math SOL

5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30

6/2 GAES Spring Dance

6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)

6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!

Math:  We will continue with our unit on metric measurement this week. A test on this unit will be on Thursday, May 5.  Please be sure to review the notes and study guide to prepare for the test. On Friday we will begin our final unit in math  – elapsed time. 


Reading:  In reading we will be practicing the various comprehension skills we have covered this year in preparation for our Reading SOL on Wednesday, May 4th. 

Our weekly vocabulary,  Greek & Latin #17  will focus on the root therm (heat) and the prefixes hyper, super (above) and hypo, sub (below).





Science: In science it’s all about plants and flowers this week! We will be learning about the various parts of plants and flowers, as well as how the cells that make up plants and animals are alike and different. 


Social Studies:  We are taking a break from our social studies geography units as we work on a fun  science review project demonstrating all that we have learned in science this year!

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April 24, 2022

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful spring weekend! We have a lot coming up in the next few weeks so be sure to note the important dates on the blog below. A reminder that the coming weeks will be so important as we continue to learn new material, as well as review previously learned concepts. Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

We are so excited for all the fun that Field Day will bring this Wednesday, April 27! A reminder that students should wear their Field Day T-shirts or a T-shirt in their House Color, pack a water bottle labeled with their name, and send in a lunch if you did not preorder a school lunch last week. 

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” Who will be the winner of the 4th nine weeks House competition?  Don’t forget that every Wednesday students should show their house pride by wearing their house colors!






4/25 PTA Spirit Night Texas Roadhouse VCC 4:00 – 10:00

4/26 Math Area, Perimeter, & Volume Test

4/27  Field Day event for students (KG – 2nd AM, 3rd – 5th PM)

4/28 Kindergarten Registration Even 5:30 – 7:00

4/28 Primetime RVA at Greenwood Elementary Competition 4:30 – 8:00

4/29 Science Weather Quiz

4/29 Greek & Latin List 16 Quizzes 

5/4 Reading SOL

5/10 GAES Science Fair

5/12 Science SOL

5/18 Math SOL

5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30

Math: In math we will be determining area, perimeter and then volume of shapes. An open notes quiz on area and perimeter of triangles will be on Monday, April 25 and a test on area, perimeter and volume of polygons will take place on Tuesday, April 26. We will then move into our unit on measurement.





Reading:  In reading we will be practicing the various comprehension skills we have covered this year in preparation for our Reading SOL next Wednesday, May 4th. 

Our weekly vocabulary,  Greek and Latin #16will focus on the roots meter, metr (measure) and the prefixes pre, fore, ante (before) and post (after).





Science: It’s all about weather review in science this week! We will begin by learning about high and low pressure systems and the type of weather they bring and then focus on the different types of clouds that occur with various forms of weather. A quiz on this material is scheduled for Friday, 4/29.

Social Studies:  We are taking a break from our social studies geography units as we work on a fun in class science review project demonstrating all that we have learned in science this year!

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April 18, 2022

We hope you enjoyed the 3-day weekend! Just a reminder that the coming weeks will be so important as we continue to learn new material, as well as review previously learned concepts. Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.”  House Tharros had a blast at the Luau Party last Friday while the rest of the students enjoyed some fun Luau themed events in class. Who will be the winner of the 4th nine weeks House competition? Don’t forget that every Wednesday students should show their house pride by wearing their house colors!

Science Fair: REGISTER by April 22 at: https://forms.gle/6YgV4dmAywtcgoMx7

When: May 10, 2022   6:30 – 7:30pm

Where: Glen Allen Elementary School

Who: Open to all KG – 5th grade students

Why: Celebrating curiosity and creativity to inspire a love of science!

Resources: Science Fair 2022 Flyer.docx   SF Board Layout.pdf  

  5thGrade 22 SavetheDateandProjectIdeas.docx 



4/19 Midwest Region Study Guide due

4/20 Social Studies Midwest Region Test

4/20 Richmond Symphony Assembly

4/21 Math Area & Perimeter Open Notes Quiz

4/22 GAES Science Fair Signup Deadline

4/22 Science Ocean Quiz

4/23  Hunton Baptist Church community food drive

4/25 PTA Spirit Night Texas Roadhouse VCC 4:00 – 10:00

4/27  Field Day event for students (KG – 2nd AM, 3rd – 5th PM)

4/28 Kindergarten Registration Even 5:30 – 7:00

4/28 Primetime RVA at Greenwood Elementary Competition 4:30 – 8:00

5/10 GAES Science Fair

Math: In math we will be determining area, perimeter and then volume of shapes. An open notes quiz on area and perimeter will be on Thursday, April 21. 







Reading:  April is Poetry Month! This week students will enjoy completing their poetry notebook, as well as some poetry games. Be sure that you ask your child to share some of their creative poems with you! We will also spend time reviewing skills we have learned this year. 

Our weekly vocabulary,  Greek & Latin #14will focus on the root astr (star) and the prefixes di and bi  (two) and tri (three).


Science: It’s all about the oceans in science this week! We will begin by learning about the parts of the ocean floor and then move into understanding the tides and the animals that live in different parts of the ocean.


Social Studies:  Students will put the final touches on the in class project on the Midwest. This project is an excellent way to review what they have learned about this region. A test on the Midwest Region is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20th. To  prepare for the test, students are expected to complete the Midwest study guide (Midwest Study Guide) that students received last Tuesday. The study guide is due on Tuesday, April 19th and counts toward the social studies homework grade.

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April 10, 2022

Welcome back and welcome to the fourth and final nine weeks of 5th grade! We hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break relaxing with family and friends and that students are ready to close out the school year strong! The coming weeks will be so important as we continue to learn new material, as well as review previously learned concepts. Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

We had a blast celebrating our students who worked so hard on their multiplication fact knowledge the Friday before break with the ice cream sundae party! Continue to practice these facts as this will be the key to success in our math units coming up, as well as our review units. 

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” The 3rd nine week house winner will be announced this week and will get to participate in the Luau Party on April 15. 


Science Fair: REGISTER by April 22 at: https://forms.gle/6YgV4dmAywtcgoMx7

When: May 10, 2022   6:30 – 7:30pm

Where: Glen Allen Elementary School

Who: Open to all KG – 5th grade students

Why: Celebrating curiosity and creativity to inspire a love of science!

Resources: Science Fair 2022 Flyer.docx   SF Board Layout.pdf  

  5thGrade 22 SavetheDateandProjectIdeas.docx 




4/11 PTA Meeting 7:00

4/14 Math Test – Transformations, Combinations, Subdividing

4/15 Greek & Latin Vocabulary Tests List #10

4/15 Science Ecosystem Quiz

4/18  Student Holiday/Staff professional development, Kindergarten Online Registration Opens

4/19 Midwest Region Study Guide due

4/20 Social Studies Midwest Region Test

4/22 GAES Science Fair Deadline

4/23  Hunton Baptist Church community food drive

4/27  Field Day event for students (KG – 2nd AM, 3rd – 5th PM)

5/10 GAES Science Fair

Math: This week in math the focus will be on combining and subdividing shapes. We will also review transformations: rotations  (turns), reflections (flips), and translations (slides). A test on these skills is scheduled for Thursday, April 14. 





Reading:  April is Poetry Month! This week we will enjoy reading and recognizing different forms of poetry. Students will also have the opportunity to compose some of their own poems. Be sure to ask them to share these with you!



This week our Greek & Latin #10 will focus on the root bio (life) and the suffixes ology, ologist (study of, person who studies) and phobia, phobe (fear, someone who fears).



Science:  I was so impressed with the students’ Earth projects! I loved the creativity and demonstration of what they learned through both the visual and writing. This week we will be reviewing a fourth grade unit on ecosystems. A quiz on ecosystems will be on Friday, April 15. 



Social Studies:  We will wrap up our study of the Midwest Region this week. Students will work on an in school project to help review what they have learned about this region. To prepare for the test on this unit a study guide (Midwest Study Guide) will be given out for students to complete. The study guide will be due on Tuesday, April 19 and the test on the Midwest Region will be on Wednesday, April 20.

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March 27, 2022

Wow, it’s hard to believe but Spring Break is right around the corner! We are so excited for this time to relax with friends and family before the home stretch for the end of the school year begins! However, there is still much learning to be done. To avoid the “spring slump” please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects. 

Don’t forget that this Thursday, March 31, students’  Earth Projects are due and our Multiplication Ice Cream Party will take place!  Due to the short week there will be no Greek and Latin vocabulary introduced this week. 

Our Multiplication Sundae Incentive wraps up this week with our Ice Cream Sundae party taking place on Thursday, March 31! Students are working hard to master each of the times tables up to the 12’s before our Ice Cream Sundae party. Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home to assist with automaticity of these facts. 

We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead  with the other four houses close behind. We can’t wait to celebrate the winning house at the Luau party next month! Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.


Science Fair: REGISTER by April 22 at: https://forms.gle/6YgV4dmAywtcgoMx7


When: May 10, 2022   6:30 – 7:30pm

Where: Glen Allen Elementary School

Who: Open to all KG – 5th grade students

Why: Celebrating curiosity and creativity to inspire a love of science!

Resources: Science Fair 2022 Flyer.docx   SF Board Layout.pdf

5thGrade 22 SavetheDateandProjectIdeas.docx




3/30 Science Earth & Rocks Test

3/30 Reading Figurative Language Test

3/31 Science Layers of the Earth Project due

3/31 Math Transformations Quick Check Quiz

3/31 Multiplication Challenge Ice Cream Sundae Party (after lunch)

4/1 Student/Staff Holiday

4/4 -4/8 Spring Break!

4/11 PTA Meeting 7:00

4/18  Student Holiday/Staff professional development, Kindergarten Online Registration Opens

4/23  Hunton Baptist Church community food drive

4/27  Field Day event for students (KG – 2nd AM, 3rd – 5th PM)

Math: This week in math the focus will be on congruent shapes. We will work on recognizing  transformations: rotations  (turns), reflections (flips), and translations (slides) and also subdividing shapes. 



Reading:  April is Poetry Month, so we will begin celebrating poetry a bit early as we examine how figurative language is utilized in poetry this week.  An assessment on figurative language is scheduled for Wednesday, March 30. 

Due to the short week we will not have our weekly Greek and Latin vocabulary. 



Science:  We will wrap up our study of Earth and rocks in science this week. This week we will examine how fossils discovered in rocks reveal important information about the history of the Earth. We will have a  test on Earth and Rocks on Wednesday, March 30. Don’t forget that the students have an at home project that is due this Thursday, March 31. Be sure to follow the instruction sheet (Layers of the Earth) that came home early this month. Please be sure to be working on this a bit each day. 

Social Studies:  This week our study of the Midwest Region will include the significant features and landmarks that make up this important part of the country.

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