March 26, 2023

Smile, picture day is TOMORROW, Monday, March 27! All students will have individual and class pictures taken. An order form came home last Monday in your child’s purple folder.

Friday, April 14, 2023 (Rain-date Monday, April 17, 2023) from 8:00 – 1:50 (k-2 8:00-10:40, Lunch 10:40-11:10, 3-5 11:10-1:50 and Grade level crab soccer rotations throughout the day in the gym). Field day is for approved parent volunteers, staff and students this year. We need around 50 volunteers. In order to follow all safety processes and effectively monitor who is on our campus, we will only be having approved volunteers for the event during the school day. No visitors or lunch guests on this day. Students are able to bring their lunch or purchase from the cafeteria. You can sign up to volunteer by completing the process below and then once you are approved you can sign up at (  Volunteers will work the same station all day.  There will be a virtual field day meeting on Monday, April 10th at 3:30.  You can click my gym link to logon (Mrs. Lucas’s Gym Link).

Looking for a fun way to review math, science or reading content? Students have enjoyed using SOL Pass in class and they can access it at home too! Our school password is GAESCUBS. 

Music Mondays: We are so excited to continue with our Music Mondays in March! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

PTA News:

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! 

Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/28 Student Holiday – Special Election (this is a change to the calendar)

3/29 Science Quiz – Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics

3/30 Social Studies Test – Midwest Region (this is a date change)

3/31 Math Circles Quiz; House Party & Book Buddies; Half Day – dismissal begins at 11:00; End of Quarter 3

4/3 – 4/7 – Spring Break!

4/10 Welcome Back!

4/14 Field Day!

4/27 Reading SOL

Math: We will continue with geometry this week with a focus on Circles. Students are learning how to identify the parts of a circle (diameter, radius, chord) as well as measuring the circumference of a circle using the diameter and radius. A quiz on circles is scheduled for Friday, March 31.

Reading/English: The students did a wonderful job on their writing assessment last week! 

This week we will be learning to identify various examples of figurative language and recognizing how they enhance an author’s writing.  

Due to the shortened week, we will not have our weekly vocabulary lists.We will continue with our small group novels, as well as our whole group read aloud of Restart.

Social Studies: We will wrap up our study of the Midwest Region this week with a test on Thursday, March 30 (this is a change). Students received a Midwest Region Study Guide to complete in preparation for the test.. Completion of study guide is part of the social studies homework grade and it is due on the day of the test.

Science: In science this week we will continue to learn about the layers of the earth and plate tectonics. A quiz on these concepts is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29. We will also be looking at the effects of weathering and erosion and how fossils are formed. We’ll have fun making our own models of fossils!

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March 19, 2023

Spring pictures are scheduled for Monday, March 27. All students will have individual and class pictures taken. Look for an order form coming home with your child on Monday.

Looking for a fun way to review math, science or reading content? Students have enjoyed using SOL Pass in class and they can access it at home too! Our school password is GAESCUBS.

Music Mondays: We are so excited to continue with our Music Mondays in March! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

PTA News:

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

3/20-3/24 Local Writing Assessment for 5th Grade

3/21 Science Test – Energy

3/23 Math Test – Triangles

3/24 Vocabulary Quizzes List #7

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/28 Student Holiday – Special Election (this is a new change to the calendar)

3/29 Social Studies Test – Midwest Region

3/31 Half Day

4/3 – 4/7 – Spring Break!

Math: We will continue with geometry this week with a focus on Triangles. Students are learning how to classify triangles by their angles (acute, obtuse, and right), as well as their sides (isosceles, scalene, and equilateral). A test on Triangles is scheduled for Thursday, March 23. We will then continue with geometry as we learn about circles.

Reading/English: This week we will complete our local writing assessment. Students will receive a prompt and then spend the week completing the writing process where they will plan, draft, edit, revise, and then publish the final draft of their essay.

Our weekly Vocab. List 7 focuses on “excellent emotion.” words. Exposure and utilization of great adjectives will be beneficial to the writing process.We will continue with our small group novels, as well as our whole group read aloud of Restart.

Social Studies: The Midwest continues to be our focus this week. We will go over some new vocabulary and wrap up our study of the region by identifying the landmarks, and natural resources. Students will receive a Midwest Region Study Guide on Thursday to complete in preparation for the test scheduled for Wednesday, March 29. Completion of study guide is part of the social studies homework grade and it is due on the day of the test.

Science: We had a blast learning about electricity through a variety of fun, hands-on activities! We will wrap up this unit with a test on Tuesday, March 21. We will then begin learning about the layers of the earth and plate tectonics.

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March 12, 2023

In celebration of Pi Day on Tuesday, March 14, we have some fun activities planned for math! One of these activities includes using an Oatmeal Creme Pie to determine the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle using the Pi formula. Students will then get to enjoy the Oatmeal Creme Pie! Yum! Please review and complete the  Oatmeal Cream Pie Permission Form that includes ingredients and permission for your child to eat the Oatmeal Cream Pie. This permission is due on Monday, March 13.

Music Mondays: We are so excited to begin Music Mondays in March! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

PTA News:

GAES PTA Tropical Getaway School Dance:

Date: Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Time: 6 – 7:30 pm 

Tickets: $12.50 each, tickets are limited and sold on first come, first serve basis. Here’s the link to buy tickets.

All students must have a chaperone and everyone attending must have a Ticket. One chaperone may bring more than one student but must be responsible for all of the students during the entire dance. 

For questions or to volunteer to help decorate or volunteer at the dance: email Erin Dowdy

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! 

Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

3/13 5th Grade Survey

3/14 Social Studies Midwest Map State Location Quiz

3/14 Pi Day! 

3/15 VDOE Integrated Reading and Writing Field Test

3/16 Math Angles Test

3/17 St. Patrick’s Day – Wear Green!

3/17  Vocabulary Quizzes List #6

3/20-3/24 Local Writing Assessment for 5th Grade

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/28 Student Holiday – Special Election (this is a new change to the calendar)

3/31 Half Day

4/3 – 4/7 – Spring Break!

Math: The students are loving our move into geometry! Last week we learned about the 4 types of angles: acute, right, obtuse, and straight and the students had a chance to work with protractors to determine the measurements of various angles created. Students will have fun this week creating an “angle fish” and “angle stick figure” to reinforce these angle skills.. A test on angles will take place on Thursday, March 16. We will then move into our unit on Triangles. We’ll also have fun learning all about Pi on Pi Day – Tuesday, 3/14!

Reading/English:  We will continue to examine how one event can result in multiple effects  – a cause and effect chain while reading our whole group and small group novels. A classwork assessment on this skill will take place Friday, March 17.

Students voted on their favorite to complete as our next whole group novel study and the winner was Restart! This is such a wonderful novel with a great message! 

In writing, students will be researching and composing an essay on the importance of honey bees.Our weekly Vocabulary  List #6  focuses on “ghost story words.”

Social Studies:  We are continuing our study of the Midwest Region. This week we will look at the climate, natural resources, landmarks and water features of these 12 states. Please review the states and capitals and map locations daily. We will have a quiz on the map location of each of the 12 states on Tuesday, March 14.

Science: Learning about electricity is amazing! This week we will look at how different objects are conductors or insulators and how to identify an open and closed circuit. Some safe, hands-on activities will take place to reinforce these skills.

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March 5, 2023

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we’re already in March and spring break is right around the corner! 

Our Kids Heart Challenge event was a huge success. GAES raised a grand total of 11,879.71 Congratulations to our very own Lyons’ Den Cub, Chase! He was the top fundraiser for the school and will have the honor of having the gym named in his honor for the month of March! More Lyons’ Den honors include Ruba for being selected as a member of Primetime RVA and Zoha for being selected into All County Chorus! Congratulations to all!

In celebration of Pi Day on Tuesday, March 14, we have some fun activities planned for math! One of these activities includes using an Oatmeal Creme Pie to determine the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle using the Pi formula. Students will then get to enjoy the Oatmeal Creme Pie – Yum! Please review the  Oatmeal Cream Pie Permission Form that includes ingredients and permission for your child to eat the Oatmeal Cream Pie.

Music Mondays: We are so excited to begin Music Mondays in March! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

PTA News:

GAES PTA Tropical Getaway School Dance:

Date: Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Time: 6 – 7:30 pm 

Tickets: $12.50 each, tickets are limited and sold on first come, first serve basis. Here’s the link to buy tickets.

All students must have a chaperone and everyone attending must have a Ticket. One chaperone may bring more than one student but must be responsible for all of the students during the entire dance. 

For questions or to volunteer to help decorate or volunteer at the dance: email Erin Dowdy

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! 

Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

3/7 Science Light Test

3 /8 Math – Patterns Test

3/9 English Vocabulary Quizzes List #4

3/9 Social Studies Midwest States & Capitals Quiz

3/10 Schools closed for Wellness Day

3/13 5th Grade Survey

3/14 Social Studies Midwest State Location Quiz

3/15 VDOE Integrated Reading and Writing Field Test

3/17 St. Patrick’s Day – Wear Green!

3/20-3/24 Local Writing Assessment for 5th Grade

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/31 Half Day

4/3 – 4/7 – Spring Break!

Math: We will finish up our unit on patterns this week with a test on Wednesday, March 8. We will then move into geometry, with our first unit focusing on angles. Students will learn  about 4 types of angles: acute, right, obtuse, and straight. Students will also have the opportunity to work with protractors to measure and determine different types of angles.


 We will be reading a variety of  texts and examine how one event can result in multiple effects – a cause and effect chain. 

Last week we  read a chapter from 4 different intriguing novels. This week the students will vote on their favorite to complete as our next whole group novel study. 

In writing, students will be composing a narrative essay depicting  a time that they had to be brave. Our weekly Vocabulary  List #5  focuses on “popular people words.”

Social Studies:  We are traveling to the Midwest Region in social studies. This week we will continue to work on the states and capitals and map location of each of these 12 states and then look at the unique characteristics of each of these states. Please review the states and capitals and map locations daily. We will have a quiz on the states and capitals this Friday and a quiz on the map locations next Tuesday.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on light this week and then move into learning about electricity. A test on Sound and Light Energy is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7.

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February 27, 2023

We had so much fun at the Literacy and STEAM Night on Thursday! It was wonderful to see so many students and parents enjoying the various activities geared around the wonderful Questioneers series of books!

Music Mondays: We are so excited to begin Music Mondays in March!!! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

The Kids Heart Challenge event will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, after school from 2:30- 3:30 for students who have registered and who submitted their permission slips last Friday.

PTA News:

GAES PTA Tropical Getaway School Dance:

Date: Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Time: 6 – 7:30 pm 

Tickets: $12.50 each, tickets are limited and sold on first come, first serve basis. Here’s the link to buy tickets.

All students must have a chaperone and everyone attending must have a Ticket. One chaperone may bring more than one student but must be responsible for all of the students during the entire dance. 

For questions or to volunteer to help decorate or volunteer at the dance: email Erin Dowdy

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! 

Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

2/28 Social Studies Northeast Region Test (study guide due today)

2/28 Kids Heart Challenge

3/3 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes

3/7 Science Light Test

3/10 Schools closed for Wellness Day

3/13 5th Grade Survey

3/15 VDOE Integrated Reading and Writing Field Test

3/20-3/24 Local Writing Assessment for 5th Grade

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/31 Half Day

Math: This week we will begin a unit on numerical, geometric, growing, shrinking, and repeating patterns. Students will learn to identify, describe, create, express, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers and tables.

Reading:  This week students will complete the final step of their research project on important African Americans. They will  take the information they have learned to plan and then write an essay on their selected individual. Students will have the opportunity to share their essays with the class on March 1. 

Our weekly Vocabulary List #4 focuses on Fame and Fortune words.

Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on the Northeast Region this week. Students have been working an in-class research project on a Northeast state of their choice. This project is a great way to reinforce all that we have learned about the Northeast Region and will assist with the. test on Tuesday, 2/28. Students should be completing the Northeast Region Study Guide that was distributed last Wednesday to prepare for the test. The study guide is due on Tuesday, 2/28. Completion of the study guide is an expectation and will count towards the social studies homework grade. Be sure to review the study guide, as well as notes in the social studies notebook, in preparation for the test.

Science: The students are amazed at all that we are learning about light! Did you know that if you were able to travel as fast as light you could travel around the Earth 7.5 times every second?! This week we will have fun with prisms and learn about the visible and electromagnetic light spectrum.  A test on Light Energy is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7.

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February 19, 2023

We have really enjoyed reading and discussing the 5 different Questioneers books. We look forward to seeing you all this Thursday for the Glen Allen Literacy and STEAM Night! We’ll be having so much fun taking part in some fun STEAM activities geared around the great messages contained in this series of books.

Learning about sound energy was so much fun! Creating pan flutes, experimenting with sound and vibrations using hangers and tuning forks and water, and recognizing pitch using glass bottles and water really helped what we were learning about in class come to life. We’re off to learning about light energy in science this week!

Music Mondays: We are so excited to begin Music Mondays in March!!! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below.  Music Monday Sign Up Form  We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.

PTA News:

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form  and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at

Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

From our PE teacher, Mrs. Lucas:Our Kids Heart Challenge event is February 28, 2023, after school from 2:30- 3:30.  All the details of the event can be found on the letter that was sent home via email last week. The permission form to stay after school is due on Friday, February 24th.  I cannot accept any late permission forms.  THANK FOR SUPPORTING THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION!



2/20 President’s Day – School’s Closed

2/21 Staff Development – No School for Students

2/23 GAES Literacy & STEAM Night 5:00 – 7:00

2/24 Math Variables Test

2/28 Social Studies Northeast Region Test (study guide due today)

2/28 Kids Heart Challenge

3/10 Schools closed for Wellness Day

3/13 5th Grade Survey

3/15 VDOE Integrated Reading and Writing Field Test

3/20-3/24 Local Writing Assessment for 5th Grade

3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual

3/31 Half Day

Math: This week we are continuing to practice variable expressions and equations. We will have a test on variables on Friday, February 24. Next week, we will begin a unit on numerical, geometric, growing, shrinking, and repeating patterns.

Reading:  We will be focusing on cause and effect relationships this week looking at previously read novels and material. 

The students had a lot of fun creating and sharing media messages advertising an area of interest last week! This week students will wrap up the research project on important African Americans. They will then take what they have learned to plan and then write an essay on their selected individual. Students will have the opportunity to share their essays with the class on March 1. 

Due to the short week we will not introduce new weekly vocabulary words. 

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on the Northeast Region. We will finish learning about the region’s physical characteristics and important landforms. Students will then complete an in-class research project on a Northeast state of their choice. The test on the Northeast Region will take place on Tuesday, 2/28. Students will be given a Northeast Region Study Guide to complete to prepare for the test. The study guide is due on Tuesday, 2/28. Completion of the study guide is an expectation and will count towards the social studies homework grade. Be sure to review the study guide, as well as notes in the social studies notebook, in preparation for the test. 

Science: We had a lot of fun learning about sound energy and are off to learn about light energy this week. Students will recognize the many similarities between sound and light energy.

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February 12, 2023

Valentine’s Day is Tuesday, February 14th. Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share. Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den. We will have our exchange at the end of the day. Your child’s bag will be stapled, as students are to open the bag at home with you.

We had loads of fun last Friday! Students had the opportunity to learn about coding through a great lesson put on by the Tucker High School Students in the Computer Science Honor Society. We also created some straw pan flutes to help reinforce what we are learning about pitch in our science unit on sound energy. Be sure to ask your child all about these great experiences!

PTA News:

Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us!

Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

From our PE teacher, Mrs. Lucas:

Our Kids Heart Challenge event is February 28, 2023, after school from 2:30- 3:30.  All the details of the event can be found on the letter that was sent home via email last week. The permission form to stay after school is due on Friday, February 24th.  I cannot accept any late permission forms.  THANK FOR SUPPORTING THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION!


2/13 – 2/14 PTA Valentine’s Day Breakfast 7:20 – 7:40 in Café (sign up required)

2/14 Math Measures of Center Test

2/14 Bring in Valentines for Exchange

2/16 Science Sound Quiz

2/17 English Vocab. & Spelling Quizzes List #3

2/20 President’s Day – School’s Closed

2/21 Staff Development – No School for Students

2/23 GAES Literacy & STEAM Night

2/28 Kids Heart Challenge

Math: We will wrap up our unit on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range by looking at our predictions made on the Super Bowl activity, as well as fun Valentine’s Day activities! We will then move into our unit on mathematical expressions and variables. Algebra, here we come!. Please continue to reinforce master of multiplication and division skills as this is key to success with this skill, as well as with our upcoming math units. A test on Line Plots, Stem and Leaf, and Mean, Median, Mode and Range is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14.

Reading:  In reading, we’ll conclude our Media Messages unit by completing a performance based assessment utilizing a variety of mediums. We’ll continue working on our research project on important African Americans. When they have completed their research, students will then take what they have learned from their research to plan and then write an essay on their selected individual. 

Our Vocab list 3 revolves around Earth Awareness. Be sure that your child is completing the daily homework assignments to prepare for the quizzes each Friday.

Social Studies: The students are enjoying learning about the Northeast Region! This week we will learn about the climate, natural resources, and economic industries of the Northeast.

Science: We are having a lot of fun learning about sound energy! Students created straw pan flutes on Friday to help them recognize the difference in pitch based on the length of each of the straw pieces. Ask your child about what they discovered! Will will have some sound rotations this week to reinforce  how pitch and frequency are related and how vibrations are connected to sound. A sound quiz is scheduled for Thursday, 2/16. Please use the sound notes and study guide to prepare for the quiz.

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February 6, 2023

Thank you for your support in reinforcing the expectations for students as they get closer to transitioning to middle school. As a reminder, students will receive a station completion grade in Reading and Math. All students will start with a 100 grade for that assignment. If they do not complete the assigned math or reading stations by Friday afternoon, they will lose 5 points from this grade. We want to reward those who have been diligently completing assignments while also trying to motivate students to complete these practice and enrichment activities. Thank you for helping us prepare your child for the larger responsibilities they will have as a 6th grader!

    Valentine’s Day is Tuesday, February 14th. Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share. Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den

    National School Counseling Week 2023, “School Counseling: Helping Students Dream Big,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 6–10, 2023.  National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact our school counselors have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. Thank you Mrs. MacDougall and Mrs. Sitter for supporting our cubs, our staff, and our families!!

    PTA News

    Want to make sure you and your cub get a spot? Donors (of any amount) to our Cub Fund will have the opportunity to RSVP on Saturday, February 4th! Click here to make a donation.Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us! 

    Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

    From our PE teacher, Mrs. Lucas:

    Our Kids Heart Challenge event is February 28, 2023, after school from 2:30- 3:30.  All the details of the event can be found on the letter that was sent home via email last week. The permission form to stay after school is due on Friday, February 24th.  I cannot accept any late permission forms.  THANK FOR SUPPORTING THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION!


    2/7 Science Force and Motion Test

    2/9 Social Studies Northeast Map Location Quiz

    2/9  Parent – Teacher by appointment

    2/10 Vocabulary 2 Quizzes

    2/14 Math Measures of Center Test

    2/20 President’s Day – School’s Closed

    2/21 Staff Development – No School for Students

    2/23 GAES Literacy & STEAM Night

    2/28 Kids Heart Challenge

    Math: We will continue to learn about graphing and data analysis, using measures of center and variation. Students will even have the opportunity to utilize this skill with somefun Super Bowl activities this week. Please continue to reinforce master of multiplication and division skills as this is key to success with this skill, as well as with our upcoming math units. A test on Line Plots, Stem and Leaf, and Mean, Median, Mode and Range is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14.

    Reading:  We will continue with our unit on Media messages and distinguishing between fact and opinion. We will also begin a writing project on important African Americans who have made contributions to our country.Our  Vocabulary Week 2 aligns perfectly with the Super Bowl coming up next week as the words involve sport words. Be sure that your child is completing the daily homework assignments to prepare for the quizzes each Friday.

    Social Studies: The students are enjoying learning about the Northeast Region and comparing and contrasting it with the Southeast Region. This week we will learn more about each of the 11 states that make up this region. A quiz on the map location of each state will take place on Thursday, February 9. 

    Science: We had a lot of fun with the various STEAM experiences to reinforce our understanding of our unit on Force and Motion. We will complete some review activities on Monday to help prepare for the test on this material scheduled for Tuesday, February 7. Please use the study guide and notes to prepare for this test at home.

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    January 29, 2023

    Welcome to the second semester! As we take on this second half of 5th grade, we will be ramping up expectations as students get closer to transitioning to middle school. To that end, we will be starting a new station work grade. Beginning on Monday, we will be adding a new semester-long grade, similar to our homework grades. In both math and reading, students will have a station work assignment. All students will start with a 100 grade for that assignment. If they do not complete the assigned math or reading stations by Friday afternoon, they will lose 5 points from this grade. We want to reward those who have been diligently completing assignments while also trying to motivate students to complete these practice and enrichment activities. We will be going over this during our Monday morning meeting, so all students are clear about this expectation. Thank you for helping us prepare your child for the larger responsibilities they will have as a 6th grader!

    Students had a lot of fun collaborating on a STEM experience where they “saved” Fred, the gummy worm on Friday! The students did a great job collaborating, communicating, and thinking critically in their attempts to save Fred! 🙂

    House Aries had a terrific time celebrating their quarter 2 win at the house party on Friday while the rest of the students enjoyed interacting with their 5th grade house members with some fun house activities! We also enjoyed some reading opportunities with our 2nd grade book buddies.

    PTA News

    YEARBOOK DEADLINE: The deadline to order a yearbook is January 31. Click here to order yours! Can’t remember if you’ve already ordered?  You received an email from me last week confirming which students have ordered yearbooks.

    Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us!

    Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

    Save the date! The Kids Heart Challenge at GAES will be held on February 28 after school. All participants will sign up online. You will need to print and turn in the permission slip for your child to participate by February 24.  Look for additional information coming via email.

    Valentine’s Day is Tuesday, February 14th. Students are welcome to send in Valentine’s for each student in the class to share.  Here is our class list: The Lyons’ Den

    1/31 Yearbook Order Deadline

    2 /3 Vocabulary & Spelling #1 Quizzes

    2 /3 Social Studies Northeast States and Capitals Quiz

    2/7 Science Force and Motion Test

    2/9  Parent – Teacher Conferences by appointment

    2/20 President’s Day – School’s Closed

    2/21 Staff Development – No School for Students

    2/23 GAES Literacy & STEAM Night

    2/28 Kids Heart Challenge

    Math: We will start a new unit on graphing and data analysis this week. Students will learn how to construct, read, and interpret a line plot graph and a stem and leaf graph. Later this week we will learn about the measures of center (mean, median and mode). Continue to reinforce master of multiplication and division skills as this is key to success with this skill, as well as with our upcoming math units.

    Reading:  We will begin our unit on Media messages and distinguishing between fact and opinion. As we begin our celebration of Black History Month this week, we will be looking at important African Americans who have made contributions to our country.Beginning the new semester, we will move into a new unit of vocabulary focusing on multisyllabic words that will enhance students’ reading and writing skills. Our first list, Vocabulary List #1, includes some marvelous, magical words!

    Social Studies: We are moving on to the Northeast Region this week! Students will receive a study guide with the map and states and capitals, as well as note cards on the Northeast states this week. A quiz on the states and capitals will take place on Friday, February 3.

    Science: We will wrap up our unit on Force and Motion this week with some fun hands-on activities. Please use the study guide and notes to prepare for the test next week.

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    January 22, 2023

    PTA News

    Triangle Rock Club Spirit Night is TONIGHT!!! Spend your evening climbing at Triangle Rock Club and support GAES!  Sunday, January 22nd from 6-8 pm at Triangle Rock Club $15 per person to climb and GAES gets 40% of proceeds. Register here:

    YEARBOOK DEADLINE: The deadline to order a yearbook is January 31. Click here to order yours! Can’t remember if you’ve already ordered?  You should receive an email from your student’s teacher this week confirming which students have ordered yearbooks.

    Also, we don’t want our cubs to feel left out.  If you’d like your cub to be considered to receive a yearbook at a reduced price, please fill out this form and they may be eligible to receive a yearbook at no cost or at a reduced price.Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us!

    Kindness Week 1/23 – 1/27

    Spirit Week ~ The Great Kindness Challenge 2023

    Monday 1/23: Kindness Rocks! Be a rock star with your words and actions.

    Tuesday 1/24: Peace, Hope, Love, & Kindness Day! Wear some groovy 70’s inspired clothing. Think tie dye and peace signs!

    Wednesday 1/25: GAES House Colors Day! Sharing kindness across our GAES Houses!

    Thursday 1/26: Positively Kind Saying or Picture Shirt! Wear a shirt with a positive message or happy picture on it!

    Friday 1/27: Work Out Problems with Kindness! Wear Workout gear with your house colors!

    Kids Heart Challenge – February 28:

    Save the date! The Kids Heart Challenge at GAES will be held on February 28 after school. All participants will sign up online. You will need to print and turn in the permission slip for your child to participate by February 24.  Look for additional information coming via email.. 

    1/22 PTA Spirit Night at Triangle Rock Club

    1/23 Social Studies Southeast Study Guide Due

    1/24 Social Studies Southeast Region Test

    1/23 – 1/27 Kindness Week!

    1/26 Math Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Fractions Test

    1/26 Science Kinetic Energy Checkup

    1/26 Quarter 2 Ends

    1/27 Book Buddies & Q2 House Party – wear House Colors

    1/27 Student Half day/Dismissal begins at 11:00

    Math: We will wrap up our unit on computation of fractions. Students will be reviewing addition and subtraction  with like and unlike denominators and multiplying fractions, as well as changing improper fractions to mixed numbers. We will also focus on word problems. A test on this unit will be on Thursday, Jan. 26. 

    Reading: We will continue our comprehension focus on comparing and contrasting using various texts. We will also return to our novel study of Among the Hidden.

    We will not have a new vocabulary unit introduced this week.

    Social Studies: Our unit on the Southeast Region will come to a close this week. Students are really enjoying researching and completing the “Pack Your Bags” in-class project!Our test on the Southeast Region is on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Students should utilize the Southeast Region Study Guide to prepare for the test. Completion of the study guide is expected and counts toward the social studies homework grade. The study guide is due on Monday, 1/23.

    Science: We will return to science this week with a unit on force and motion. We have some fun experiments planned to reinforce these concepts!

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