I hope you enjoyed this beautiful spring weekend! We have a lot coming up in the next few weeks so be sure to note the important dates on the newsletter. A reminder that the coming weeks will be so important as we continue to learn new material, as well as review previously learned concepts. Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects

Field Day! We had a blast at Field Day! Thank you to Karen Lucas, our PE teacher, and all of the parent volunteers who made this a memorable day for the students!

Looking for a fun way to review math, science or reading content? Students have enjoyed using SOL Pass in class and they can access it at home too! Our school password is GAESCUBS.
School News

GAES Author Visit: So exciting! GAES 3-5 graders have the wonderful opportunity for an author’s visit from Magaret Peterson Haddix! She is the author of the novel study we completed earlier in the year! To support this author visit, you can order signed and/or personalized copies of Falling Out of Time and Running Out of Time by clicking on this link!
Music Mondays: We are so excited to begin Music Mondays in March!!! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below. Music Monday Sign-Up Form We will email you a Sign-Up Genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.
PTA News
Yearbook Pictures: If you’d like to share pictures for the yearbook, please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts, or anything you’d like to share with us!
Open PTA Positions – Come Join Us!
The PTA has several positions to fill for the 2023-2024 school year. Come join a passionate group of parents and help us create enrichment opportunities and community within our school. No experience necessary! Reach out to Erin Pittman for more information on any of the following open positions:
Secretary- Send agendas out before the meeting. Take notes and distribute them to the membership.
Beautification- Organize one to two school grounds landscape cleanups throughout the year, tend to planters in front of the school, additional duties as the chair prefers.
Bylaws- Oversee the updating of the bylaws.
Girls on the Run- Serve as a coach and lead the program for 3rd-5th grade girls. Recruit additional coaches as needed. Two practices per week for the 10-week program.
Glen Allen Day Float Chair – Organize the creation of the GAES float for the annual Glen Allen Day parade. Coordinate volunteers and parade participants.
Reflections – Coordinate GAES Reflections program, and recognition of entrants.
Spirit Wear– Coordinate ongoing sales of GAES spirit wear and fulfilling orders, maintain an online store, and arrange for two online house shirt sales per year.
4/18 Science Earth & Rocks Test
4/19 Social Studies West Map Location Quiz
4/20 Math Transformation Test; Vocabulary Quizzes; Primetime RVA Competition
4/21 No School – Eid al-Fatr
4/27 Reading SOL
4/28 Makeup Reading SOL

Math: We will wrap up our unit on Transformations and combining and subdividing shapes this week with a test on Thursday, 4/20. Be sure to review the study guides and notes in the math notebook to prepare for this test. Next week we will move into our units on area, perimeter, and volume.
During small group meetings we will be reviewing fractions and order of operations.

Reading/English: April is poetry month! This week we will be looking for figurative language in a variety of songs and poems. Students will also begin composing their own poetry. We will also be reviewing concepts covered this year in preparation for our Reading SOL next Thursday..Vocabulary: Our weekly Vocabulary List #9 focuses on “Awesome Animal Words.”

Science: In Science, we will wrap up our unit on the Earth and Rocks with a test on Tuesday, April 18. Please review the notes and study guide to prepare for this test.
Students are completing a fun in-class activity to help with review of all of the 4th and 5th grade science content covered to help prepare for the science SOL on Thursday, May 4th.
Students were also provided an opportunity to complete an optional project on the layers of the Earth that will count as a project grade. This optional project is due on Tuesday, April 25.