October 23, 2022

We had another fantastic week in the “Lyons’ Den!” We completed additional fun hands-on experiments to go along with our matter unit. We have an additional experiment planned for Tuesday, 10/25 looking at mixtures and solutions, that will be the perfect way to wrap up our matter unit before the test on Wednesday, 10/26.

Thank you for your generous support of our Papa John’s Pizza Night and Operation Gratitude! What a wonderful community Glen Allen is! The Lyon’s Den students were asked to collect the items for Operation Gratitude and were amazed at the number of items the students brought in! We collected over 1,384 items to support our Military, Veterans, and First Responders. Congratulations to House Omuhle, the top donators!

We are so excited for our field trip to Richmond Walks this Friday, 10/28! Please be sure to complete the following to help make this a fabulous learning experience:

  1. Pack your child a snack to eat prior to departing for the field trip.
  2. Pack your child a lunch suitable to eat outdoors at “Richmond Walks” at the conclusion of the field trip. 
  3. Ensure that your child wears comfortable clothing and shoes appropriate for the weather (layers) and for a day of walking outdoors. As of now, the high temperature is forecasted to be 70 degrees.

Our Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae challenge concludes this week. Thank you so much for assisting with the items for this well deserved treat! If you signed up to bring in any items please send them in to school by Friday, 10/28 (with the exception of ice cream which should be brought in on Monday, 10/31 at 12:30).

School News:

First Responder Fridays: For the month of November, the Glen Allen Elementary Connection Committee is highlighting family members who are First Responders (police, fire, EMT). If your child has a family member that is a part of one of these groups, we would like to feature them. Please fill out the form and submit by October 28th, 2022!

Veteran’s Day Program: Today is the last day to complete the form for each Veteran of our Cubs. Our Veteran’s Day program will be held on Friday, November 11th at 8:30. The Veteran does not have to be present to be recognized. Link to form

Regency Mile School Competition:  All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022.  To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Registration is due by Oct. 27 and is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt. 

10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali

10/26 Science Matter Test

10/28 5th Grade Field Trip 

10/30 Regency Mile Run

10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!


This week we will continue to practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals and then begin dividing decimals. We will also be reviewing concepts this week for a Q1 test next week. This will include 15 questions on all content learned the first 9 weeks. Be sure your child is completing daily homework to get practice with these skills. 

The multiplication challenge will conclude this week. Please ask your child what level they are on and if needed study facts at home. Students must get 100% correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please send in an alternative for that day and let me know.    

Reading/Language Arts:

This week our focus will be on learning how to use word parts and clues within various texts to determine the meaning of new, unfamiliar words. Due to the short week we will not have our weekly Greek and Latin vocabulary.


Our unit on matter will wrap up this week. A test matter is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/26. Please be sure to use the notes in the science notebook and the online interactive notebook to prepare for this test. 

Social Studies: Students will put the final touches on their Henrico Historical Project on Tuesday. They will then display their projects in a gallery walk and vote on the student’s whose presentation is the best representation of this historical individual or place. 

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October 16, 2022

What a great week! We completed a fun, hand-on experiment to go along with our matter unit observing to see the changes that are taking place. We have more fun experiments planned for this week where we’ll use the Scientific Method to explain our observations.

We are excited about our Field Trip to The Richmond Walks and History Program on Oct 28, 2022.  Permission slips were sent home on Monday, October 10. We are accepting payments online ONLY through Online School Payment beginning 10/10 -10/21. 

Our Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae challenge continues this week. A Signup Genius will be sent home this week if you are able to donate items or your time on Monday, October 31st. Remember, you must be on the approved volunteer list. If you would like to volunteer at any time during the 2022-2023 school year please complete the following Volunteer Process. This must be completed every school year.

  1. Review HCPS Volunteer Guidelines
  2. Complete the HCPS Volunteer Application

Picture day is this Friday, October 21. Please look for the envelope coming home with your child this week and return with payment if you would like to order fall pictures of your child. 

School News:

Papa John’s Curbside Night: This Thursday, October 20th! This year, help your child win a pizza party for their class. We are currently in first place! The class in each grade level who has the most orders will win a pizza party! Pick up your pizza from our awesome GAES teachers who will be dressed up to win prizes!  Then get together with other GAES families at Crump Park. Order today – the deadline to order is October 17th! Link: https://pjcheese.com/GAES

Community Service Project: This is the last week to donate for Operation Gratitude. Our collection  will take place through Friday, October 21st.  Students and staff will receive 1 House Point for each item donated to support our Military, Veterans, and First Responders. Click on this link for items requested: Operation Gratitude Wishlist.pdf Let’s spread our CubLove!!!!

First Responder Fridays: For the month of November, our Connection Committee is highlighting family members who are First Responders. If your child has a family member that is a part of one of these groups, we would like to feature them. Please fill out the form and submit by October 28th, 2022!

Veteran’s Day Program: Please complete the form On/Before  Monday, October 22 for each Veteran of our Cubs. Our Veteran’s Day program will be held on Friday, November 11th at 8:30. The Veteran does not have to be present to be recognized. Link to form

Regency Mile School Competition:  All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022.  To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt. 

10/19 Math Quiz Rounding Decimals

10/20 Papa John’s Curbside Night

10/21 Greek & Latin Vocab. Quiz 

10/21 Smile, it’s Fall Picture Day!

10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali

10/28 5th Grade Field Trip 

10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!


This week we will review decimal place value and rounding. We will also begin learning how to add, subtract and multiply decimals. The assessment on Wednesday will only cover rounding.

The multiplication challenge continues this week. Please ask your child what level they are on and if needed study facts at home. Students must get 100% correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please send in an alternative for that day and let me know.    

Reading/Language Arts:

This week our focus will be on recognizing the main idea and supporting details in fiction and nonfiction text. This is such an important skill in reading comprehension. Our Greek & Latin Vocabulary List 7 will focus on the roots port (carry) and the prefixes com, con and co (with).

Science: More fun experiments continue with our matter unit! We will be looking at the different states and phases of matter and how temperature affects these changes. We will complete an experiment to develop a better understanding of how with these phase changes that the mass always remains the same. We will also recognize the difference between mixtures and solutions. 

Social Studies: Students will complete an in-class research project on an important historical individual or place that had an impact on Henrico. They will then display their projects in a gallery walk and vote on the students whose presentation is the best representation of this historical individual or place. 

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October 9, 2022

We had a wonderful first week of October! 

We are excited to announce that we will be going on a Field Trip to The Richmond Walks and History Program on Oct 28, 2022. This is a 2 hour tour on the riverfront and Canal Walk. We will cover rock formations at the falls, weathering/erosion, rock types and structure of the Earth, and visit a garden to talk about plants and animals. We will do a quick test on water quality and discuss data.  Permission slips will be sent home on Monday, October 10. We are accepting payments online ONLY through Online School Payment beginning 10/10 -10/21. If you are interested in being a chaperone you may indicate that on the permission slip, however please do NOT pay for yourself to be a chaperone until you have been given the go ahead from your child’s teacher. ALL chaperones must have completed the volunteer requirements and be on the approved volunteer list to be considered. 


Please continue to ensure that your child is completing daily homework assignments. There will always be vocabulary and spelling homework. These must be studied and practiced at home. Math homework will reflect what we are working on in class and is excellent independent practice of the skills prior to being tested. All students have time before dismissal to get started on homework and to ask questions. 

School News:

Regency Mile School Competition:  All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022.  To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt. 

10/12 Walk at School Day (after recess)

10/13 Math Quiz Rounding

10/14 Greek & Latin List #5 quizzes

10/20 Papa John’s Curbside Night

10/21 Smile, it’s Fall Picture Day!

10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali

10/28 5th Grade Field Trip 

10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!


This week we will review decimal place value and rounding. Fractions and decimals are used to describe parts of a whole or set, the result of division, as a ratio, and as a measure. Students will determine how rounding numbers with decimal places is similar to/different from rounding whole numbers, when is it useful to round decimal numbers, and how do you determine the place to round a number. The assessment on decimals will only cover rounding at this time.

The multiplication challenge continues this week. Please ask your child what level they are on and if needed study facts at home. Students must get 100% correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please send in an alternative for that day and let me know.


Reading/Language Arts:

We will begin our unit on nonfiction text and recognizing important text features that are found within nonfiction text. We will then move into recognizing the main idea and supporting details in nonfiction text. Our Greek & Latin Vocabulary List 5 will focus on the roots ped and pod (feet) and the prefixes counter and contra (opposite/against).


This week we will investigate Matter! We will be focusing on making observations to identify materials based on their properties (solid, liquid, gas), with particular focus on how temperature affects the states. We have some fun experiments planned for our matter unit so be sure to ask your child about what they are learning through these experiments!

Social Studies

The students did a wonderful job on the in class project on Henrico’s Historical sites! Next week they will have the opportunity to get creative and complete a postcard from the perspective of a Henricus settler for a writing assignment. 

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October 2, 2022

Wow, it’s hard to believe but Monday, Oct. 3rd marks the interim mark for the first nine weeks! Please check PowerSchool for your child’s current grades. Please click here to look at grades. There is also an app for your phone that will give you real time. Just search Powerschool. If you need more detailed directions click HERE.

We enjoyed our first garden lesson with Fit 4 Kids this past Thursday! The students planted some new seedlings in the garden and even enjoyed some vegetarian “pizza!”


Please make sure your child is completing the homework assigned each night. There will always be vocabulary and spelling homework. These must be studied and practiced at home. Math homework will reflect what we are working on in class and extra practice at home assists with mastery of the skills. All students have time before dismissal to get started and ask questions. 

School News:

Regency Mile School Competition:  All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022.  To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt. 

After School Enrichment Registration is Open! Click here to register.

  • Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis.  
  • We have scholarships available. If you would like to inquire about a scholarship, please contact Mrs. Pruden at mrhpruden@henrico.k12.va.us.
  • Parent help is critical for ASE. Parents must sign up to help with check in/check out for 1-2 sessions.
  • All classes start date is 10/13 (there was a typo for two classes on the printed flyer)
  • If a class fills up, we will start a wait list in the event that more spots open up.

If you have questions, email gaes.afterschoolenrichment@gmail.com.

WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of great students): If you would like to become a Watch D.O.G, please sign up here.  

NEW HOUSE SHIRTS AVAILABLE NOW: Our fall house shirt sale runs from Monday, Sept. 16 through Sunday Oct. 2 and is only available online.  Check out the fresh, new designs for each house and wear them proudly on t-shirts and sweatshirts! These are perfect for house spirit days!

Visit the website below, and enter the code GAES2022 in the box next to Glen Allen Elementary School to access the sale.


10/5 Schools Closed/Yom Kippur

10/6 Math Order of Operations Test

10/7 Greek & Latin List #4 quizzes

10/7 Social Studies Henrico History Project Due (in class project)

10/8 Glen Allen Day!

10/12 Book Talk & Walk at School Day (During PE)

10/20 Papa John’s Curbside Night

10/21 Smile, it’s Fall Picture Day!

10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali

10/28 5th Grade Field Trip (more information coming soon)

10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!

Math: This week we will wrap up Order of Operations on Thursday with an Assessment. Friday we will begin Place Value of Whole Numbers to the millions, and Place Value of Decimals to the thousandth place. Students will have to identify the place and value of a number, read a number in word form, and use models to determine a number. We have also started a multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Challenge. Students must get 100% of the facts correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please let me know and feel free to send in an alternative for that day.

Reading/Language Arts:

We will be working on recognizing themes in our read aloud of Because of Mr. Terupt, as well as independent reading selections. Our weekly vocabulary quizzes will be on Friday. This weeks’ words, Greek & Latin #4, include the roots aud and audi (hear) and the prefix anti (opposite/against).   


Social Studies

Students did wonderful with the geography of Henrico and surrounding counties! This week we will focus on the history of Henricus. Students will complete an in class project for a test grade. 

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September 25, 2022

We enjoyed the first week of fall! The weather the latter part of this week certainly put us in the fall state of mind. 

It was so nice seeing everyone who was able to attend Back to School Night on Thursday. It was great to share with you all that your child will be learning during their 5th grade year. If you were not able to attend, no worries as you should have received an email Friday afternoon of the presentation that was shared. Feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions.


Just a friendly reminder to please check to ensure that your child is completing daily homework assignments. This daily practice is so important to your child’s success. It also allows me to check for student understanding of the material. Each day students will have homework assignments in math, reading, and English to complete. Occasionally, they will have social studies or science. Students have a printed “homework sheet” in their purple folder each week and it can also be found on the Schoology home page.

School News:

Last Call for Back to School Forms: Please make sure you have completed ALL Back to School forms. Visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal to set up an account.  

Regency Mile School Competition:  All Cubs and families wanted!!!! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022.  To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt. 

After School Enrichment Registration is Open! Click here to register.

  • Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis.  
  • We have scholarships available. If you would like to inquire about a scholarship, please contact Mrs. Pruden at mrhpruden@henrico.k12.va.us.
  • Parent help is critical for ASE. Parents must sign up to help with check in/check out for 1-2 sessions.
  • All classes start date is 10/13 (there was a typo for two classes on the printed flyer)
  • If a class fills up, we will start a wait list in the event that more spots open up.

If you have questions, email gaes.afterschoolenrichment@gmail.com.

WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of great students): If you would like to become a Watch D.O.G, please sign up here.  Kick off event is TOMORROW Monday, September 26th at 6:30 in the cafeteria.   Please enter school at red door by cafeteria. If you haven’t sent in your paper RSVP slip, you can RSVP here.

NEW HOUSE SHIRTS AVAILABLE NOW: Our fall house shirt sale runs from Monday, Sept. 16 through Sunday Oct. 2 and is only available online.  Check out the fresh, new designs for each house and wear them proudly on t-shirts and sweatshirts! These are perfect for house spirit days!

Visit the website below, and enter the code GAES2022 in the box next to Glen Allen Elementary School to access the sale.


9/26 Watchdog Pizza Dinner at 6:30

9/27 Social Studies Quiz Map of Henrico & Surrounding Counties

9/30 Math Quiz Order of Operations

9/30 Greek & Latin List #3 Quizzes

10/8 Glen Allen Day

Math: Our focus this week will be on  order of operations and review  prime and composite. I will be working with small groups to ensure all students are confident in these skills. A quiz on Order of Operations is scheduled for Friday, September 30.

Writing: We will begin to use our digital seed writing journal to come up with great ideas to expand our thoughts based on the read aloud of Because of Mr. Terupt. 

Reading: We will discuss contrasts and contradictions and apply these skills in books we are reading. The students continue to be enthralled with our read aloud of Because of Mr. Terupt. Our weekly vocabulary quizzes will be on Friday. This weeks’ words, Greek & Latin #3, include the root cred (believe) and the prefixes de and dis (opposite/against).

Social Studies: This week will continue to focus on the geography of Henrico. Students will have a quiz on the map location of Henrico and the surrounding counties on Tuesday, September 27.

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September 19, 2022

I look forward to seeing everyone at Back to School Night  this Thursday, September 22. There will be 3 sessions where I will share information on the 5th grade curriculum, classroom expectations and procedures, and exciting activities occuring in 5th grade. Click on this link for additional information: Back to School Night

If you are unable to attend, please email me and I will be happy to share the slideshow presentation with you on Friday.

The students had a blast with our Oreo Phases of the Moon activity on Friday. This helped them to better understand the 4 phases (New Moon, First Quarter, Last Quarter, and Full Moon). Be sure to ask your student all about it!

Computers: In the coming weeks students will have the opportunity to bring home their Chromebooks Monday – Thursday. Please ensure that you have completed the Code of Conduct and Authorization for Internet Policy forms on PowerSchool. Students who do not have these forms completed will not be allowed to bring the Chromebooks home.

Regency Mile Race: Help earn PE & recess equipment for our school by signing up for the Regency Mile!

The Regency Mile School Competition is coming up soon. To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00.  Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt.

If students prefer to run on their own, they can still earn points for our school with the virtual run!

Important Information:

  • When reviewing for quizzes and/or tests please have your child utilize their notebooks and any study guides. 
  • Please be sure that you are receiving and reading the Cub Family News sent by Mrs. Pruden each Sunday.  It contains important updates and information for families. If you are not receiving this information please call the school office at (804)756-3040 to let them know.  
  • We will continue to perform individual reading assessments next week. These assessments will help gauge what reading skills your child needs assistance or enrichment with this year.  Students will also take the reading and math growth assessments this week. These assessments will also assist in forming small groups to work with children in a capacity outside of whole class instruction and tailor mini-lessons to their needs. 

9/20 Math Classwork Assessment on Word Problems

9/21 Science Test on Planets, Earth, Moon & Sun 

9/22 Back to School Night for Adults at 6:00 (three 20-minute sessions)

9/23 Vocab. Quizzes on Greek & Latin List #2

9/23 GAES Spirit Night at Ashland Skateland

9/26 Watchdog Pizza Dinner at 6:30

Math: We will be focusing on computational skills and understanding key words within word problems at the beginning of the week and wrap up this unit with a graded classwork assignment on Tuesday, 9/20. Please have your child  review their multiplication facts as they are the building blocks for most of our math lessons!  

We will then be moving into our unit on Order of Operations. Please have your child refer to the study guide on this unit. Here’s a fun song to reinforce these concepts: Order of Operations Rap

Reading: This week we will focus on plot elements of a story, as well as character traits. Our read aloud, Because of Mr. Terupt is the perfect book to explore and understand these important comprehension concepts. 

 Our Greek & Latin #2 will focus on the root photo (light) and the prefixes im, in, il (not). Students are given time in class to complete independent activities of their choice aimed at helping them learn their words. They also have daily homework pages to do that we go over in class. However, your child needs to spend time reviewing these words every night so they are prepared for the Friday quizzes. 

Science: This week in science we will wrap up our unit on the Solar System and the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Students will create an in school project on WeVideo to solidify their knowledge of the solar system and planets! A test on the Solar System and the Earth, Moon and Sun is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21. 

Social Studies: We will begin our social studies unit on Henrico County later this week. Students will be learning about the geography and history of the county in which they live.

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September 11, 2022

We had another fabulous week in the “Lyons’ Den!” The students are doing a great job with the routines, rules and expectations. Thank you for all of your support.

We have a fun activity planned this Friday, September 16th,  for understanding the phases of the moon that involves Oreo cookies! Please complete this form before Wednesday, September 14 allowing your child to participate: https://forms.gle/5JQXNwU4tKm5cLpo6 


Student Chromebooks will now be kept at school. Please have your child return their charger if they have not already done so. 

Important Information:

  • When reviewing for quizzes and/or tests please have your child utilize their notebooks and any study guides. 
  • Please make sure that you are receiving and reading the Cub Family News sent by Mrs. Pruden each Sunday.  It contains important updates and information for families. If you are not receiving this information please call the school office at (804)756-3040 to let them know.  
  • We will continue to perform individual reading assessments over the next few weeks. These assessments will help  gauge what reading skills your child needs assistance or enrichment with this year.  Students will also take the reading and math growth assessments this week. These assessments  will also assist in forming small groups to work with children in a capacity outside of whole class instruction and tailor mini-lessons to their needs. 

9/12 Reading Growth Assessment

9/14 Math Growth Assessment

9/14 Science Quiz on Planets

9/16 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Greek & Latin List #1

9/20 Math Quiz on Word Problems

9/21 Science Quiz on Planets, Earth, Moon & Sun 

9/22 Back to School Night for Adults at 6:00

9/23 GAES Spirit Night at Ashland Skateland

Math: We will be focusing on computational skills and understanding key words within word problems. Please have your child  review their multiplication facts as they are the building blocks for most of our math lessons!  

Reading: We will be looking at conflict and how character conflict affects plot this coming week in Reading. Towards the end of the week we will also begin to discuss character traits. Our read aloud, Because of Mr. Terupt is the perfect book to explore and understand these concepts. The students are really enjoying this book and are eager to discover what will happen next in his classroom!

Our first quizzes on Greek & Latin #1 will take place this Friday, 9/16. After this week the routine will be that each Monday students will get a new vocabulary list and on Friday they will have two quizzes. One quiz will focus on application and understanding of the words; i.e. selecting the correct definition of each word and using each word correctly in a sentence. The second quiz will require students to know the correct spelling of each of the words. This will be a weekly routine for the rest of the school year. Students are given time in class to complete independent activities of their choice aimed at helping them learn their words. They also have daily homework pages to do that we go over in class. However, your child needs to spend time reviewing these words every night so they are prepared for the Friday quizzes. 

Science: This week in science we will wrap up our review unit on the solar system. We will have a quiz on rotation, revolution, and the 8 planets on Wednesday, 9/14.  Students will create an in school project on WeVideo to solidify their knowledge of the solar system and planets! We will then move into learning about the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Students will have the opportunity to create their own phases of the moon with Oreo cookies. A test on the Solar System and the Earth, Moon and Sun is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21.


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September 5, 2022

Wow, we completed our first week of school! I am really proud of how quickly the students have learned the routines and gotten back into the groove of being in the classroom. 

We had a lot of fun learning about one another and our classroom through various activities, including a “Book Tasting,” group challenges, “worry stone” creations, and even completed a fun STEAM Lighthouse Challenge. It’s been amazing! Please congratulate your child on a successful first week of school!

I am so excited to be working with you and your child this year. Thank you so much for all of your support as we navigate this school year together. This newsletter/blog  is a fantastic resource full of dates, details, and links that I will update each week. It’s important that you and your child review it each week so that you “stay in the know” of all the happenings in fifth grade.

Please complete the parent questionnaire https://forms.gle/XgQBhX8J4XmRBoBx9 to indicate permission for your child to have classroom treats, photos in emails and blog, and areas that you are available to assist in the classroom if applicable.


Students brought home newly issued Chromebooks last Friday. We spoke about the HCPS policies regarding these devices. This week we will begin going over digital citizenship.Please reinforce responsible use of the Chromebook at home for homework or practice assignments.  Students are expected to charge the Chromebook daily at home and bring in the Chromebook and charger each day to class.   

9/6  School Holiday – Labor Day!

9/9 Math quiz (prime/composite; odd/even; computation review)

9/12 Reading Growth Assessment

9/14 Growth Assessment

9/14 Science Quiz on Planets

9/16 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Greek & Latin List #1

9/21 Science Quiz on Planets, Earth, Moon & Sun 

9/22 Back to School Night for Adults at 6:00

9/23 GAES Spirit Night at Ashland Skateland

Notes from Resources:

Art: Please have your child bring in an art shirt (large T-shirt) labeled with his/her name for art this week.


We are so thrilled to offer this great collection of sites for extra practice! Please bookmark the portaportal and use this in conjunction with your child’s notebook and Schoology files to help your child feel prepared. Thanks for your support! (This is linked on our Schoology page as well). https://guest.portaportal.com/gaes5thgrade

We will be ramping up to our more traditional homework load this week. Your child will typically have nightly vocabulary and math homework Monday-Thursday. We also ask that students read for 20 minutes a night. We looked at digital book options in class, so your child can access e-reading material in Epic or Sora through Clever if they do not have hard copy books available at home.

Math: This coming week we will work on prime and composite numbers and divisibility rules. Please make sure your child refers to the notes in the math interactive notebook as well as the Student Resources folder on Schoology to reinforce these concepts. We will also review working through multi-step word problems. A quiz on these skills will be on Friday, Sept. 9.

Reading: Students will begin to work on reading and understanding Greek and Latin Roots in word study. Each Friday students will have a quiz on the meaning and the application of the ten vocabulary words that will be introduced each Monday, as well as a second quiz in which they have to spell each word correctly. Both of these scores will be entered into the gradebook. Students will practice the words during stations in class and will have a daily homework assignment to practice learning the vocabulary. For our first list, students will receive the words on Tuesday, and then have the tests the following week on Friday, 9/16.We will also be reviewing genres this coming week and aspects of poetry. Students will even get to write their own poem! 

We will  begin reading the wonderful book, “Because of Mr. Terupt.” The students will quickly get hooked on this book about a new 5th grade teacher, his students, and the unexpected year they have together. Be prepared for gift requests to the sequels in this great series. 

Science: We are starting the year with a review unit on planets. Students will learn about the nine planets that make up the two groups of planets (inner planets and outer planets). We will also be discussing revolution, rotation, night and day, seasons, the phases of the moon, as well as the order of the planets. Students will have the opportunity to read about and create a WeVideo on their favorite planet. A quiz on the order of the planets, rotation and revolution will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 14. 

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Welcome Back to School!

Posted on August 26, 2021 by calyons

Welcome! I hope you had a fantastic summer and that you are excited to be back at school. It’s going to be an awesome year! We have so much to learn this year in fifth grade. Remember to check this site each week for updates on school projects and events. Let’s get ready to explore the powers that lie within us with hard work, cooperation, and energy!

Below is our resource schedule. Our daily schedule is linked to the blog under the tab “Daily Schedule.”

Resource time: 11:00 – 11:40

Monday – PE

Tuesday – Art

Wednesday – Guidance

Thursday – Library

Friday – Music

The link below contains many sites to help review what we learn in class. There are videos, quizzes, and games to reinforce the curriculum lessons. This link is also located on the right hand side of the blog to utilize all year. Enjoy!


I look forward to seeing everyone at Open House on Thursday, August 25!

10:00 Last Names A-G

10:45 Last Names H-M

11:30 Last Names N-Z

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June 12, 2022

Wow, it’s the final week of 5th grade! We are really enjoying all of the fun learning activities as we celebrate all that we have learned this year!  Thank you for your support of these activities.

We have numerous celebrations to highlight our awesome 5th graders this week last week of school so be sure to click on the calendar to stay “in the know” for each day’s activity: 5L June Calendar.


The students had a blast displaying their various talents both in our classroom and again with Mr. Elston during music class on Friday. Look for a link coming soon from Mr. Elston to see our amazingly talented Lyons’ Den students!

All 5th grade students should bring in their yearbooks and a pen on Tuesday, June 14, for yearbook signing from their classmates and other 5th grade students. If your child did not order a yearbook they can bring in an autograph book on this day.

I look forward to recognizing all of the “Lyons’ Den” students’ amazing accomplishments this year at our class awards ceremony on Wednesday, June 15 at 8:00! Please look for the link to the Team’s meeting in an email coming this week. 






Be sure to keep track of all the fun 5th grade activities by bookmarking this calendar: 5L June Calendar.

6/13 GAES Career Day – dress as your future career

6/14 GAES Science Shows; 5th grade students bring yearbook for signing

6/15 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony 8:00 (look for the link coming via email this week)

6/15 5th Grade party/dance (during school)

6/15 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration (A- J 6:00 – 6:30 & K – Z 6:30 – 7:00) & Bruster’s Night & Yearbook Signing (6:30 – 8:00)

6/16 Student ½ day – 5th grade goodbye walk & kickball game – Last day of school!

Math:  We will complete some fun games to help review the concepts we have learned about this year in math, with particular focus on areas that were challenging.


Reading:  We will finish our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins this week. We will then watch the movie and compare and contrast the book and the movie versions. 

This week students will complete a memory book outlining all of the fun learning we have had this year!

The students did a great job on their research project presentations last week!

Science: We had a blast with our STEAM projects and experiments last week and we look forward to more this week during our 5th grade end of the year activities.


Social Studies: We are loving our 5th Grade States and Capitals Competitions! Our final competitions will take place at the beginning of this week. What class will be crowned the winner?

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