General Information

Snack: Each day students will have a snack. It is important that they bring in a nutritious snack to help provide them with the necessary energy for our busy mornings and our late lunch time. Due to severe nut allergies we ask that students refrain from bringing snacks into the classroom that contain nuts. 

Water Bottles: Students are allowed to bring in their own leak proof water bottles to school. Having water bottles limits traffic at the water fountain, and more importantly, helps to prevent the spread of germs. Please make sure that your child’s water bottle is leak-proof.

Lunch: Our lunch is scheduled from  12:30 – 1:00.

Students will eat their lunch in the school cafeteria. Glen Allen has a computerized lunch system to account for all sales. All children have a five-digit personal account number that can be entered on a keypad or scanned using their lunch card when purchasing a school lunch, milk, and/or snacks. To cut down on lost or forgotten money, parents are encouraged to use the prepayment option that can be accessed through the school website. If you choose to have your child send in money for their account it can be sent in the form of cash or a check. Checks should be made out to Glen Allen Elementary and include your child’s account number in the memo. Please send all money in a marked envelope with your child’s name and lunch account number clearly indicated. This prevents money from being lost or misplaced.  

Homework: Students will have approximately 1 hour of homework each night. Students will copy down homework assignments each day in their agenda books. Homework will be due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted and will be checked in class the next day. Students will receive a homework grade for completion of the assignment. Students begin each marking period with a 100% homework quiz grade in each of the subject areas and will lose 10 points for each missed homework assignment.

Take Home Folders: The purple communication folder is used to send home daily information from the office, teacher, and the school PTA. Please be sure to check, review, and empty this folder each day.

Behavior: At Glen Allen, we practice the three rules of SAFETY, RESPECT, and RESPONSIBILITY. Please help me by encouraging your child to be familiar with the rules and to follow them at all times. We will go over these rules and expectations during the first few weeks of school each day and then review the rules in class on a regular basis. Emails will be sent for any student experiencing problems with the school and/or classroom rules. 

Grades: Students receive grades in the following subject areas: Reading, English/Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. Most assessments will be taken on the computer in Schoology or Performance Matters. Any paper copies of graded papers will be sent home in the purple Communication Folder.  You should keep all papers in a safe place at home to assist with review for the end of the year assessments. You can begin to access your student’s grades through PowerSchool at the end of September.

The fifth grade grading scale is as follows:

A= (90%-100%)

B= (80%-89%)

C= (70%-79%)

D= (65%-69%)

F= (below 65)

Absences: Please call the school office to let us know if your child will not be attending school. If you would like to pick up work for your child to complete at home when they are sick please email me or call the school office. Work may not be sent home for students to complete over a planned extended absence (family trip). Students will be given the opportunity to complete this work when they return to school.